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Autumn Yo knowledge one, drink water more to darling

Dry,crisp air of autumn, darling should drink plain boiled water more, unfavorable drink beverage. If darling is repellent plain boiled water, can try to drink soup of some of chrysanthemum tea, Wu Mei, honeysuckle dew to wait. Eat the Ying Jishui fruit that contains a lot ofmoisture to darling more at ordinary times, wait like watermelon, pear, orange. All sorts of food boiling water also are the important step of compensatory moisture, clear soup is OK and attenuant the salinity of dish, maintain the moisture equilibrium inside darling body.

Autumn Yo knowledge 2, eat less " suffer from excessive internal heat " food

Excitant food should eat less, easy " suffer from excessive internal heat " , wait like garlic, ginger, leek, Chinese prickly ash, chili. Eat less slant salty food, quicken the be lost of the moisture inside body because salinity is too much easily. The deepfry food with exorbitant quantity of heat and fruit of a few hot sexes, wait like litchi, longan, orange, also answer to eat less as far as possible.

Autumn Yo knowledge 3, caress darling skin

Mom is being wiped to darling or wash facial what is appropriate to the occasion to choose soft towel, do not want scrub. Clean every time after ending, need to use the children that contains natural and moist part to protect skin to taste. The lip of darling is easy and weather-shack. Mom should be with apply of towel of damp and hot first on the lip of darling, make the lip congests, next daub embellish lipstick. The mucous membrane inside darling nasal cavity is easier and dry, mom can dip in with cotton autograph physiological saline is moist and rhinal.

Autumn Yo knowledge 4, not gluttonous cold drink

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine thinks " cold cool injury is lienal " . Although good darling also cannot eat the constitution every day cold drink. Besides limitative cold drink, the drink that takes out from freezer, yoghurt had better be placed in the edible after below room temperature 15 minutes.

Autumn Yo knowledge 5, cold water takes exercise

Autumn appropriate is swabbed with cold water be opposite in order to raise darling cold suiting ability. Cold water is swabbed include cold water to wash one's hands, wash a face, brush body, strong drench and swim. Cold water takes exercise want successive, use the water that approachs with temperature first, drop the temperature of water gradually next. After be being washed, wipe with dry towel. Cold water is strong drench the children that suits above 3 years old, the movement wants rapid, brush with dry towel after bath spend gently to the skin aglow till.

Autumn Yo knowledge 6, prevent diarrhoea

Entering after autumn is diarrhoea of round of shape virus sex come on fastigium, call autumn diarrhoea again, main drag in is 3 years old of the following darling. Mom must live " the entrance closes " , notice dietetic hygiene, do not eat food of raw or cold food, give toy and tableware boil disinfection regularly. If discover in nursery school darling has diarrhoea symptom, should keep apart cure instantly and handle good excrement and urine.

2, cannot insensible Yo knowledge

1, after be born, in darling the sober, case that has nurse falls, let darling bend over a little while everyday. Bend over more can pass in order to prevent baby head flat and slant first, the darling that bends over more learns crawl more easily, bend over to still can promote the growth of baby heart lungs more.

2, to darling the fruit is bought first, had not chosen sweet too acerbity perhaps fruit, avoid flavour overweight, grandma of occurrence be disgusted with and anorexia.

3, the child horizontal stroke January is held in the arms, the child Feburary is inclined hold in the arms, the child vertical stroke March is held in the arms or hold in the palm hold in the arms.

4, to the new student for, temperature is not more than 37.5 degrees normal. As a result of the new student the viscera function that includes cerebrum inside is immature, ability of oneself control temperature is limited, wrap many a little bit a bit, temperature will be elevatory, do not give a new life so wrap up heavy panel.

5, new student can use bath syrup, but do not need commonly used, weekly can. To the darling with dry skin, embellish skin dew can be used to be able to be achieved when the skin after bathing is wet still moist defend wet action. To the skin of smooth, not be to must be used.

6, the child inside one full year of life prohibits shaking, darling not the encephalon with mature development is harmed easily, can send skull internal haemorrhage, head badly to injure cerebral concussion.

7, often do not drink clean water, mineral water to 3 years old of the following children, plain boiled water is best to the child.

8, had better not wear open-seat pants to darling, uric road infection also can have a fever, cure can go up not in time bring about infection nephritis.

9, belch should be patted to darling after nursing, if be not patted, very easy excessive suckles darling. Pat belch to darling, if novice pa Mom still does not have experience to adopting the child, the parent can lie on deck chair, the body and ground assume 45 degrees of role about. After the child sucks the breast, bend over to go up in adult body, ministry of shoulder of head tower above, lest choke. Adult can dab or touch infantile back, the child inside a few minutes is met belch. This kind of method is should handy, safe.

10, darling before 3 months need not pillow, full 3 months use 1 centimeter tall pillow, 7-8 month uses 3 centimeters tall pillow.

11, when darling grows the first tooth, mom can begin to brush his teeth to darling. The initiative time of every darling teething the reaction that different, teething causes order of different, teething is different, do not need to vie. Child of the great majority when 3 years old should go full 20 teeth, the parent is not nervous to this.

12, after darling can sit, can let darling sit eat chair takes food, be helpful for the dietary convention with good nurturance. Encourage him darling to have a meal, even if firm in the begining he always gets food is everywhere. If darling eats less, do not force. Force to take food to make the child generates resentment easily, the choice that esteem child measures to food is helpful for feed.

13, do not feed water of the food that boil to darling. The pigment of vegetable surface, chemical fertilizer, pesticide is met dissolve within water, heavy metal is contained even inside food water, these metropolises endanger child health, add complementary after feeding, vegetable mud suits darling more.

14, do not suggest to use feeder feed complementary feed. Feeder feed is the process of absorb and deglutition, and bowl and spoon are to pass a tongue, mastication next the process of deglutition.

15, the quantity using salt of the child 3 years old ago is adult 1/5-----1/3, sodium is contained in daily food. The child of less than of one full year of life complementary feed do not need to add salt, add candy. Saline influence blood pressure, increase nephritic burden, candy cent causes dental caries too much, answer to eat less as far as possible.

3, the common sense of the health care of preserve one's health of autumn cheeper

1, notice dietary build up one's health by rest and by taking nourishing food

Fall weather is dry, body fluid is hurt easily, cause pharynx, nose, lip dry reach hoarse of dry cough, sound, skin the dry disease such as knot of dry of weather-shack, defecate, cheeper food wants with " lung of embellish of method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood " for basic standard, still answer additionally " little laborious adds acid " . Autumn climate is dry, cheeper should feed the Xin Weizhi such as green, garlic, ginger, fennel, chili less to taste as far as possible, the beverage such as much more drinkable boiled water, weak tea, soya-bean milk, dairy produce, honey, fruit juice and milk, feed flesh of polished glutinous rice, duck, green vegetables, sweet potato, corn, yam, sesame seed, lotus root, persimmon, banana, red jujube, orange, hawkthorn, apple, pear, grape, walnut, sugar cane to wait for fresh fruit vegetables more appropriately, embellish lung promotes the secretion of saliva or body fluid, dry of the Qing Dynasty that raise shade.

In addition, child parent can complement appropriately to cheeper a few vitamins, let cheeper take the root of straight ladybell, the tuber of dwarf lilyturf, lily, almond, tendril-leaved fritillary bulb to wait, still can cook congee of polished glutinous rice of congee of congee of lily lotus seed, polished glutinous rice of tremella rock candy, almond tendril-leaved fritillary bulb, Hei Zhi fruit of soup of lung of pig of hemp congee, almond, arhat stews a pig lung, Bei Li (the bulb of fritillary and Xue Li) lily of lung of the pig that stew, lotus seed stews pork.

2, compensatory and enough moisture

Dry,crisp air of autumn, the child should drink plain boiled water more, if the child is repellent plain boiled water, can try to drink soup of some of chrysanthemum tea, Wu Mei, honeysuckle dew to wait, prevent cheeper to give the symptom such as nosebleed. In nursery school when, the teacher wants child of keep an eye on to drink water more especially. Eat the Ying Jishui fruit that contains a lot ofmoisture to the child more at ordinary times, wait like watermelon, pear, orange. All sorts of food boiling water also are the important step of compensatory moisture, clear soup is OK and attenuant the salinity of dish, maintain the moisture equilibrium inside child body.

3, add the garment, comfortable Wen Liang slow

Adage says " spring cover autumn aspic " , although be opposite,the health of little baby grows also have certain sense. Although cheeper does not have adult cold-resistant, but be in athletic condition from beginning to end, the body is in producing quantity of heat at any time. Do not be eager to adding overmuch dress to cheeper, cover too severely, lest be worn,take off cold of catch cold catch cold. Can wear a bit a few more fractionally to baby, facilitate not only activity, still can enhance a constitution, make baby little head cold. Add the garment to should master the principle of a kind of successive, make its get used to the change of weather stage by stage. First fall red-letter day midday although heat up, but morning and evening is cool wind blow gently, because this wants much equipment a few autumn outfit, wait like unlined upper garment of pourpoint, age, sweat shirt, thin sweater, accomplish increase and decrease of take into consideration the circumstances, prevent " cool air " invade.

4, strengthen campaign

Fall season Gao Qishuang, climate is dry, want to breathe fresh air more. The parent occasionally should take young children to arrive more outdoors business, bask in more warm, bask in warm can promote carry inside calcic reception. Child parent and teacher can guide cheeper to take a walk in cool and refreshing morning breeze, ran, game, take exercise actively, undertook not only " air bath " , still accepted cold-resistant practice, make body physical ability gets used to freezing stimulation, raise healthy level, enhance disease-resistant ability, to overshoot coming cold winter makes sufficient provision.

4, autumn defends flu little common sense

1, nutrition is balanced

The vitamin that contains in vegetable of melon and fruit can enhance airframe immunity force and strength, raise the human body suiting to chill ability, have favorable protective effect to blood-vessel, can prevent infection of respiratory tract of happening of again and again.

2, go out notice to prevent

Through air basically flying foam and contact transmit the respiratory tract infection such as armour flu. Should commute when traffic fastigium, can wear glove and guaze mask to fly in order to prevent air foam, do not spit casually inside railroad car please especially and cough.

3, open a window

Sealed office makes cold bacterium and cold virus travel the most easily, office work person best habit is to enter the door to open a window. If be the electric ventricle that is far from a window, must use air pure and fresh implement. Once there was much person to catch a cold in the office, must remind the control person of central air conditioning, enter line space in time to air current is connected and clear, inform Bao Jie personnel strengthens disinfection and cleanness.

4, briny gargle

Everyday morning and evening uses weak brine gargle, or with boiled water gargle. Should let brine or boiled water stay inside oral cavity a bit long, make pharynx ministry is washed adequately by gargle. Salt and tea have certain antiseptic effect, the bacteria that can exterminate ministry of oral cavity, pharynx reachs virus.

5, give nose thermal insulation

The person can chatter in spite of oneself when catch a cold catch a cold, although this is human body a kind of subliminal ground fights aspic measure but also mean the odds that suffers from flu at this moment increasing, the heat preservation when so the day freezes coldly is quite important, can wear scarf on nose at this moment. Should notice to change along with climate dress of seasonable increase and decrease, when perspiring, do not want the strip on the horse to pick a cap, avoid to get wind catch a cold.

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