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1、 地球是太阳系从内到外的第三颗行星,也是太阳系中直径、质量和密度最大的类地行星,是人类唯一的家园。住在地球上的人类又常称呼地球为世界。

2、 地球亦作“地毬”。太阳系中接近太阳的第三颗行星,形状两极稍扁,赤道略鼓,是个三轴椭球体。周围有大气层包围着,表面是陆地和海洋,有人类,动植物和微生物。

3、 地球的矿物和生物等资源维持了全球的人口生存。地球上的人类分成了大约200个独立的主权国家和地区,它们通过外交、旅游、贸易和战争相互联系。人类文明曾有过很多对于这颗行星的观点,包括神创造人类、天圆地方、地球是宇宙中心等。

4、 西方人常称地球为盖亚,这个词有【大地之母】的意思。

5、 地球是上百万种生物的家园。包括人类。地球是目前人类所知宇宙中唯一存在生命的天体。地球诞生于45、4亿年前,而生命诞生于地球诞生以后,自此地球的生物圈改变了大气层和其他环境,使得需要氧气的生物得以诞生,也使得大气层形成。大气层与地球的磁场一起阻挡了来自宇宙的有害射线,保护了陆地上的生物。地球的物理特性,和它的地质历史和轨道,使得地球上的生命能周期性地持续。地球预计将在15亿年内继续拥有生命,直到太阳不断增加的亮度灭绝地球上的生物圈。

6、 地球会与外层空间的其他天体相互作用,包括太阳和月球。当前,地球绕太阳公转一周所需的时间是自转的366、26倍,这段时间被叫做一恒星年,等于365、26太阳日。地球的地轴倾斜23、4°(与轨道平面的垂线倾斜23、4°),从而在星球表面产生了周期为1恒星年的季节变化。月球是唯一的天然卫星,诞生于45、3亿年前的月球,造成了地球上的潮汐现象,稳定了地轴的倾角,并且减慢了地球的自转。

7、 大约38到41亿年前,后期重轰炸期的小行星撞击极大地改变了表面环境。

8、 地球的表面被分成几个坚硬的部分,或者叫板块,它们以地质年代为周期在地球表面移动。地球表面大约71%是海洋,剩下的部分被分成洲和岛屿。液态水是所有已知的生命所必须的,但并不在所有其他星球表面存在。地球的内部仍然非常活跃,有一层很厚的地幔,一个液态外核和一个固态铁的内核。

9、 地球的矿物和生物等资源维持了全球的人口。地球上的人类分成了大约200个独立的主权国家,它们通过外交、旅游、贸易和战争相互联系。人类文明曾有过很多对于这颗行星的观点,包括神创造人类、天圆地方、地球是宇宙中心等。


1 地球不是圆的


事实上,赤道周围也因此向外隆起,形成一个 “备用轮胎”结构。地球的极半径是3949、99英里(6356、89公里),而赤道半径是3963、34英里(6378、38公里)。

2 地球最高点并非珠穆朗玛峰




3 地球与月球的距离慢慢变远




4 有人在给地球充电




5 地球人类曾险遭灭绝 全球仅剩2000余人




6 地球表面的地心引力并不完全相同




The earth is solar system one of 8 major planet, so are you right of the earth how much is this understanding?

One, little knowledge of earthly popular science

1, the earth is solar system from inside the 3rd planet outside arriving, also be the terrestrial planet with the diameter in solar system, quality and the biggest density, it is the mankind's exclusive home. Live in tellurian mankind constant appellation earth is the world.

2, the earth also is made " ground " . The 3rd planet of the sun is close to in solar system, appearance is polar a bit flat, equator is roused slightly, it is a body of 3 axes ellipsoid. There is aerosphere to be being surrounded all round, the surface is land and ocean, have the mankind, move plant and microbial.

3, of the earth mineral the population that kept the whole world with the resource such as biology lives. The dominion state that tellurian mankind cent became about 200 independence and area, they pass diplomacy, travel, commerce and war to be contacted each other. Human civilization ever had had a lot of point of views to this planet, including a god to create round place of the mankind, nature, world is cosmic center.

4, Hesperian often call the earth Gai Ya, this word has [the mother of the earth] meaning.

5, the earth is home of 10 thousand kinds of about a hundred biologic. Include the mankind. The earth is at present human place tells the celestial body of only presence life in the universe. The earth is born at 45, 400 million years ago, and after life is born at the earth, changed aerosphere and other environment from the biosphere of here ball, make the live thing that needs oxygen is able to be born, also make aerosphere is formed. The magnetic field of aerosphere and earth stopped the harmful ray that comes from the universe together, protected the biology on land. Earthly physics is characteristic, with its geological history and orbit, make tellurian life lasts can periodicly. The earth predicts will continue to have life inside 1.5 billion years, the brightness that increases ceaselessly till the sun eradicates tellurian biosphere.

6, the earth the interaction of other celestial bodies of meeting and deep space, include the sun and moon. Current, the time that the earth circles place of sun revolution a week to need is rotation 366, 26 times, this paragraph of time is called one star year, be equal to 365, 26 suns day. Earthly the earth's axis tilts 23, 4 ° (as planar as orbit vertical line tilts 23, 4 ° ) , produced cycle to be 1 star in heavenly body surface thereby year seasonal change. The moon is exclusive natural satellite, be born at 45, the moon 300 million years ago, created tellurian tide appearance, stabilized the dip of the earth's axis, and decelerated earthly rotation.

7, about 38 to the front of 4.1 billion years, the asteroid that later period weighs bomb period is bumped changed exterior environment greatly.

8, earthly surface is divided into a few hard parts, perhaps cry board piece, they are cycle to move in earthly surface with geological time. Earthly surface about 71% it is marine, the part that remain is become by cent continent with islands. Liquid state water is all and foregone life place must, but do not exist in surface of all and other heavenly body. Earthly interior is very active still, have a very thick mantle, the nucleus outside a liquid state and a kernel of solid state iron.

9, of the earth mineral the population that kept the whole world with the resource such as biology. The dominion state that tellurian mankind cent became about 200 independence, they pass diplomacy, travel, commerce and war to be contacted each other. Human civilization ever had had a lot of point of views to this planet, including a god to create round place of the mankind, nature, world is cosmic center.

2, popular science earth 6 big striking facts

1 earth is not round

Apparently the earth is a sphere, but the action as a result of gravity, it is not a perfect pellet.

In fact, all round equator also accordingly outward apophysis, form " spare " structure. Of the earth extremely radius is 3949, 99 miles (6356, 89 kilometers) , and equatorial radius is 3963, 34 miles (6378, 38 kilometers) .

2 earths apogee is not Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the famousest mountain peak on the earth really, it is 29035 feet taller than sea level (close about 8849, 87 meters of) .

However, resemble what we think now in that way, the earth is not a perfect pellet, the anybody that is located in equator or any is apart from star a few closer.

That is to say, although be located in the admire rich of Ecuadorian churchyard,hill of dried meat all alone has 20564 feet only (6267, 91 meters) tall, but because it is located in the apophysis part all round equator, because this comes from academic level,say, its distance the earth's core is further than Mount Everest 1, 5 miles (2414, 02 meters of) .

The distance of 3 earths and moon becomes far slowly

Through observation of 25 years, people discovers the orbit of the moon is expanding gradually, that is to say, the moon is far from us stage by stage.

The scientist is computation goes out more, the moon circles the radius with rotational earth to want every year to increase 4 centimeters.

Also the scientist points out, after 5 billion years, the sun can enter phase of red giant star, right now the earth and moon can be affected by sun atmospheric, final two heavenly bodies still can be stood by afresh.

4 somebody are charging to the earth

1917, the scientist discovers earthly surface accompanies negative pole report, but the earth after all why electrified, of the earth " charger " what be, do not have a person to be able to say to be clear about however.

In the sunny weather of a few areas, electricity can produce between the earth and air, intensity achieves 1500.

But so giant to whole world " with electric equipment " for, the electric current of this kind of intensity does not say to go up even is electric current, can disappear very quickly danger, because some kind acts as,so this kind of electric current is certainly " charger " the part arises.

5 earths mankind ever eradicated the whole world nearly only remnant 2000 more than person

Newest research makes clear, acute of amount of the mankind 70 thousand years ago is decreased to 2000 people, till Stone Age is inchoate,human amount just rises gradually.

This newest research basically detected DNA(of line bead body passes maternal and genetic unborn) , the suddenly Yi Ren that discovers African southern part and mulberry benefactor are in 90 thousand depart happens with other mankind before coming 150 thousand years.

This newest research presented the extraordinary ability of human gene, announced on human evolution history a few main event.

The gravity of 6 earths surface is not identical

The gravity of earthly surface is not identical, in fact, in Indian foreland your weight can be compared light, and in Pacific south, you will be heavier.

The cause that causes this differentia surprise is in research...
