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中医养生馆如何经营? 中医养生馆立冬文案?英文双语对照


中医养生馆如何经营? 中医养生馆立冬文案?英文双语对照





























1 中医养生馆店长的职责包括管理店铺的日常运营和管理团队,确保店铺的顺利运营和顾客的满意度。2 店长需要招聘、培训和管理员工,确保员工的工作效率和服务质量,同时还需要负责店铺的采购、库存、财务等管理工作。3 此外,店长还需要与顾客沟通并解决顾客投诉,以及开展营销活动,提高店铺的知名度和销售额。因此,中医养生馆店长的职责非常繁重,需要具备良好的管理和沟通能力,同时还需要对中医养生行业有一定的了解和经验。



- 报考条件:满足以下任意一项条件即可报考

- 从事相关工作1年以上。

- 年龄在18-75周岁,有相关基础。

- 已通过相关考试资格认证。

- 中专以上或同等学历并从事相关工作两年以上。

- 作用及就业方向:可用于申请营业执照注册开店,持证可从事养生理疗,养生馆,养生机构,推拿理疗店,康复理疗中心,亚健康调理中心,预防调理中心,康复调理中心,理疗调理中心等。










1. 传承千年智慧,中医养生馆关爱您的健康!

2. 以医者仁心,让中医养生之道引领您走向健康生活!

3. 中医养生馆,保健护身最佳选择!

4. 理中调和,中医养生馆呵护您的身心健康!

5. 汲取中医精髓,守护您的健康之源!

6. 中医养生馆,让古老智慧为您疗愈身心!

7. 修身养性,中医养生馆让您重获健康!








4.盈利模式: 会员制,一次性收取一年会费(如500元),每月号脉一次,开药方不再额外收费/或给出其他建议,会员自持药方去药店配药(不赚药钱),根据会员身体情况,推荐销售营养补品,赚二次利润。



One, how is house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine managed?

The first, raise remedial level of the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Improve the doctor's medical skill ceaselessly, raise remedial level of the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

The 2nd, do good propaganda work energetically.

Can do good conduct propaganda to popularize the job energetically, what are oneself good at, go be being publicized energetically.

The 3rd, treat a patient to must have patience.

When seeing a doctor to the patient, must have patience, see a doctor to the patient seriously.

The 4th, open medicine to want reasonable, raise people to be opposite the degree of belief of house of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

Open medicine to want reasonable, raise people to be opposite the degree of belief of house of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.

The 5th, golden cup silver cup is inferior to the public praise of people, want to raise the public praise of house of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine so.

Raise the public praise of house of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, what look to the patient is good, fame went up.

The 6th, regard oneself mission as heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

Want responsible move as the doctor, regard oneself mission as heal the wounded and rescue the dying.

Finally, make reasonable management concept, put into practice.

Make reasonable management concept, put into practice, it is better and better that houses of such doctor of traditional Chinese medicine can be managed.


Manage well, give a patient suit the remedy to the case.

2, table of article of the Beginning of Winter of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

The Beginning of Winter arrives, algidity goes up, health protection of preserve one's health is more significant. Warmth of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine hints: Appropriate of season of the Beginning of Winter is lukewarm fill, drink Wen Shui more, eat vegetables and fruits more, move appropriately, notice heat preservation. Let us comply with season together, care body, enjoy healthy life!


In season of this the Beginning of Winter, let us come to house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, experience professional preserve one's health serves. We will offer program of preserve one's health for you, include massage of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion, unplug the conventional treatment such as coal tub, help you alleviate fatigue, dredge main and collateral channels, enhance a constitution. Let us salute the advent in the winter together, for body infuse vigor, retain health and vigor!


Season of the Beginning of Winter, be the inning of preserve one's health. House of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is special roll out formula of preserve one's health of the Beginning of Winter, the health that is you is cheered help strength. We will be mixed according to your constitution demand, for you plan of custom-built exclusive preserve one's health, the dipping in including, thenar massage, the project such as dredge of main and collateral channels, let while you are enjoying comfortable preserve one's health to serve, experience the glamour of culture of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.


Preserve one's health of the Beginning of Winter, begin from now. Let us make an appointment house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, step to go up together healthy force!

3, does house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine manage train of thought?

The medical skill gimmick that wants itself above all is masterly, storefront the environment is wholesome, the service is considerate, fixed propaganda

4, does store of shop of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine grow duty?

The responsibility with chief store of shop of preserve one's health of 1 traditional Chinese medical science includes to run group of the day-to-day operation of shop and management, ensure the satisfaction of the successful operation of shop and client is spent. Invite applications for a job of 2 inn long need, groom and supervise staff, ensure the work efficiency of employee and service quality, still need those who be in charge of shop to purchase at the same time, the government such as inventory, finance affairs works. 3 in addition, inn grows to need and client are communicated and still solve a client to complain, and develop sale activity, those who increase store is famous spend and sale. Accordingly, the responsibility with chief store of shop of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is very heavy, need is had manage and communicate ability goodly, still need to have proper understanding and experience to industry of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine at the same time.

5, how does house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine sign up?

If you want to sign up,enter house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, OK and referenced the following measure:

- enter oneself for an examination condition: Contented and the following random a condition can enter oneself for an examination

- pursue relevant job 1 year above.

- the age is in 18-75 one full year of life, have relevant base.

- already passed attestation of relevant exam qualification.

- above of technical secondary school or the same educational level pursue relevant job two years above.

- action and obtain employment direction: Usable Yu Shen asks business charter to register set up shop, hold card to be able to be engaged in physiotherapy of preserve one's health, house of preserve one's health, raise life form, massage physiotherapy inn, rehabilitation physiotherapy center, inferior healthy recuperation center, precaution recuperates a center, rehabilitation recuperates a center, physiotherapy recuperates a center to wait.

The means signing up of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine may differ somewhat because of the element such as area, orgnaization, you can refer relevant orgnaization of place or inquiry of entry government website.

6, beg couplet of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, many thanks?

The first line of a couplet on a scroll is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine broad and profound, the second line of a couplet is preserve one's health maintains the body.

The first line of a couplet on a scroll, house of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is in charge of preserve one's health, the second line of a couplet, western medicine house is asked circuitous.

Preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, show through all sorts of methods take care of oneself is born namely life, enhance disease of constitution, precaution, reach the activity of issue of a kind of cure of the prolong life thereby. Preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is mixed in integral sex again systematization, the purpose is precautionary disease, treat not ill. The famous delegate work of theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is " the classics inside Huang Di " . On June 7, 2008,

7, house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine scope of operations?

Scope of operations:

Service of preserve one's health, preserve one's health seeks advice reach preserve one's health to groom; Research and development of project of preserve one's health reachs promotion; Cellular treatment industry, fight anile industry to manage; Recuperate serves (healthy education, healthy check-up, health is evaluated, health management, psychology seeks advice, medical treatment travel, reside abroad health raise the body that reach model to reduce weight) ; Medical treatment serves (hairdressing of wisdom medical treatment, quanta medical treatment, biology medical treatment, rehabilitation medical treatment, slow ill recuperation, medicine) ; The membership serves; Health management division grooms; Resource of industry of preserve one's health is integrated.

8, saying of ad of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

1.Inheritance chiliad wisdom, care of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine your health!

2.With cure person benevolence heart, let the way to keep in good health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine lead you to move toward healthy life!

3.House of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, health care protects a body optimal choice!

4.Mediate in manage, house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine caresses health of your body and mind!

5.Marrow of derive traditional Chinese medical science, guard your healthy source!

6.House of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, let old wisdom heal for your cure body and mind!

7.Cultivate one's morality raises a gender, house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine makes your recovery healthy!

9, the advantage inferior position of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

Chinese traditional medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has an advantage more in respect of difficulty miscellaneous disease, and the poisonous side effect of itself of medicines and chemical reagents is opposite less, especially medicine is fed with the source kind medicines and chemical reagents or food. And Western medicine Western medicine lacks good remedial method in this respect, the poisonous side effect of medicines and chemical reagents is big, cause complication easily. People begins to call recursive nature, some closer of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine flourishing it is this reason. What the mode of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine that health care tastes publicizes is the concept of health care of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, agreed with the demand of consumer. Can get more the attention of consumer, pull close the distance with consumer.

The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine established division of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine inside house of preserve one's health, it is the traditional Chinese medical science that one's previous experience of university of medicine of emeritus old traditional Chinese medical science, normal traditional Chinese medical science has practice experience mostly, still have even if what hospital of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine comes out is medium young doctor. They have abound the theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine with major, have old actual combat experience again at the same time, can ask through hoping to hear cut, the healthy state of basis consumer measures the plan of take good care of sb with custom-built and corresponding body, suit the remedy to the case, get effective fast, specific aim is strong, get the jubilation of consumer. Can eliminate when sell health care to taste purely or promoting health care to taste, the trustful problem of consumer, be opposite at least the doctor's word very approbate, from clinch a deal not far.

10, pattern of profit of house of preserve one's health of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?

1. traditional Chinese medical science, feel the pulse is crucial link.

2. feel the pulse, if fixed, for many times, the data is accumulated, can produce client health record.

3. big data becomes a basis, can undertake the product is recommended.

4. profit pattern: The member is made, one annual meeting expends one-time collection (like 500 yuan of) , every months of feel the pulse, prescribe no longer additional collect fees / or give out other proposal, dispensation of inn of castration of prescription of member control oneself (do not earn medical money) , according to membership body circumstance, recommend sale nutrition cordial, earn profit 2 times.

Client of 5. extended hold, become healthy adviser

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