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推荐:北广济街 老刘家泡馍。





推荐:马峰小炒牛羊肉泡馍 北广济街小皮院丁字向北路西(近大皮院广济街)





推荐:甜水井 天发芽葫芦头。



推荐:朱秀英梆梆肉葫芦头 琉璃街2号



推荐:于记东关三鲜煮馍馆 (鸡市拐)







推荐:子午路张记肉夹馍 子午路

推荐:王魁肉夹馍 长乐坊中段

推荐:赵记腊汁肉 连锁店










推荐:李老四腊牛肉夹馍 公园南路北口











推荐:老李家粉蒸肉牛羊肉泡馍 鸡市拐路南







推荐:石家包子 大学习巷98号




推荐:马奎肉丸胡辣汤 康乐路








推荐:东南亚甑糕 西羊市





推荐:宏顺祥卤汁凉粉 大皮院丁字路口





推荐:柳巷面 案板街


推荐:马虎面馆 连锁店




菠菜茎叶柔软滑嫩、味美色鲜,含有丰富维生素 C、胡萝卜素、蛋白质,以及铁、钙、磷等矿物质。除以鲜菜食用外,还可脱水制干和速冻。

推荐:一碗菠菜面 东木头市






推荐:永丰岐山面 多店连锁






葫芦鸡的制作分清煮、蒸笼、油炸三道工序。制作时先放在清水中漂洗,除净血污,煮时用麻丝将鸡捆好,以保持鸡的整形,待锅内凉水烧沸,投入鸡,煮半小时取出,盛—盆内,添肉汤、料酒、精盐、酱油、葱、姜、八角、桂皮,入笼蒸透。油炸时,将菜籽油烧八成热投入蒸好的整鸡,用手勺拨动,至鸡是金黄色时,用漏勺捞出,沥油,随即盛盘中,上桌时另带小蝶花椒盐佐食。 色泽金红,皮酥肉嫩,香烂味醇,筷到骨脱。含有丰富蛋白质和人体所需的饱和脂肪酸。

推荐: 西安饭庄 多店






推荐:户县机场烤肉 多店


推荐:杨姐烤肉 丰庆路以南老机场院内





推荐:赵记绿豆馅饼素斋 竹笆市41号钟楼小区西大门内



推荐:水晶饼 各大超市 德懋恭专卖店有售


推荐:黄桂稠酒 各大超市 网店有售









Introduce the characteristic cate of big Xi'an in detail for everybody, come the friend that Xi'an plays card, must not miss Oh ~

Hotpot bubble steamed bun

The bubble of hotpot of abbreviation of hotpot bubble steamed bun, steamed bun that boil, the raw material that make basically has powder of hotpot, onion, vermicelli made from bean starch, sweetened garlic to wait, ancient call " sheep a thick soup " , shaanxi beautiful food,

It is cooked careful, expect heavy taste is pure, fleshy sodden soup is thick, fat and not be bored with, nutrition is rich, aroma 4 excessive, inviting appetite, the aftertaste after feeding is boundless.

Well-known poet Su Shi leaves Northen Song Dynasty " Gansu food has bear dried meat, boil of the Qin Dynasty only the line of " of ovine a thick soup.

Because of it warm stomach is able to bear or endure be hungry, element loves for Shaanxi people place, foreign guest comes short for Shaanxi Province also try to be the first samples, with full the luck to eat sth delicious.

Recommend: Steamed bun of bubble of old street of boreal extensive aid Home Liu.

This tastes without fishy smell of a bit flesh and fat feeling, what contrary flesh stews is very sodden, fat won't have fat feeling, have sweet smell only, the taste of soup is pure thick, aroma is tangy, other home still has not find above advantage to be had.

The small steamed bun that fry bubble

Using on makings, small fry increased the burden such as day lily, agaric, green vegetables, bean curd doing, egg, add the beef that cuts small, spill hot pepper and vinegar to be fried together with oil directly make.

Small the full-bodied massiness that fried flavour has bubble steamed bread already, still have sick at heart hot tastily original flavor.

Recommend: Ma Feng is small t-shaped of courtyard of small skin of street of extensive aid of north of steamed bun of bubble of the hotpot that fry an ox is northerly road on the west (street of extensive aid of courtyard of close big skin)

This wife and children fries acid sweet tangy, volume big ingredient is heavy, very recommend. And have free boiled water, eat bubble steamed bun to drink on one cup, the fat clear off in the mouth, the aftertaste with boundless remnant.

Steamed bun of calabash head bubble

Steamed bun of calabash head bubble is the tradition of the Han nationality with Shaanxi peculiar Xi'an gust is fastfood. With flavour alcohol brawn of Shang Nong, steamed bun is tender, fat and not be bored with is famed at domestic and international.

Its cook craft careful, reasonable use a variety of condiment. The most important is processing alvine abdomen, boil steamed bun of soup, bubble 3 programs, abdomen of bowel of makings of its Central Plains should pass ability of ten working procedure to achieve decontamination, go raw meat or fish, go the requirement of be bored with, just can make delicate calabash head.

Recommend: Day of fresh water well is gemmiparous calabash head.

Calabash head is the most crucial is large intestine of take out pig the stink of raw meat or fish that itself contains, even large intestine the fragrance of itself is aroused, this is accomplished completely.

The rat-tat rat-tat bowel of their home is additionally pretty good also (fume bowel) .

Recommend: Street of coloured glaze of head of calabash of flesh of rat-tat of Zhu Xiuying rat-tat 2

This calabash head is evaluated simply is Shang Xian, delicious, large intestine is fat and not be bored with, do not taste trifling fishy smell, rat-tat rat-tat bowel is fumigated proper, do not like to have the friend of steamed bun of bubble of flesh of flocks and herds, the proposal tries steamed bun of calabash head bubble.

3 delicacy boil steamed bun

Recommend: Yu Jidong closes 3 delicacy to boil steamed bun house (gallinaceous city abduct)

Soup little taste is thick, steamed bun brawn is sweet.

Raw material is cutlet of a round mass of food, face skin that has sent, fine Pi Bai, together with uses the Bai Zhishang of mix up of flesh of duck of superior fleshy bone, chicken. After the person that feed has broken steamed bread, classics chef has boiled steamed bun with soup-stock, garlic bolt, vermicelli made from bean starch, the 3 bright color in the bowl are bright, soup-stock color is white, aroma 4 excessive, so-called pill skin of red, face suckles yellow, cutlet color, plus a bit hot pepper, it is multicoloured more, especially good-looking, also quite can fetching appetite.

Flesh of dried meat juice places steamed bun

The making method of steamed bun of clip of flesh of dried meat juice includes traditional Shaanxi of thick gravy bacon make (anthology makings and knife labour, bloat flesh of be soiled airing, bittern) of He Baiji steamed bun make.

Basically choose the raw material such as 5 beautiful pork, flour, soup-stock to join all sorts of flavor and flavoring are machined and become.

Steamed bun of clip of flesh of dried meat juice is in selected 2012 newsreel " the China on the tip of the tongue " the 2nd collect " the story of staple food " one of series cate, mouthfeel flesh sweet, steamed bun fragile, flesh is soft.

Recommend: Child flesh of midday road Zhang Ji places steamed bun child midday road

Recommend: King chief flesh places steamed bun to grow happy lane middle

Recommend: Flesh of juice of Zhao Ji dried meat interlinks inn

Appear a few this years in Xi'an like emerge, a few branches, pretty good, many the environment is better than general small store.

Cool skin

Because the raw material, method that make, district is different, rice having heat (face) skin of skin, roll face skin, face of bake in a pan, wine skin. Taste has hemp hot, acid is sweet, sweet hot wait for all sorts of taste.

Cool skin history is long, result from allegedly period of Qin Shi emperor, be apart from already had more than 2000 years of histories today.

Popular at Chinese northern region. The natural green that is rare does not have food of social effects of pollution.

Dried meat beef places steamed bun

The Huis makes this clip steamed bread, steamed bun is placed dried meat beef.

Dried meat beef clip steamed bun must take the advantage of heat to eat, if sheet eats dried meat beef is OK go with wine, but beard cold drinks and snacks.

Mouthfeel and steamed bun of clip of flesh of dried meat juice are two styles, do not conflict absolutely, suggest to be tasted.

Recommend: Li Laosi dried meat mouth of north of the road austral park of beef clip steamed bun

Cake is thick, the flesh is placed very more, bite the Mai Xianghe that going down is full mouth readily the flesh is sweet, be full of happy feeling. There still is miscellaneous liver boiling water inside inn, soup of slices of tripe, soup of a round mass of food, steamed bun matching heat eats appropriate. Everyday deadbeat in an endless stream.

Basket basket flesh places steamed bun

Basket the gust of the Han nationality of original creation of basket flesh Shaanxi is fastfood.

Late Qing Dynasty contrives. What produce via old market is optimal.

Should taste extracting meat of evaporate of plain dish lotus leaf, contrive on the foundation of the craft of flesh of flesh of ground rice evaporate, sweet blast evaporate that make and become. Become in order to give birth to fresh pork assist with complementary makings evaporate, gong Liang of colour and lustre, salty hot have both, fat and not be bored with,

Recommend: Basket flesh places Zhao Ji basket steamed bun

At present 3 inn, be in respectively friendship on the west roadside home village, red only south road, long Le Xilu 60.

Flesh of Islamic pink evaporate

Speak of powdery evaporate pork, believe authority is not new, because countrywide each district can eat, but! The powdery evaporate flesh of Xi'an is the characteristic cate that the Huis brethren invents, changed beef besides big flesh besides, ground rice also changed flour unexpectedly, estimation looks from this, it is in the whole nation alone!

The core of delicate powdery evaporate flesh is the proportion that controls good oil, too much can appear powdery evaporate flesh issues pharynx hard, too little meeting appears beef too bavin, and flour also of dryasdust, be without aroma.

Recommend: South road of abduct of city of chicken of steamed bun of bubble of hotpot of beef cattle of evaporate of Home Laoli pink

30 aged inn, when eating, can deserve to go up garlic (heavy taste) the aroma with arousing the flesh further, still can drink the free brick tea inside inn in order to solve be bored with.

Do not be afraid that fat friend can want a fat oil, those who taste true is very sweet very sweet. There also is hotpot bubble steamed bread inside inn additionally, if do not want to go the friend of the Huis street, can eat here.

Islamic steamed stuffed bun and eight treasures congee

Beef stuffing, zi like that flavour, build is big, stuffing stuff is enough, taste is heavy, eating satisfy a craving, this is the characteristic with Islamic the biggest steamed stuffed bun.

The raw material of eight treasures congee also is to use polished glutinous rice, add millet, gram, red bean, walnutmeat, earthnut, small jujube, yam, lotus seed to wait mix those who boil. Its gust characteristic is, stick glutinous soft, sweet acerbity alcohol is sweet, dainty and delightful.

Both collocation is enjoyed, what can reveal the massiness of steamed stuffed bun and congee is sweet glutinous, have make the sense that reflects Cheng Hui.

Recommend: Stone home steamed stuffed bun learns alley greatly 98

This inn is the god-given store that has steamed stuffed bun and eight treasures congee. The taste of steamed stuffed bun has Zi like that, green flesh, pickled Chinese cabbage, winter squash, leek, can choose according to taste. The most delicious is Zi like that steamed stuffed bun, flavour is full-bodied, eat to stop no less than coming readily! The like hill steamed stuffed bun that piles up before, the instant can disappear into thin air!

Eight treasures congee is boiled now, the wait a little while a bit ability after dot eat passes comes up, with makings is dye-in-the-wood, be worth to be tasted!

Hot boiling water of fleshy bolus moustache

Recommend: Road of peace and happiness of hot boiling water of moustache of bolus of equestrian Kui flesh

The Islamic food of the Huis, suit to should cook breakfast commonly.

Specific and character is vegetable of assorted of beef a round mass of food peppery soup, boiling water draws Gorgon euryale, some are ropy, when eating, irrigate on the oil with famous Shaanxi spills hot pepper, color is fiery and bright, never mention it ate, look very inviting.

Soup flavour Xian Xiang, have beef, vegetable, peppery, the fragrance that chili rises integratedly, again idiosyncratic steamed bun (some homes are boiler armet, have a plenty of Tuo Tuo steamed bun) bubble goes in, the honest union of the cake of sweet thick knead dough of soup, want satisfy a craving.

This also has dried meat beef places steamed bun, beef relatively the original sweet smell that Li Laosi has beef itself place to take more, very recommend.

Cake of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise

Just as its name implies, "Cake of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise " it is raw material with red jujube and polished glutinous rice namely, with " an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise " evaporate makes " cake " , friend name.

Jujube of rice of cake of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise blends, old young Xian Yi, nutrition is rich, nourishing sex is strong, little benefit of colour and lustre, soft is stuck sweet, aroma is tangy, long feed not tire of, local color is distinctive.

Recommend: Cake of southeast Asia an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise on the west ovine city

This jujube and bean are very much, duration is proper, viscosity moderate, should be the delegate of cake of an ancient earthen utensil for steaming rise, recommend.

Thick gravy bean jelly

Hit what thick gravy and bean jelly eat together to call thick gravy bean jelly.

This kind of cate is original provenance is county of Shaanxi province Chang'an allegedly. The summer is burning hot catching up with busy season season, the farmer is too busy to cook, hot meal tastes holding time, make one boiler stew in soy sauce, cut a bit bean jelly, assist with convenient condiment, bubble a few steamed bun, rare in a few one dig, a meal namely, tastily satisfied, beautiful deeply character, the gust of the Han nationality that formed this to have Shaanxi distinguishing feature gradually so is fastfood.

Recommend: Crossing of t-shaped of courtyard of big skin of bean jelly of Hong Shunxiang thick gravy

Content of thick gravy bean jelly includes bean jelly, boiler armet steamed bun, thick gravy, salty duck's egg still can add leather egg (that egg egg that is arrange of the darkness that be called) .

Flavour is overall for the flavour that is sesame paste and garlic juice, but also not confine hereat. When eating, had better go in cake bubble, admit the taste of soup juice, such ability are delicious!

Beef face

Shaanxi person is straightforward and bold and generous, regardless of trival matters, food is not exceptional also. Noodle is general path of thick solid muscle, eating satisfy a craving, beef and vegetable cut small, as irrigate a head, deserve to go up again oil spills hot pepper, that feeling is dripping wet of merry and lively really.

Recommend: Street of chopping board of willow alley face

True bustling, want to discharge date commonly, wait for half hour. As to mouthfeel, I feel very good, but have been to only, be to be queued up to be frightened really.

Recommend: Careless noodle shop interlinks inn

With willow alley face the Islamic noodle shop of a style, be afraid of those who queue up to be able to go.

Spinach face

The cooked wheaten food of a kind of characteristic that spinach face is a Shaanxi region that makes with spinach, face is fastfood.

Softness of spinach bine leaf slips tender, delicious color is bright, contain rich vitamin C, carotene, protein, and iron, calcic, phosphor mineral. Divide with fresh vegetable edible outside, still but dehydration is made work and quick-freeze.

Recommend: City of head of Dong Mu of face of a bowl of spinach

Colourful, foul smell child the amount is full, the oil that distributes chromatically Ze Gongyan spills hot pepper to be able to induce the person's appetite more.

Noodle interest path has chew interest, inn-keeper acceptance feeds capable person fresh, condiment is all wool and a yard wide, craftsmanship of roll face little elder brother is very fine

Qi hill foul smell child face

Foul smell child face history is long. Contain among them distribute food for instance bean curd, the egg, the way is simple. Foul smell child the meaning that is diced meat.

To Shaanxi person, foul smell child the match colors of the face is weighed particularly should, the bean curd of the garlic bolt of the agaric of egg skin of yellow, black, gules carrot, green, white is waited a moment, already good-looking delicious.

Recommend: Much store of range of Yong Fengqi mountain is interlinked

Range of Yong Fengqi mountain fastens name of the central Shaanxi plain to eat, with " decoct, rare, bark, thin, muscle, smooth, acerbity, hot, 9 words characteristic is famous in sweet " China western.

Flavour is authentic, lean lean not bavin, fat not be bored with, have sweet vinegar of Qi hill characteristic, acerbity sweet hemp is hot, bring out the best in each other.

Calabash chicken

Dish of head of dish of short for Shaanxi Province----Calabash chicken

Calabash chicken is the traditional name dish of Shaanxi Xi'an city, only then Yu Tang is acting.

Of calabash chicken make distinguish boil, steam box, deepfry 3 working procedure. When making, put in the full in clear water first, divide clean blood-red, when boiling, with hemp silk has bound chicken, in order to carry gallinaceous plastic, wait for the cold water inside boiler to burn boil, throw chicken, boil half hours to be taken out, fill, inside the basin, add broth, cooking wine, refined salt, soy, green, ginger, anise, cassia bark, appear into basket evaporate. When deepfry, burn rapeseed oil the whole chicken with heat up devoted evaporate good most probably, the spoon that use a hand is dialed move, to chicken it is golden color when, with strainer fish out, drop oil, immediately Cheng Panzhong, on other area is small when the desk assist of butterfly flower a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt is fed. Gold of colour and lustre is red, leather soft flesh is tender, sweet sodden smell is mellow, chopsticks is taken off to bone. Contain rich protein and the saturated fatty acid that human body needs.

Recommend: Xi'an restaurant much store

Xi'an restaurant with " dish of short for Shaanxi Province is authentic " , " Shaanxi gust encyclopedia " famed at the world, have calabash chicken not only, still have a grandma stockpot prelarva, lukewarm mix wing of chicken of lumbar silk, 3 skins silk, high-ranked imperial concubine... wait dish of characteristic short for Shaanxi Province a moment, can go sampling.


Xi'an barbecue is different from Xinjiang barbecue, he is ab extra species the evolution in Xi'an mainland.

Summertime night, street edge everywhere sees barbecue vendor's stand, 35 good friends, after coming off work, sit on the barbecue booth of roadside, make two bottles of beer, a dish of element goes all out, be worried of a day vanishs completely in this barbecue and wine.

During the closest world cup, more little not bake string together and beer, no matter admit to be not known, the process that sees a ball together makes a person extremely lively.

Recommend: Door much store of prefectural airport barbecue

This characteristic is lamb flesh, the flesh is qualitative fresh and tender, smell of mutton is not heavy, the friend that likes hotpot is OK and great consideration.

Recommend: Poplar inside courtyard of old airport of Lu Yina of Fengqing of elder sister barbecue

The characteristic with this the largest store is barbecue of its particular sweet-and-sour hemp piquancy, xi'an can do not have the 2nd, the classmates that this locality does not know also can be tasted Oh!


Prandial eat, will nod the desert after the meal and ~ of You of the ceremony that accompany a hand

The cake of big Xi'an also is deserve the reputations one enjoys!

Recommend: Bamboo of fast of element of pasty of Zhao Ji gram village of 41 belfry of basketry city Xidamennei

The person enrages hot gram cake inn, if want much, can be booked only.

His home all is to be done now sell now, cortical crisp, stuffing makings is sterling, do not contain impurity, taste the entrance is changed namely, talk person energy of life, should be Xi'an Chinese pastry the first.

Recommend: Brand shop of each big supermarket De Maogong has crystal cake carry out

Silver of face of crystal cake gold is helped, the skin is dropped since crisp, mouthfeel oil is much and not be bored with, candy is heavy and ooze is sweet, have full-bodied rose scent. Only then Yu Song is acting, already had 800 old histories.

Recommend: Inn of each big supermarket net has yellow laurel thick alcoholic drink carry out

Thick alcoholic drink of Xi'an yellow laurel only then at trader week, be apart from the history that already had more than 3000 years today.

Its characteristic is: Shape is like milk, lubricious Bai Ruyu, juice stiff alcohol is sweet, continous is sweet dainty. Alcohol composition content is 0.5-1% left and right sides only, look to take the juice of fermented glutinous rice that everybody loves like Jiang Zhe already, also resemble street fastfood the soup of fermented glutinous rice of the flower that irrigate an egg, unlike is general wine is clear in that way. Call it wine, it is because of drinking only in the mouth, flavour of wine thering is no lack of just.

The person that women and children of the old and weak and not to be pooh-poohed drink, all but big bowl will drink. When drink or lukewarm or cool, the four seasons all appropriate. As a result of inside deserve to have yellow bay tree of Chinese traditional medicine, make wine flavour has yellow laurel scent, friend says " Huang Guichou wine " ; Still originate in Chang'an because of its, reason is called again " Shaanxi thick alcoholic drink " .

According to legend " drunk wine of high-ranked imperial concubine " those who drink is Xi'an thick alcoholic drink, friend still says " thick alcoholic drink of high-ranked imperial concubine " .

The cate of big Xi'an stops not just of course hereat ~

Recommend so much to give authority, hope everybody can taste the Xi'an with the most authentic savor to taste!

Wish you the life is happy!

