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性价比最高的数码相机是佳能。佳能800D单反相机搭载2420万像素APS-C画幅CMOS传感器以及Digic 7图像处理器,提供45个全十字对焦点,并支持全像素双核CMOS AF技术。


1. 相机品牌为索尼的入门级数码相机性价比最高。2. 原因是索尼相机在同价位的相机中,拥有更好的画质表现、更快的对焦速度、更好的防抖效果和更高的像素数,同时价格相对较为亲民。3. 当然,如果预算更高,可以考虑购买更高端的相机,例如佳能或尼康的中高端相机,这些相机在画质、对焦、防抖等方面表现更加优秀。




二、佳能EOS 5D Mark IV。佳能的这款相机和上一代相比,整体的配置更高,视频拍摄的性能得到提升,而且实时取景、视频拍摄的对焦体验得到了很大的提升,是非常值得推荐




柯达两款高像素的CCD,其中KAF-39000像素高达3900万,KAF-39000也是目前世界上民用级最高像素的CCD,另外一款CCD型号为KAF-31600,像素为3160万,将会在Phase One即将推出的P45和P30两款数码后背上使用。发布的两款CCD可广泛使用于商业机,摄影室和专业相机。


135单反数码相机目前最高象素的机器是 Canon 1Ds Mark Ⅱ 1670万中画幅单反数码相继目前最高象的机器是 哈苏的H2D 3900万还有就是1年前在杂志上看到的 美国航天局专用的数码设备有1亿象素,但只能拍摄黑白影象.在网上又看到了美国航天局专用的数码设备40亿象素.是彩色的. 这可能是扯淡



如果买相机是像素越高越好的话,华为P30 pro的4000万像素主摄可能是当今世界上最好的相机之一,好过佳能5D4,佳能1DX2,尼康D5,索尼A7S2等等一众相机。

简单的来说,更多的像素量本质上没有提升你的画质,只是使你的画质“显得”更好了。因为我们在绝大多数的情况下都不是1:1的还原我们拍摄的照片。比如说如果你有一台P30 pro拍摄4000万像素的照片,但是P30 pro的屏幕分辨率是2340*1080,也就是253万像素,它是不能1:1的还原你所拍摄的图片的。所以我们是把4000万像素的图片压缩到了一个250万像素的显示屏中,所以相片会显得更锐利一些。











One, which kinds are highest like element in digital camera?

Eye comes round to say, ni Kang's highest like element sheet is D810 instead, the D850 that 36.3 million is about to release allegedly like element has 45 million to resemble element... if this is true, so this is highest like the Ni Kang of element sheet was turned over.

2, is sexual price recommended than highest digital camera?

Sexual price compares highest digital camera is beautiful can. Beautiful can 800D sheet turns over camera to carry sensor of CMOS of picture of 24.2 million APS-C resembling element and processor of Digic 7 image, offer 45 complete crosses to the focus, support resemble technology of CMOS AF of element double nucleus completely.

3, price of sex of camera of which kinds of number is compared highest?

1.Price of code camera sex compares the introductory progression that camera brand is Suo Ni highest. 2. The reason is Suo Ni camera is in the camera that is the same as price, pair of anxious rate with the quality performance, rapidder picture with be had better, better prevent tremble the effect and taller like prime number, the value is relative at the same time relatively close civilian. 3. Of course, if the budget is taller, can consider to buy more high-end camera, for example beautiful can or of Ni Kang in high-end camera, these camera are being drawn qualitative, right anxious, prevent tremble wait for a respect performance is more excellent.

4, the sexual price of which brand compares digital camera highest?

Sexual price is as follows than tall digital camera:

One, Ni Kang D850. Ni Kang D850 won many photography lover and professional cameraman love, it has freeboard picture to pledge, 45.75 million can say effectively like element very pretty good, and it still supports highest 9 pieces / the high speed of the second is patted repeatedly, will fast picture pledges and high speed spends perfect confluence, so price of sex of this number camera compares freeboard.

2, beautiful can EOS 5D Mark IV. Beautiful can this camera and on generation photograph is compared, integral configuration is taller, the function that video films gets promotion, and pair of anxious experiences that real time find a view, video films got very big promotion, dispute often is worth to recommend

5, is digital camera highest and optical is scorch severalfold?

Highest and optical scorch can achieve digital camera 50 times taller even. Because of the ceaseless progress as science and technology, the optical scorch of camera camera lens is more and more powerful, at the same time also manufacturer of a few camera uses digital scorch technology to enhance scorch result, make camera scorch multiple higher. Can make through optical scorch camera has bigger perspective to cover an area when film, thereby the finer detail in catching setting and grain. Notable is, exorbitant scorch multiple also can affect the picture quality of photo, need to choose equal watch for an opportunity according to demand when be used actually so.

6, which brand resembles Ccd number camera is element highest?

Kodak two CCD that resemble element high, among them KAF-39000 is as high as 39 million like element, KAF-39000 also is current civil level is top on the world the CCD that resembles element, model of a CCD is KAF-31600, it is like element 31.6 million, will mix in the P45 that Phase One is about to roll out P30 is used on the back after two numbers. Two issuance CCD can be used extensively at commercial opportunity, photography room and professional camera.

7, is digital camera highest how much is resembling number?

135 sheet turn over digital camera at present the machine of highest elephant element is Ⅱ of Canon 1Ds Mark 16.7 million medium picture sheet returns a number the equipment of number of appropriative of American spaceflight bureau that 10 thousand still have the H2D 3900 that at present the machine of highest elephant is Ha Su even if sees on the magazine 1 year ago in succession, but can film only black and white image. Saw equipment of number of appropriative of American spaceflight bureau again on the net element of 4 billion elephant. Be color. This may be talk nonsense

8, is digital camera highest now how much to achieve like element?

Not, of course not.

If buy camera,be the word that has jumped over higher like element, china be P30 Pro 40 million resemble element advocate photographing a likelihood is one of best camera on current world, feel well beautiful can 5D4, beautiful can 1DX2, ni Kang D5, suo Ni A7S2 waits one numerous camera a moment.

Simple for, the picture that more quantities resembling element did not promote you substantially is qualitative, just make your picture qualitative " appear " better. Because we are below the circumstance of great majority,not be 1:1reductive the photograph that we film. If you have a P30 Pro,film for example the 40 million picture that resembles element, but the screen resolution of P30 Pro is 2340*1080, namely 2.53 million resemble element, it is cannot 1:1reductive of the picture that you film. So we are compress the 40 million picture that resembles element to a 2.5 million indication that resembles element in screen, so photo can appear a few keener.

Technology of contemporary and sensitive original the 40 million CMOS that is put into a mobile phone like element in already a bit problem is done not have, but choice of manufacturer of each great watch for an opportunity is not put so much in getting much CMOS greatly, that is in like element in camera airframe is by a lot of truths. Of quantity resembling element more or less be the only standard that decision picture has pledged, not be to resemble element jumping over Gao Hua to had been jumped over character that is to say. Decide a camera is become have a lot of factors like stand or fall, have in the answer before me had mentioned, welcome to leaf through:

Is the 17 million number camera that resembles element still worth to use now?

More or less to return meeting influence camera like what element measures the function of other side. Simple for resembling element is point of a quality, a sensitization on the camera CMOS that of each lubricious dot correspondence here is you is unit. What need an attention here is the limitation as a result of sensor physics size, the point resembling element that sets on a sensor is more, every area of dot resembling element is met decrescent, this can final to camera performance produces very big effect. E.g. Suo Ni A7S2 only 12 million resemble element, not as good as majority mainstream camera. But resemble element as a result of it little, the area of every sensitive unit is opposite bigger, connect smooth quantity to also become bigger so, this also made the low smooth performance with extremely strong A7S2.

Of course I also am not to say to resemble element here much bad, more quantities resembling element can let your photograph look more keen. And having more later period spaces. If your composition of a picture is paid no attention to,think for example, you can obtain better composition of a picture through dismissing the picture that cuts you, the picture that does not affect you at the same time is qualitative, the reason is you although cut into parts,dropped in cutting cut course into parts a few like element, but the resolution to general screen, for the picture resolution of gregarious perhaps media, those who cut into parts is essential that won't have any effects.

But if your camera latitude is insufficient, low light is patted is dot of a confusion of voices perhaps pats color completely not good-looking, so although you have 100 million to resemble the thing that element takes also be to do not have method to use, also be unseemly.

9, how many does the digital camera with highest like element whole world have to resemble element?

Highest like element is custom-built money, american aerospace bureau (NASA) make the watch for an opportunity that is used at deep space photography technically be as high as -294967296 to resemble element, still be the sensor of CCD. It is nevertheless by many sensor mosaic. Single block sensor is big picture, of Seitz company of Switzerland gigantic without bully 6x17 number camera, achieve 160 million like element. Now already the civil number camera of put on sale is highest be 50 million resemble element, it is beautiful can 5Ds/5DsR.

10, that 3 prevent price of digital camera sex to compare highest? The price probably how many?

Ni Kang 3 prevent camera to have W300s only (30 meters waterproof) , the price fluctuates in 2600 yuan. If be only temporarily need (if go diving) , the Fuji XP120 that can pay close attention to 1000 yuan many (20 meters waterproof) issue TS30 with the pine (8 meters waterproof) .
