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节能减排 索肯和平在行动











节能减排指的是减少能源浪费和降低废气排放。 我国“十一五”规划纲要提出,“十一五”期间单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右、主要污染物排放总量减少10%。这是贯彻落实科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的重大举措;是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会的必然选择;是推进经济结构调整,转变增长方式的必由之路;是维护中华民族长远利益的必然要求。







































































































Energy-saving all alone that decrease a platoon agrees peace is acting

It is company division report one year 100 million degrees

Hold jointly by 17 central branches " the energy-saving the whole people that decrease a platoon acts " series activity, the ceremony that start will be held in hall of Beijing people congress on September 1. Ceng Peiyan of Vice Prime Minister of committee member of the Political Bureau of Central Committee of Communist Party of China, the State Council emphasizes in the speech, society of economy of the energy-saving relationship that decrease a platoon can develop continuously, matter to numerous people personal interest, although energy-saving first half of the year decrease a platoon effect sees first, but current condition still very austere.

To the enterprise, energy-saving mean namely reduce waste, managing cost. Alleviate to conducing to for the country the sources of energy is supplied and build pressure, make an appointment with social natural resources with season, more be helpful for national economy health developing continuously.

All alone agrees. Peace devotes oneself to environmental protection all the time the research of energy-saving product, soft starter of the HPS2 that the company rolled out 2002 low-pressure intelligence, the electric power that is a model is energy-saving product.

Soft starter of HPS2 low-pressure intelligence is energy-saving the principle is to become when electromotor load is lighter, soft starter falls in the status that chooses energy-saving function, its reduce output tension automatically (electromotor stator carries voltage) , reduced the excitation weight of electromotor electric current, raised the φ of power factor COS of electromotor thereby. Via the experiment proof electromotor is in when carrying for nothing, the section can be made an appointment with for 40% , when having load, the section can is about 5% , domestic congener product does not have this function more.

Need to add controller of a HPZ-1TN only on soft starter of HPS2 low-pressure intelligence, can realize lug already 2, lug 3, lug the function of 4. Already a soft starter can control 4 electromotor. This program is offerred to have the user of much stage electromotor, the soft starter function that managing equipment is thrown and can make full use of to have for the client. (note: Soft in this plan starter cannot realize energy-saving function)

According to at present 10000 soft starter that are in working status are calculated, if average with 250 kilowatt / stage, working hours is annual 300 days, everyday 5 hours, so 250 kilowatt / stage of X40%X10000 of day of X300 of stage X5 hour, average and annual section report is as high as 150 million degrees, amount to RMB counts ten million. Can say, all alone agrees. Peace develops in oneself while, also be energy-saving decrease a platoon to make contribution actively.

Electromotor belongs to perceptual load, voltaic lag voltage, great majority belongs to this kind with electric equipment. To enhance power factor must use the load that allow a gender to compensate, and capacitance or compensate with synchronous electromotor. The magnetizing current that reduces electromotor also can raise power factor (HPS2 energy-saving function, tension is reduced when carrying gently, make magnetizing current is reduced, make COS ∮ rises) . Energy-saving operation pattern: Voltage was reduced to reduce magnetizing current when carrying gently, cent of electric machinery electric current is mixed for heft of have rendered great service without result heft (excitation heft) raise COS ∮ .

Energy-saving operation pattern: When electromotor load is light, soft starter falls in the status that chooses energy-saving function, PF switch heat is dialed to Y, below the action that feedbacks in electric current, soft starter reduces electromotor tension automatically. Reduced the excitation weight of electromotor electric current. The power factor that raised electromotor thereby (COS ∮ ) . (homebred soft starter does not have this function more) this function cannot come true below contactor bypass condition. TPF switch provided the time of two kinds of reaction of energy-saving function; Normal, slow fast. Energy-saving operation pattern: Automatic and energy-saving move. (normal, slow fast rate of two kinds of response) carry for nothing energy-saving 40% , laden and energy-saving 5% .

Energy-saving decrease a platoon

Energy-saving those who decrease a platoon to point to is to decrease to the sources of energy is wasted and reduce exhaust emission. Our country " 915 " program compendium puts forward, "915 " during specific power consumption of unit gross domestic product reduces 20 % left and right sides, main contaminant to discharge gross to reduce 10 % . This is to carry out the major move that fulfils science to develop view, compose to build socialistic harmony society; It is construction resource is managing model, the environment is friendly model inevitable choice of the society; It is to advance economic structural adjustment, change grows the only way of means; It is the inevitable requirement that upholds long-term interests of the Chinese nation.

[energy-saving the situation that decreases a platoon]

Current, the situation that realizes the energy-saving target that decrease a platoon to be faced with is very grim. Since last year, the whole nation strengthened the energy-saving job that decrease a platoon up and down, the State Council issued the decision that reinforces energy-saving job, made promote energy-saving a series of policy measure that decrease a platoon, various places, departmental door made working deploy in succession, the energy-saving job that decrease a platoon gained active headway. But, what the whole nation decided without implementation the beginning of the year last year is energy-saving fall the goal that bad news and pollution reduce a platoon, increased " 915 " hind the difficulty of 4 years of energy-saving jobs that decrease a platoon. More austere is, this year first quarter, industry especially high cost can, growth of tall pollution industry is too rapid, the 6 large trades such as treatment of the electric power that takes countrywide industry specific power consumption and 2 oxidation sulfur to discharge nearly 70 % , steely, coloured, building materials, oil, chemical industry grow 20. 6 % , accelerate compared to the same period 6. 6 percent. Meanwhile, each field work still is put in understanding not to reach the designated position, responsibility ambiguous, measure does not deserve to cover, not perfect, investment does not implement policy, harmonious do not get the problem such as force. If this kind of state is not seasonable turn round, not only the energy-saving this year job that decrease a platoon obtains apparent progress hard, "915 " energy-saving the overall objective that decreases a platoon also will come true hard.

[energy-saving the import that reduces a platoon]

Our country economy grows quickly, each construction gains huge success, but also paid huge natural resources and environmental price, the contradiction of economic progress and resources environment is acerb with each passing day, masses is intense to reaction of environmental pollution problem. This kind of state and economic structure extensive of pattern of unreasonable, growth is direct and relevant. Do not accelerate structure of tone warping aid, change to grow way, resource is not propped up, the environment is accommodated no less than, the society suffers not to rise, economic progress is afterwards hard. Hold to managing development, clean development, safe development only, ability achieves economy good rapid development. In the meantime, greenhouse gas is discharged cause global climate calefacient, suffer international society to pay close attention to extensively fully. Strengthen the energy-saving job that decrease a platoon further, also be the urgent need that answers global climate change, it is the responsibility that we should assume.

[energy-saving decrease a hand of the platoon to nod]

Want to accelerate industrial structural adjustment. Want to develop tertiary industy energetically, divide the work in order to specialization and raise social efficiency to attach most importance to a dot, positive development productivity serves industry; It is a center in order to satisfy people demand and convenient masses life, promotion develops life sex to serve industry; Want to develop hi-tech property energetically, hold to new-style industrialized road, promote traditional industry to upgrade, increase hi-tech property the proportion in industry. Should carry out actively " vacate basket change a bird " the strategy, accelerate eliminate backward productivity, craft, technology and equipment; To the company that does not eliminate on schedule, should instruct its stop production lawfully or give shut.

2 should expand circular economy energetically. Want according to circular economy concept, accelerate garden area zoology to change transform, advance construction of area of zoology agriculture garden, compose is built cross catenary of industrial modes of life and relation to their environment, advance the trash between the industry to circulate. Want to advance enterprise cleanness to produce, reduce the generation of trash from fountainhead, implementation is administered by extreme to pollution prevention and production whole process controls change, of the litter of solid body of consumption of stimulative company energy, industry, litter that pack decrease quantify change with resource use, control and reduce contaminant to discharge, raise resource to use efficiency.

3 want aggrandizement technology to innovate. Want an organization to cultivate innovation of science and technology industry, raise area own innovation ability. Strengthen cooperate with scientific research school, compose builds technical research and development to serve platform, exert oneself catchs construction of demonstrative company of good technology standard. Should around resource efficient loop is used, begin actively replace the technology, technology that reduce an amount, recycle technology, resource to change the crucial technology research such as technology, systematization technology, the breakthrough restricts the technical bottleneck that circular economy grows.

4 should strengthen constituent leader, assess a mechanism soundly. Should establish development circular economy construction is managing model work orgnaization, research makes progress circular economy construction is managing model each policy measure of the society. Should create development circular economy construction is managing model the society is special capital, the key gives aid to circular economy project, energy-saving fall bad news activity, decrease a quantity to decrease allowance of platoon technology innovation to wait. Want a 10 thousand yuan of total output value, chemical oxygen demand and 2 oxidation sulfur to discharge gross to bring into national economy and society to develop annual plan; Want to establish the safeguard mechanism of perfect energy conservation and environmental protection, will fall bad news decreases an index to bring into governmental target responsibility and cadre assessment body is.

[energy-saving the measure that decreases a platoon]

1. controls increment above all, adjust and optimize a structure. Should control high cost can, tall pollution industry grows too quickly, accelerate wash out backward productivity, perfect the policy measure of stimulative industry structural adjustment, advance structural adjustment of the sources of energy actively, stimulative service line of business and hi-tech industry accelerate development.

2. increases investment, implement major project in the round. Accelerate carry out 10 big focal points energy-saving project. Executive water natural resources is managing project. Accelerate water pollution to administer project. Promote coal fired power plant processing of 2 oxidation sulfur. Much channel raises money the energy-saving capital that decrease a platoon.

3. innovation mode, accelerate development loop economy. Deepen circular economy pilot, advance resource to be used integratedly, advance rubbish resource to change use, boost clean production in the round.

4. relies on science and technology, accelerate technical development and promotion. Accelerate research and development of the energy-saving technology that decrease a platoon, accelerate the energy-saving technology that decrease a platoon to industrialization sets an example and be popularized, accelerate build the energy-saving technology that decrease a platoon to serve a system, advance health of environmental protection industry to develop,

5. tamp foundation, aggrandizement is energy-saving the management that decrease a platoon. Establish a government the energy-saving job that decrease a platoon asks duty make, build and perfect the system of the energy-saving quota that decrease a platoon, system that monitor and assessment system.

6. sound legal system, increase supervisory examination to execute the law strength. Perfect and energy-saving with environmental protection standard, begin energy-saving decrease a platoon special execute the law examination.

7. perfects policy, form drive and tie mechanism. Active and reliable push reform of price of resource sex product, perfect be helpful for energy-saving the finance policy that decreases a platoon, execute be helpful for energy-saving the taxation policy that decreases a platoon.

8. strengthens conduct propaganda, raise the whole people managing consciousness. The organization is very annual for a time water of section of city of week of countrywide energy-saving conduct propaganda, whole nation publicizes Zhou Ji activity of day of conduct propaganda of day of World Environment Day, earth, water. In permeating resource conservation and protective environment concept in various and of all kinds school to teach teacher and student, foster the managing consciousness of children as a child.

9. government is the first, produce energy-saving example effect. In the energy-saving job that decrease a platoon, administration will take the lead in hanging down model. The whole nation wants 50 million to extend efficient and energy-saving product this year, central state office will take the lead in changing energy-saving lamp.

[energy-saving the life that decreases platoon and us]

A few changes that go easily simply, use up with respect to what can reduce the sources of energy. For example, closer office worker can commute by bicycle and leaving home is not to drive; Short distance journey chooses the train and do not enplane; When needing to continue to charge, conveniently unplugs from socket charger; If computer is not used in a hour, conveniently shuts lead plane and monitor; Tub is replaced with shower when bathing everyday, his annual can reduce those who make an appointment with 0.1 tons of carbon dioxide to discharge...

We are OK still the environment with different basis, place, undertake proper adjustment.

One, house home

1. illume uses phone

Notice conveniently blacks out. Use efficient and energy-saving bulb. Energy department of the United States estimates, use efficient and energy-saving bulb to replace traditional bulb only, can avoid 400 million tons of carbon dioxide to be released.

The thing that can do by day is not staying to be done in the evening, wash job of the dress, writing to finish before the day is black. Sleep early rise early be helpful for healthy, environmental protection is energy-saving.

Cookery of 2. low carbon

As far as possible the sources of energy in managing kitchen. Edible oil produces carcinogenic substance when heat, cause lampblack to pollute bedroom environment. Reduce decoct to fry the dish of boil blast, boil more eat vegetable. Do not install rice cooker and jug too completely, shang Shui spills over after boil otherwise, waste the sources of energy already, extinguish kitchen fire easily again, cause leak burning gas. Adjust the combustion range of flame, make its do not exceed the predestined relationship outside boiler bottom, obtain optimal heat the effect. If boiler small fire is big, flame is burned in boiler bottom all around can use up for nothing only burn gas.

Oneself cooks fried dish, the capacity is sufficient it is good to eat, do not fry more. The food that is discarded sees on the road, can pick up will feed the puppy such as stray dog, caracal and birdie. Degenerative meal can be buried in the ground to make fertilizer.

Subtle move of 3. section water

The water that clean out rice is very good eradicator, can stay wash a bowl to perhaps irrigate a flower.

The boiler that touched oil and dish should use has used napkin wipe up first, wash rise already when section water is saved, can use scour less again, reduce water pollution.

When rinsing the dress, can join a few soap powder, because washing powder encounters soap to be able to reduce a lot of bubble, visit water already managing clean time.

Wash a face, wash one's hands with water of small washbasin catching, come into tun gather up next.

Wash one's hands, bathe, wash clothes, the water that washs dish and the cleaner water that wash a bowl, OK gather up will wash dishcloth, brush floor, strong closestool.

4. cherishs the think of clothings

Clad with easy, concise, grave for the United States, add a few vogue can. Compare those fashionable dress, of traditional dress last it is as better as durable sex to spend.

The formal dress that when going out, wears and household take departure, come home to change comfortable and comfortable household to take, can prolong the life that installing.

Have a meal, dress of in charge of notices when walking, avoid to splash on smeary with slimy be soiled.

Cook, apron or labor are put on to take when working, protect the dress not by caustic corrupt.

Shampoo, when washing a face, protect collar with towel block, furl arm, avoid the dress to be hit by water wet.

It is good that the dress that takes off wants fold, put in chest to perhaps be hanged into almirah, do not huddle to be put in disorder outside, lest fall,go up dust is miscellaneous dirty.

Night clothes is changed when resting in the evening, already neat do not damage again the dress.

After dirty clothes is washed clean, if have the place of flaw, the cloth that can use color close piece mend, do not be afraid of lose face. Dress is grave and neat, bearing courtesy is decent, just have impressive manner truly, have outer part.

5. of electric home appliances

When buying washing machine, television or other electric equipment, the low cost with credible alternative is energy-saving product.

TV, computer need not when seasonable dump, already managing prevent socket again with report the hidden trouble that short circuit causes fire. Need not when put out water the power source of machine. Maintain freezer to be in the condition that do not have frost.

6. loop recycle

The method that relies on circular recycle will reduce material to be used circularly, can reduce the amount that produces new raw material, reduce carbon dioxide discharge capacity thereby. For example, paper and the circular recycle that block the organic material such as chipboard, can avoid to fill the firedamp that buries the ground to be released from rubbish (a kind of gas that can cause greenhouse effect, it is methane for the most part) . According to statistic, reclaim the second birth paper that a ton of waste paper can produce 800 kilogram, can cut 17 large trees less, the papermaking raw material of above of spare in part, reduce water pollution. Accordingly, managing protect environment of forest, protection namely with paper.

Reclaim plastic reach metal, of a kilogram of aluminium use afresh can avoid 11 kilograms of carbon dioxide to discharge.

As far as possible little the benefit happy brick that uses up aluminous film to pack is packed, with etc one-time things.

The gymnastical means with energy-saving 7.

If what stay in,the stair of the building knows wind daylighting in order, safe facilities all ready, can do everyday " motion climbing ladder " , in section report while, fitness, be good at heart, be good at disposition is finished.

The hand washs light clothing, also be a kind of very good motion. Washing clothes with the pose of station picket the station before the pool is decided, exercise footwork already, can make the waist that often is in nervous condition and back are loosened again. At the same time rub washs both hands the dress, report of section water section while the harmonious ability that exercised finger flexibility and right-and-left head.

8. saves the sources of energy that takes warm refrigeration

The sources of energy of major family is used up taking warm refrigeration. Should use nature effectively only ventilated and avoid a room to warm too, reduce the charge of 10% and carbon dioxide discharge capacity can simply.

Examination attic and hollow wall the quality of heat-insulating material. Winter inspection door and the aperture by the side of the window are airtight.

Summertime weather does not calculate very burning hot when, had better replace air conditioning with fan or fanner. When use air conditioning, do not move temperature too lowly.

9. but second birth the sources of energy

Use all sorts of but the technology of second birth the sources of energy, the carbon dioxide that can reduce us greatly to arise in the process of use the sources of energy. Solar energy can heat water and generate electricity. System of raw material heating is used increasingly in country of a few Europe, still a few new-style small-sized and wind- driven turbogenerator can have been used for the family.

10. rubbish classifies processing

Rubbish classification can reclaim valuable resource, decrease at the same time fill bury and burn the sources of energy that rubbish place wastes. For example, waste paper is sent a paper mill directly, in order to produces second birth paper; Carefe, jar and plastic wait to also can send relevant plant, become renewable resources; Electric home appliances

11. communication contributes redundant article

Will redundant or unused goods rises centrally, adopt exchange and donative measure, achieve the goal of repeated usage.

2, go up in the road

1. economy car

Every kilometer produces high-energy effect car fewer carbon dioxide. Say commonly, car weight jumps over bad news oil greatly more, the carbon dioxide of generation is more. With economy model photograph of small cylinder car is compared, large SUV car and luxurious car discharge the carbon dioxide of at least double above. Cross-country model car safety factor is high, but compare bad news oil. The motivation of automatic archives car is delivered finish through hydraulic pressure, the meeting in working causes dynamical loss, be in especially low speed travel or in blocking a car up, go to stop when stopping, oily bad news is bigger.

2. fuel

Benzine and derv: Environmental protection the performance that benzine and derv can improve a car. It can be clean the engine of the car, reduce the attrition force of engine, make fuel can burn more adequately, reduce pair of airy pollution thereby.

Biology liquid fuel: Biology liquid fuel and traditional car are compared with fuel photograph, OK and potential ground brings carbon dioxide to decrease a platoon. The country of the 3rd big production that China has been world fuel alcohol and use country. The car that fuel alcohol saves 9 times in the whole nation is able to popularize with fuel market and use.

3. well-advised journey

Had planned optimal course to set out again first.

Consider your journey demand carefully. Use public traffic tool as far as possible.

Do you have had wanted to follow family and friend to take a car in all? Do you need to fly really? Likelihood more economic time, money mixes conference of a telephone reduce carbon dioxide discharge capacity.

4. car maintains

Do the daily conserve of good car, ensure it can issue exercise in groove. Procuratorial work tyre pressure and engine oil. When needing, tear open roof rack and case come down, because these metropolises make,the loss of efficiency of the car exceeds 10% .

When 5. drives

Oil of the attention when travel leaves cooperate, maintain in economic speed per hour. The experiment shows, accelerator walks after all to compare excessive consumption of fuel and oil of middling speed travel 2, 3 times, starting fierce in travel brake, suddenly so is big fear, accomplish as far as possible start smoothly.

Queueing up, when block a car up or waiting for a person, avoid motor racing as far as possible. Oily bad news of 3 minutes can let motor racing car travel 1 kilometer. Accordingly, if detention time exceeds 1 minute, should flameout.

6. carries tower above door to handle affairs efficiency

Unless need, drive alone not simply go out. Before going out every time, come out the thing kind that should do, strive for do at a heat. Can reduce the waste of the sources of energy that traffic jam creates and environmental pollution so.

3, when shopping

Shopping bag of 1. provide for oneself or repeat use polybag to shop

Plastic raw material basically comes from cannot the mineral the sources of energy such as reborn coal, oil, natural gas, managing polybag is managing world energy resources. Our country is annual and plastic deserted quantity exceeds million ton, " used throw " the enormous waste that polybag created resource not only, and make rubbish measures leap.

2. buys the product of this locality

The product that buys this locality can reduce the carbon dioxide that produces when the product is carried. For example: A report that publishs according to environment, food and ministry of rustic general affairs, be in England, the 8% carbon dioxide that release from the car come from the car that ships product of blame this locality.

3. buys seasonal product

Buy seasonal fruit and vegetable to be able to reduce the crop that conservatory grows. A lot of conservatory use up many energy resources to grow the product with seasonal blame.

One party natural environment raises one party person, the food of this locality suits local edible most. The other goods that this locality produces, maintenance is convenient and cost is low. Seasonal food is to be in optimum of the maturity below the natural zoology that this species grows, the richest nutrition, at the same time rare also all sorts of ecbolic accretion are tasted. And provision of the section that turn over season not only the price expensive and nutrition is less, additive pesticide, chemical fertilizer and ecbolic agent also endanger health.

4. reduces the animal sex provision such as the flesh, egg, grandma purchase

Raise cattle to want to use up the farmland of 2/3 above; In the methane that produces artificially on the earth, stock raising is occupied 16% . The flesh kind production, pack, carry and the energy that cooking place wastes wants to be gotten more than plant sex food much, its occupy the proportion of human behavior to be as high as 25% to causing place of earthly greenhouse effect.

5. uses one-time product less

There is one-time things in bazaar: One-time tableware, one-time tooth brush, one-time sign pen... one-time things brought brief advantage to people, brought disaster to zoology environment however. They accelerated the exhaust of earthly natural resources, a large number of rubbish that produce cause environmental pollution. It is with one-time chopstick exemple, our country makes an appointment with 1.5 million stere every year to Japan and Korea exit, need loss the silvan natural resources of 2 million square metre.

6. does not fall into the trap of luxury

Jump over fashionable commodity, changed rate is rapidder. No matter be electronic product or fashionable clothing, the businessman is passed ceaselessly get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, stimulate the desire to buy of people. Those pursuit luxury consume " moon a group of things with common features " and " car slave " , " card slave " , waste resource not only, still make oneself carry heavy economic chains on the back, it is rich after all person or " negative person " , can changes in temperature knows oneself.

7. is excessive pack

The attention is bought package simple product. This delegate is in the manufacturing process that pack, wasted less energy. Decreased to send toward rubbish to fill the rubbish that buries the ground, also reduce the economic burden of consumer.

8. uses the profit of recycle material

Compared with the product that makes with original material, with the product that recycle material makes, waste less the sources of energy commonly. For example: Use reclaim the iron and steel with the newer than using energy resources that iron and steel will come to produce place to use up is little 75% .

Anyhow, still have the method of other and managing the sources of energy, need our draw inferences about other cases from one instance, go fulfilling the square field surface in the life.

The whole world is calefacient ring alarm bell noisy to us, the earth, the front faces enormous challenge. Protect the earth, protect our home namely. Let us act, cast egoistic abusive, with rich big altruistic benevolence, beneficent, rescue the destiny of earthly home, safeguard the future that the mankind is able to continue to live.

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