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中华传统文化首先应该包括思想、文字、语言,之后是六艺,也就是:礼、乐、射、御、书、数,再后是生活富足之后衍生出来的书法、音乐、武术、曲艺、棋类、节日、民俗等。传统 中华传统文化文化是我们生活中息息相关的,融入我们生活的,我们享受它而不自知的东西。

中华传统文化应包括:古文、古诗、词语、乐曲、赋、民族音乐、民族戏剧、曲艺、国画、书法、 对联、 灯谜、 射覆、 酒令、 歇后语等。















中华传统文化应包括古文、诗、词、 曲、赋、民族音乐、民族戏剧、 曲艺、国画、书法、对联、灯谜、射覆、酒令、歇后语等、传统节日 、均按农历有正月初一春节、农历新年、正月十五元宵节、 四月五日清明节、清明节前后的寒食节、五月五日端午节、七月七日七夕节、八月十五中秋节、腊月三十除夕以及各种民俗等。根据自己选择的主题进行创作


One, the distinction of China tradition culture and culture of China art tradition?

China tradition culture, it is the creativity with China civilization ultimate positive result, be configuration of idea of all sorts of inheritance of the morality on ethical history, culture thoughts, spirit is overall. China tradition culture is with what father, Confucius is a delegate path scholar culture gives priority to body, china makes an appointment with the summation of the of all kinds material such as the Yan Mian in the history's ceaseless 5000 politics, economy, thought, art and immaterial culture.

China tradition culture also calls an ancient name for China culture, China culture, it is all of outstanding 5000 culture gets China. And circulate time is ages ago, distributing capacious, culture is the description of cosmic the order of nature, culture is moral extension; This culture is natural having, culture is life, life is culture; Culture is soft actual strength, it is the internal driving force that decides everything; Culture is the company knows pattern knowingly, it is spirit of mind of the Chinese nation, be social politics and economy is essential.

2, connotation of China tradition culture?


It is creation main body with the Chinese nation, yu Qing is terminal previously, be formed on this land and develop in China rise, have bright characteristic and stable structure, the great classic culture system that for generations inheritance affects whole society history.

Will " traditional " with " culture " the Chinese tradition culture that organic union rises, basically point to the culture of native and traditional society from fore-and-aft explore analyse, to the culture before quiet day is terminal.

Horizontal all along looks to basically point to system of the integral lifestyle of the nation in Chinese traditional society and value, outside eliminating the Confucianist, Taoist school, Legalists and Buddhist Yo doctrine, still include each kind of science, the humanities, wait like artistic, law, philosophy, morality and medicine of the history, geographical, cure learns, the ancient books writ such as astronomy, agronomy.

Anyhow, chinese traditional culture can be generalized for " it is creation main body with the Chinese nation, yu Qing is terminal previously, be formed on this land and develop in China those who rise, have bright characteristic and stable structure, the great classic culture system that for generations inheritance affects whole society history " .

3, does China tradition culture introduce?

The Spring Festival rises early eat dumpling, stick spring festival scrolls, 2 a married woman's parents' home at the beginning of good year pay a New Year call, first 5 broken 5, the first month of the lunar year 15 eat Yuanxiao, in Feburary 2, dragon looks up,

Tomb-sweeping day hold a memorial ceremony for ancestor, in May dragon boat festival, in August 15 the Mid-autumn Festival

4, is China tradition culture?

Chinese traditional culture has tomb figure of types of facial makeup in operas of knot of calligraphy, China, Beijing opera, Pi Ying, wushu, military forces, jade carving, inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty, the four treasures of the study, dizi, Gu Zheng, lute, Long Fengwen appearance, ancient painted pottery, traditional Chinese painting.

5, is China outstanding and traditional culture?

China tradition culture, it is China civilization achievement essential creativity, be configuration of idea of all sorts of inheritance of the morality on ethical history, culture thoughts, spirit is overall. Main by Confucianism, Buddha, path composition of mainstream of 3 article melt into. Traditional culture not only the thought is abstruse round be in harmony, content is encyclopedical.

China tradition culture should include thought, character, language above all, it is later 6 art, namely: ? Hawk of  of Gou Chang of  of quiet of Hui of Gang of artful  of bed of pay of  of  of ⑹ of Luo of ⑹ of  of ⒂ of Huan of ⑸ of Chi ⒗ frame blows vertebra of Ge of ⒚ of cut up with a hay cutter of a surname of ⒔ of yo of Jian of ⑵ of cut up with a hay cutter of  of ⑶ of vinegar of Guan of ⑽ of frame of quilt of ⒁ of neon Ju ā to take China of 4  ? traditional culture, blend in us to live, the thing that we enjoy it and does not know oneself.

China tradition culture should include: Music of ancient prose, ancient poetry, term, composition, ode, folk, nation Thespian, quyi, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplet, riddles written on lanterns, shoot Fu, drinker's wager game, a two part allegorical saying to wait.

6, knowledge of lion of dance of China tradition culture?

Dance lion, it is China's fine folk art, whenever festival or assembly celebration, folk comes with dance lion add to the fun.

Dance lion has the branch of north and south, the south dance lion performance with Guangdong is most famous. Be made by colour list and the lion is become, every lion has two individual collaboration to perform, head of one person dance, end of one person dance. Performer falls in music of gong and drum, disguise leonine tendency, make leonine all sorts of configuration movements. In performing a procedure, dance lion person should come with all sorts of action type gest of the clique austral expression, the gas of very rich Yang Gang.

7, is China outstanding and traditional is culture classical?

In September 2017, first 10 include " Zhouyi " " a high official in ancient China " " The Book of Songs " " the analects of confucius " " Mencius " " father " " village " " pipe " " grandchildren strategics " " history write down " publish formally.

In Feburary 2019 " the tuber of stemona of China tradition culture is classical " the 2nd batch of books publish compilatory project formally. Draw together of publication graph satchel " Zun Chuan " " Mo Zi " " Han Fei child " " Lv age " " the collection that conduct review "

8, is China tradition culture main carrier?

Chinese ancient time history the main carrier that is Chinese traditional culture, it is civilization of Chinese ancient time is born be born not to cease hold the bond with ceaseless connection.

The mainest feature of Chinese traditional culture is its control a position long-term the move that be held by the value orientaton of Confucianist ethics culture. The primitive people of an ancient name for China comes on, latter-day society comes below, up and down 5000, confucianist ethics culture is the core of culture of the Chinese nation all the time, and the thought way that still affecting the Chinese nation up to now and behavior means. Divide this beyond, we still can try to know from feature of the following respects:

Above all, chinese traditional culture is the zoology ambient conditions that close falls, the child of the natural economy that agriculture gives priority to. Be give priority to body with the Han nationality, the wisdom of people of shirt-sleeve every nationality, of joint creation, the social spirit configuration that specific mankind encircles this one location, have intense nationality.

Next, chinese traditional culture is a when last a period of time formed 5000 complete and huge system, arrive from means of philosophical thought, thinking psychological tendency, pervade the square respect aspect that lives into the society, very rich, provide substantial integrality.

9, does culture story comprehend China tradition?

1, avalokitesvara convoy: In archaic fokelore, long of the commoners that disease did not treat child Yang Guo by immortal avalokitesvara convoy, from the minister that nice in a subtle way wins in cave environment, remind us to want to be brave in to struggle for the truth, never character is abandoned. 2, goddess in the moon approachs a month: In fokelore, beautiful faery goddess in the moon went straight towards a month to realize her dream, write the legend with immortal oath. It tells us, determination, courage and enthusiasm are the powerful motive force that creates legend, the balance is acquired between dream and obstruction, let one's thought flow freely oneself future. 3, Huang Di changes a snake: Huang Di changes a snake for many times, bring back to life is other biology, body reveals esteem and the concept that treasure life, more let us get deep comprehension: In any difficult hour, want an idea directional in mix actively to cheer up, unremitting, precipitant, certain can head off a danger, create harmonious terrestrial beautiful scenery.

10, does China tradition culture make a directory?

China tradition culture should include ancient prose, poem, word, music, ode, folk music, nation Thespian, quyi, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, couplet, riddles written on lanterns, shoot Fu, drinker's wager game, a two part allegorical saying to wait, traditional festival, all have the first month of the lunar year by the traditional Chinese calendar Chu Yichun section, the traditional Chinese calendar. The theme that chooses according to oneself undertakes creating

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