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宠物派对怎么下载? 宠物派对什么时候可以玩?英文双语对照


宠物派对怎么下载? 宠物派对什么时候可以玩?英文双语对照















要召唤宠物,首先需要满足以下条件:1. 玩家需要在游戏中收集一个宠物蛋并孵化出宠物。2. 玩家需要拥有足够的宠物召唤卷轴。当以上条件满足后,玩家可以按下游戏画面上方的“宠物”按钮打开宠物菜单。在菜单中,玩家可以选择想要召唤的宠物,并使用对应数量的召唤卷轴召唤宠物。注意:1. 宠物召唤卷轴可以在游戏中通过冒险、任务、商店等途径获取。2. 每个宠物拥有自己的召唤卷轴,不能使用其他宠物的召唤卷轴。3. 每个宠物召唤卷轴只能召唤一只宠物,召唤后需要等待一段时间才能再次使用。





1. 打开蛋仔派对应用程序并登录账户。

2. 在应用程序主页上,点击“商店”选项卡。

3. 浏览宠物列表,选择您想购买的宠物,并点击宠物图片。

4. 在宠物页面上,查看宠物的属性和价格,并确保您有足够的游戏货币来购买该宠物。

5. 点击“购买”按钮,并确认您的购买。

6. 一旦您购买了宠物,它将出现在您的宠物列表中,您可以随时查看和管理您的宠物。









One, is pet clique right how to download?

The government-owned net that can be opposite to pet clique downloads appropriate version.

2, is pet clique right when can you play?

Can play everyday, what we play is very happy, joy is our good associate.

3, is wonderful clique right how to change pet?

There is other pet above that, you are pressed, have a lot of pet, you can change pet.

4, is the clique right which pet is best in making?

Most the role that sexual price compares is Bai Xue.

Bai Xue's difficulty is 0, because she is sword person, so her major attack is launched from the front and flank, the player that this lets a lot of hands are short some unaware. Nevertheless, this also caused her weakness, the attack harm that a lot of dish birds can blame him was achieved 150% , even 180% , but what Bai Xue's glamour depends on her is nimble

5, be opposite in the clique in how to raise pet?

Raise the method of pet:

1, enter above all grab red bag page, click next right the head portrait of next horn;

2, the pet that sees yourself next needs what food feed is attacked a bit in knapsack next can.

6, is egg son school right how call pet?

Want call pet, need to satisfy the following requirement above all: 1. Player need collects egg of a pet in game and hatch gives pet. 2. The player needs to have enough pet call reel. After above condition is contented, the player can press upper part of downstream show appearance " pet " pushbutton opens pet bill of fare. In menu, the player can choose to want the pet of call, use the pet of call reel call of corresponding amount. Attention: 1. Pet call reel can pass the way such as adventure, task, shop to get in game. 2. Every pet has his call reel, the call that cannot use other pet scrollreels. 3. Every pet call scrollreels can call a pet, the need after call awaits ability of period of time to be used again.

7, to which pet feel making is the school good?

The clique is first-rate to production pet feel, their hair is soft, tactility is comfortable, and quality is very high. These pet used high quality material to make, be like high grade nap and pily fill, let them feel more comfortable. In addition, the clique still has all sorts of lovely modelling and color to production pet, can satisfy the requirement of different crowd. Anyhow, if you want a feel good, quality is tall, lovely practical pet toy, the clique is a right choice absolutely to production pet.

8, is son school opposite the egg how to buy pet?

Hello, in egg son school the move that pet buys in be opposite is as follows:

1.Open egg young to clique correspondence uses a program and log onto account.

2.On applied process homepage, click " shop " option gets stuck.

3.List of the pet that browse, choose you to consider bought pet, click pet picture.

4.On pet page, examine the attribute of pet and price, ensure you have enough play money to buy this pet.

5.Click " buy " pushbutton, affirm you buy.

6.Once you bought pet, it will appear in your pet list, you can be examined at any time and manage your pet.

Ask an attention, buy pet to need to use the play money inside applied process, you can carry mission of the game that finish, enter an activity or buy play money to obtain them.

9, is son school opposite the egg how to raise pet?

Raise pet to need to consider the following aspects: Feed, abode, toy, vaccinal have an inoculation is waited a moment, still need to cost proper time and energy to take care of them at the same time. Egg son school buys the article such as feed, abode and toy to raise pet in game to can be being passed. Egg son school is game of a webpage to, the player can buy pet in game and attend they. Wait for article through buying feed, abode and toy, can satisfy the life of pet and recreational requirement. Pet is raised to be able to raise responsibility heart of the player and patience in game, also can add the pleasure of game at the same time. But those who need an attention is, pet is raised to still need to consider the healthy issue of pet in reality, if vaccine is vaccinal, daily,nurse etc, in order to ensure of pet healthy with life quality.

10, is son school opposite the egg how to ride pet?

Hello, above all, the player needs to enter an egg to the young sends pair of game and choose dinosaur to serve as pet. Next, the player needs to find a dinosaur to ride a tool in game. This can be bought in the shop of game normally.

Once the player had dinosaur to ride a tool, they need to equip its to go up in pet. In game, the player can choose through clicking pet icon " equipment " will undertake this is operated.

Once dinosaur rides a tool to be equiped, the player can choose through clicking pet icon " ride row " will ride to fear

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