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       hotwind热风不仅是 一个商品品牌,更是一个时尚购物的商业品牌,她始终关注消费者的需求,其企业文化为:



























1、企业核心价值观 “平等、务实、激情、创新”

2、发展理念 “技术为王,创新为本”

3、企业精神是 质量为本、信誉为魂、追求卓着


企业文化(Corporate Culture或Organizational Culture)的概念,最早由美国哈佛大学教育研究院的教授泰伦斯·迪尔和麦肯锡咨询公司顾问艾伦·肯尼迪在《企业文化--企业生存的习俗和礼仪》(1981年7月出版)一书中提出。企业文化,或称组织文化,是一个组织由其价值观、信念、仪式、符号、处事方式等组成的其特有的文化形象。


realme(中文名真我),是为年轻人而来的科技潮牌 。秉持"敢越级"品牌理念 ,realme为全球年轻用户提供兼具越级性能和潮流设计的高品质手机和AIoT产品 。

realme围绕"手机+AIoT"战略,推出"1+4+N"产品策略,旗下产品以5G手机为核心,连接音箱、电视、耳机、手表四大流量中枢,辐射丰富全场景AIoT产品,为年轻人打造万物互联的智能潮玩生活。 其中手机产品分为四大系列:Q系列主打价格与性能,V系列主打续航越级,X系列主打设计越级,以及性能旗舰系列主打极致性能








1.制度文化 崇尚自由,平等,没有森严的等级,每一位员工都是平等的,每一位同事都是自己的伙伴。

2.创新,快速的互联网文化 专注于高端智能机的创新研发,首创用互联网方式来打造一个手机品牌,首创用 互联网模式开发手机操作系统miui, 首创软件、硬件、互联网服务一体。

理念: 我们坚持“为发烧而生”的产品理念。


One, the company culture of Mcdonald's company culture?

It is the happy culture of type of a kind of family. Somebody comments on Mcdonald's to perform new culture imperialism in China, emphasize the effect of its joy culture, say the state that has Mcdonald's won't enter a battle even.

Level runs no matter between the colleague of Mcdonald's name of the other side of each other appellation, everybody feels very relaxed together, resemble a family.

Employee makes a mistake on the job irrespective, wanting you only is not the concerned policy that violates a company badly and regulation, mcdonald's won't discharge you.

The person depends on using, everybody has advantage, mcdonald's advocates pair of people to should be praised all the time at numerous, share experience and advocating is not high pressure.

Mcdonald's is not to rely on to personnel flows and basically rely on to groom the development that will solve employee and raise a question, the company grooms every year only charge amounts to many yuan 1000.

Employee enters Mcdonald's, family says they changed, work more systimatic more amiable.

2, what is company culture, the purpose of company culture?

One, what is company culture

Company culture, or call an organization culture, it is an organization by its viewpoint of value, belief, ceremony, symbol, play the its are characteristic culture form of the composition such as means, simple and character, it is an enterprise what show in moving daily each each.

2, the purpose of company culture

1, enhance company core competition ability;

2, the cohesive affinity that strengthens a business, centripetal force;

3, the strength that enhances in-house to employee tie;

4, the promotion of stimulative business economic benefits.

3, Hotwind company culture?

     Hotwind sirocco is brand of a commodity not only, it is the commercial brand that a vogue shops more, she pays close attention to the demand of consumer from beginning to end, its company culture is:

     The service of Hotwind sirocco sincerity, guileless, human nature;

     The commodity with vogue, good quality;

     The natural, recreational, shopping environment that mixes in person;

     Expect in order to achieve with what surmount a guest, the every time that allows a guest chooses more approach is perfect, let we and life essence more press close to.

4, culture of hill Mu company?

The core of hill Mu culture reflects the viewpoint of value that depends on us, the core value that hill Mu pays close attention to is faithfulness, care, brave, esteem, this also is the solid cornerstone that our innovation develops.

1. faithfulness

Reliable, be worth to trust

The long-term cooperation between hill Mu company, employee and client concerns

To hill Mu value, strategy, policy and decision-making acceptance

2. care

Be willing help and supportive another person

Communicate accredit and sympathize with

3. is brave

Create future actively

Initiate with breed change

Candid, honesty and comprehensive communication

Active and active

Put forward constructively and answer difficulty

4. esteem

Respect the difference between person and person

Integrity and fairness

Respect different culture and sexual distinction, establish the group of diversity

Abide by legal laws and regulations

5, Biyadi company culture?

Classics inquiry, biyadi company culture is:

1, company core viewpoint of value " equal, deal with concrete matters relating to work, passion, innovation "

2, development concept " the technology is king, innovation is this "

3, spirit of enterprise is quality is this, credit is eminent of fetch, pursuit to wear

6, Tcc company culture?

Company culture (Corporate Culture or Organizational Culture) concept, breath out Buddha the earliest by the United States Kennedy of · of advisory Allan of advisory company of the professor Tailunsi Dill of campus academy and Mai Ken stannum is in " company culture- - what the industry survives is consuetudinary and formal " (published in July 1981) put forward in one book. Company culture, or call an organization culture, it is an organization by its viewpoint of value, belief, ceremony, symbol, play the its are characteristic culture form of the composition such as means.

7, Realme company culture?

Realme(Chinese name is true my) , it is the wet card of science and technology that comes for the youth. Grasp hold " dare concept of brand of " of bypass the immediate leadership, realme is the whole world young user offers the high quality mobile phone that holds a function of bypass the immediate leadership and tide design concurrently and AIoT product.

Realme around " mobile phone + AIoT" strategy, roll out "1+4+N" product strategy, the product below the banner is core with 5G mobile phone, join sound box, TV, earphone, watch centre of 4 large flow, radiation abounds product of full-court scene AIoT, the intelligent tide that makes interconnection of everythings on earth for the youth enjoys the life. Among them component of mobile phone product is 4 old series: QSeries advocate make the price and property, v series advocate bypass the immediate leadership of the boat that hit add, x series advocate make design bypass the immediate leadership, and function admiral series advocate make acme property

8, Toshiba company culture?

Toshiba enterprise is a group of the well-known industry that cross a state that having history of 130 one's remaining years, in world each district, have 751 companies to involve information processing, telegraphic system, electric home appliances

The company culture core of Toshiba is: For the mankind and earth tomorrow. Toshiba group is with respecting a person essential, strive to become can create rich value, can make industry group of contribution for culture of complete mankind life.

9, company culture caption?

Company culture: Model constituent soul, the region company culture that leads future is a catchword or a kind of adornment not just, it is the soul of the enterprise, it is the viewpoint of value that employee abides by jointly and code of conduct. In the commercial environment of rapid development, a bright company culture can condense popular feeling, stimulate innovation, promote a brand image, become an enterprise to develop continuously not exhaust motivation. Outstanding company culture can arouse the attributive feeling of employee and sense of pride, make them make arduous efforts for company goal. In the meantime, it still can be attracted and tarry talent, the long-term development that is an enterprise provides solid talent basis. Accordingly, compose is built and inheritance active up company culture, crucial to the prospective development of the enterprise.

10, millet company culture?

Company culture:

1. system culture advocates free, equal, without the grade of forbidding, each employee are equal, each colleagues are his associate.

2. innovates, fast Internet culture is dedicated the innovation research and development at high-end intelligence machine, initiate makes brand of a mobile phone with Internet means, initiate develops Miui of mobile phone operating system with Internet mode, initiate software, hardware, Internet serves an organic whole.

Concept: We hold to " be born to have a fever " product concept.

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