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  • 在全球化日益加深的今天,旅行和国际交流变得越来越频繁。在这样的背景下,掌握在不同场合,尤其是安检时的英语表达,对于确保顺畅的沟通和安全的旅行体验至关重要。安检环节是旅行中不可或缺的一部分,无论是机场、火车站还是其他公共场所,了解和使用正确的英语表达能够帮助我们更好地理解安检要求,减少误会,确保旅途顺利。

    1. 移除金属物品

    表达: Please remove all metal items. / Please remove everything that is metal from your person.

    例句解析: 当需要某人移除所有金属物品时,可以使用上述表达。"remove"意味着“移除”,"metal items"指的是“金属物品”,而"from your person"特指“从你身上”。

    例句: "Please remove all metal items before entering the security area."(在进入安检区之前,请移除所有金属物品。)

    2. 检查包内物品

    表达: Could I look through your bag? / We need to see inside of your bag, ma’am.

    例句解析: 当需要检查某人的包时,可以使用"look through"来表示“仔细查看”。"bag"指的是“包”,"inside"表示“里面”。

    例句: "Could you please look through my bag? I'm not sure what might have set off the alarm."(你能帮我查看一下我的包吗?我不确定是什么触发了警报。)

    3. 物品放置与传送

    表达: Place your items in the tray and send them through to me. / Place items in this box and put it on the conveyor belt.

    例句解析: 在需要某人将物品放置在特定位置以便检查时,可以使用"Place"和"send through"。"tray"是“托盘”,"conveyor belt"是“传送带”。

    例句: "Please place your electronic devices in the tray and send them through the scanner."(请将您的电子设备放在托盘上并通过扫描仪传送。)

    4. 脱鞋检查

    表达: Could you take your shoes off, please? / Could we get you to take your shoes off, please?

    例句解析: 在某些安检程序中,可能需要旅客脱鞋以确保安全。"take off"意味着“脱下”。

    例句: "I apologize for the inconvenience, but we need you to take your shoes off for the security check."(很抱歉给您带来不便,但我们需要您脱鞋进行安检。)

    5. 通过金属探测器

    表达: Please step through the metal detector ahead of you. / Please take a step forward through the metal detector.

    例句解析: 当需要某人通过金属探测器时,可以使用"step through"或"take a step forward"。"metal detector"是“金属探测器”。

    例句: "Please step through the metal detector and then proceed to the boarding gate."(请通过金属探测器,然后前往登机口。)

    6. 取回物品

    表达: You may retrieve your items after they’ve passed through our x-ray machine. / You can pick up your items at the end of this conveyor belt.

    例句解析: 当物品检查完毕,旅客可以取回自己的物品时,可以使用"retrieve"或"pick up"。"x-ray machine"是“X光机”,"conveyor belt"是“传送带”。

    例句: "Once your luggage has cleared the x-ray machine, you can retrieve it from the carousel."(一旦您的行李通过X光机检查,您就可以在传送带上取回。)

