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To guarantee the security that motor vehicle drives, of the vehicle that our country provides discard as useless fixed number of year, the traffic that says here includes battalion carry car and car of the carry that be not battalion, because battalion carries car photograph compares other vehicle, the time that drives on the road is longer, and still involve a likelihood to carry a lot of people occasionally, because this battalion carries car discards as useless,fixed number of year is worth to take seriously more, so everybody should know battalion carries car discards as useless fixed number of year is how long.

One, battalion carry car discards as useless fixed number of year

1, 9 (contain 9) battalion of the following blame is locomotive passenger car (include a car, contain cross-country model) use 15 years. Achieve discard as useless the requirement after the standard continues to use. Do not need to examine and approve, via use fixed number of year can be being extended after certificate of proof, annual regular inspection 2, more than 20 years, rise from the 21st year annual regular inspection 4.

2, travel carries passenger car and battalion of 9 above blame locomotive passenger car uses 10 years. Achieve discard as useless to be dealt with what the requirement after the standard continues to use by active regulation program, but can extend use fixed number of year the longest do not exceed 10 years. Defer discard as useless use travel carries passenger car annual 4 times; defers regular inspection discard as useless camp of use 9 above blame is locomotive passenger car is annual regular inspection 2, more than 15 years, rise from the 16th year annual regular inspection 4.

3, the use fixed number of year of battalion carry coach is adjusted for 10 years, achieve discard as useless to be dealt with what the requirement after the standard continues to use by active regulation program. Defer discard as useless use do not exceed 4 years: Extend operating period annual regular inspection 4.

4, when afore-mentioned car regular inspection, one examines cycle examines 3 times not to accord with national level continuously " motor vehicle runs safe technology condition (GB7258-2004) sets, call in name brand and travel card, everybody of announcement motor vehicle is dealt with cancel register. Achieve discard as useless after the standard, do not register so that deal with register and turn book change the name of owner in a register is registered.

5, battalion carry car turns to carry to be not battalion car and car of the carry that be not battalion turn car of the carry that it is battalion is same the formulary fixed number of year of car of the carry that press battalion (8 years) discard as useless.

2, car discards as useless flow

1, application discards as useless updated car car advocate get fill " motor vehicle change, change the name of owner in a register, change one's costume or dress, stop sail, discard as useless examine and approve application form " , build a car advocate seal.

2, register accept hillock application, discard as useless to already was being amounted to the car of fixed number of year is opened " the car discards as useless advice note " . Discard as useless to was not being achieved the motor vehicle of fixed number of year, classics motor vehicle checks hillock to maintain, accord with a car to discard as useless standard, the nucleus is sent " the car discards as useless requisition " .

3, the car is chaired " advice note " choose what accord with a regulation to reclaim by oneself disintegrate of deliver of enterprise general car.

4, reclaim enterprise classics is checked " advice note " hind take a picture car disintegrate. Requirement engine and car are detached, the cylinder body of engine should be broken, frame (chassis) should cut off.

5, the car is chaired " change is expressed " , "- - the province updates car technical appraisement to express " and " discard as useless the car reclaims proof " reach car disintegrate photograph, classics motor vehicle checks hillock to check and sign, reclaim card card, appear in the newspaper by the regulation examine and approve, deal with discard as useless register.

Car achieves battalion to carry car discards as useless continue to use after fixed number of year, the battalion carry car that need times the examination must not exceed a regulation at the same time adjourns time, if battalion carries car had arrived to discard as useless fixed number of year and the examination did not pass, cannot forcibly start off, need to undertake discarding as useless according to the regulation, when discarding as useless, want according to the regulation discard as useless flow undertakes.
