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0基础练腹肌要多久? 练腹多久有腹肌?英文双语对照


0基础练腹肌要多久? 练腹多久有腹肌?英文双语对照


1 需要一定的时间和耐心。2 练习腹肌需要坚持做腹肌训练和控制饮食,如果没有运动基础,需要花费更多的时间和精力练习。另外,每个人的身体状况和代谢情况也不同,所以具体练习时间也会有所不同。3 如果你每天坚持做腹肌训练,控制饮食,配合其他有氧运动,一般需要4-6周时间能够看到明显效果。但是,为了维持腹肌的效果,需要持续练习和保持健康的生活习惯。


2个月到3个月左右的时间能练出腹肌,与个人具体情况有关。 因为每个人的体脂率不同,所以练出腹肌的时间也会有所差异,如果本身个人的体脂率就比较低,那么练出腹肌的时间就会比较短,2个月左右的时间就可以练出腹肌,如果个人体脂率比较高,那么时间就会相应的延长,可能需要3个月左右的时间才能够练出腹肌。













锻炼强度和频率:腹肌锻炼的强度和频率会影响锻炼效果。通常情况下,每周进行 3-5 次腹肌锻炼,每次锻炼 30-60 分钟,会有一定的效果。




综上所述,健身出腹肌的时间因个人而异,一般来说,3-6 个月可以看到一定的效果。但要注意,锻炼腹肌是一个持久的过程,需要坚持才能看到明显的效果。


健身房接受正规训练,短则1个半月,长则4—6月,要保持体形还须长久坚持锻炼的! 每天训练时间最好在一小时左右,4~5天一循环,一循环结束休息1~2天。每次可安排一个大肌群加一个小肌群训练。比如胸肌加肱二头肌。饮食注意摄入蛋白质,碳水化合物,维生素。少食多餐,训练加蛋白粉可以有效增加肌肉,蛋白粉在训练结束后半小时摄入效果最佳,也可在晚上睡前再摄入一次!

做杠铃卧推增加胸大肌,要知道杠铃卧推增加胸肌块,而哑铃卧推可以更好刺激胸肌全面发展,更有型! 跟你说的这些都是从我的专业角度而写的!最重要的是坚持,再坚持!



















How long do 0 foundations drill abdominal muscle wants?

The time with 1 proper need and patience. 2 exercises abdominal muscle needs to insist to make abdominal muscle training and control food, if do not have athletic base, need costs more time and energy exercise. Additional, the body state of everybody and metabolization situation are different also, so specific exercise time also can differ somewhat. 3 if you insist to do abdominal muscle everyday,train, control food, cooperate other sport having oxygen, general need can see apparent effect between 4-6 Zhou Shi. But, to maintain the effect of abdominal muscle, need practices continuously and maintain healthy habits and customs.

How long does experienced abdomen have abdominal muscle?

The time that 2 months influence to 3 months can be experienced give abdominal muscle, with the individual particular case is concerned. Because the body fat rate of everybody is different, the time that so practice gives abdominal muscle also is met somewhat difference, if the body fat rate of itself individual is lower, so experienced the time that gives abdominal muscle can be compared short, the time that 2 months influence can drill an abdominal muscle, if rate of individual body fat is higher, so time is met corresponding extension, the time ability enough practice that needs 3 months left and right sides possibly gives abdominal muscle.

How does fitness never drill abdominal muscle is met?

Can bring about abdominal muscle to be not highlighted, body scale is not harmonious, wait abdominal muscle is not apparent also after reducing fat, still can cause core force and stability inadequacy, abdominal muscle is very important in fitness, should great exercise

How does gym drill abdominal muscle?

Gym experienced abdominal muscle still basically coils the abdomen is abdominal perhaps confuse thick line. Also can use celiac annulus. But should take care, celiac annulus is very easy knock in the end.

Abdominal muscle is the musculature of the most difficult practice. Want to drill good need insists for long to take exercise. Notice food at the same time. Eat high protein qualitative food more.

How long does fitness just have abdominal muscle?

The constitution is good, the person with strong body, nutrient state it may not be a bad idea, two weeks can drill an abdominal muscle, general poor person gives abdominal muscle very fast and abdominal muscle thread is apparent (the person with strong body includes a thin person)

Fat person cannot drill easily an abdominal muscle, fat person practice gives abdominal muscle to need 3 months (the friend narrates) in person; Still the constitution loses, also practice does not give abdominal muscle the person that and suffer from has chronic

Everyman practice gives abdominal muscle to need left and right sides of a month, but also not be absolute value, more depends on body circumstance

How long does fitness give abdominal muscle?

The time that fitness gives abdominal muscle because of individual circumstance different, basically include the following factors:

Individual difference: The gene of everybody, constitution and basal metabolis rate are different, because this takes exercise,the time of an abdominal muscle also can differ somewhat.

Exercise intensity and frequency: The intensity that abdominal muscle exercises and frequency can be affected exercise the effect. Normally the circumstance falls, undertake 3-5 second abdominal muscle takes exercise every week, exercise 30-60 every time minute, can have certain effect.

Dietary habit: Food to abdominal muscle exercise the effect to also have very big effect. Want practice to give abdominal muscle, need controls food, make sure nutrition is balanced, should decrease appropriately at the same time adipose absorb.

Breathing space: Muscle gives enough breathing space after taking exercise, conduce to muscle grows and restore.

Body fat leads: Body fat rate is to show the body is medium adipose the proportion that holds weight. Body fat leads exorbitant meeting to mask abdominal muscle, reduce exercise the effect. Reduce body fat rate to conduce to abdominal muscle showing.

The place on put together is narrated, the time that fitness gives abdominal muscle because of the individual different, generally speaking, 3-6 the month can see certain effect. But want to notice, exercising abdominal muscle is a protracted process, need holds to ability to see apparent effect.

How long does gym drill abdominal muscle wants commonly?

Gym accepts normal training, short criterion a half moon, long criterion 4, in June, should maintain bodily form to still must insist for a long time to take exercise! Train time to had better be in one hour or so everyday, 4~5 day circulates, one loop end rests 1~2 day. Can arrange a big muscle every time group add a small muscle group training. For instance chest muscle adds humerus 2 flesh. Food notices to absorb protein, carbohydrate, vitamin. Eat much food less, training adds albumen pink to be able to add muscle effectively, albumen pink ends second half hour to absorb the effect in training optimal, before also can sleeping in the late evening, absorb again!

Do barbell to lie push add pectoralis major, should know barbell lies push increase chest muscle piece, and dumbbell lies it is OK to push better exciting chest muscle develops in the round, more handsome! Say with you these are written from my professional point of view! The most important is to hold to, hold to again!

How long can practice have abdominal muscle?

The constitution is good, the person with strong body, nutrient state it may not be a bad idea, two weeks can drill an abdominal muscle, general poor person gives abdominal muscle very fast and abdominal muscle thread is apparent (the person with strong body includes a thin person)

Fat person cannot drill easily an abdominal muscle, fat person practice gives abdominal muscle to need 3 months (the friend narrates) in person; Still the constitution loses, also practice does not give abdominal muscle the person that and suffer from has chronic

Everyman practice gives abdominal muscle to need left and right sides of a month, but also not be absolute value, more depends on body circumstance

How long does experienced abdominal muscle drill everyday appropriate?

The time that recommends exercise abdominal muscle commonly is unfavorable a hour, in order to assure the high strenth of training and quality. Abecedarian proposal moves everyday time control is controlled in 10 minutes, intensity of motion of the person that the occasional when adding is added gradually after suiting, at the same time reasonable control food, establish healthy life style.

How should experienced abdominal muscle drill in gym?

Very glad still form gentleman will solve this problem.

Dispute of training abdominal muscle often has those who train the effect inside gym, because equipment is used inside gym more, can stimulate abdominal muscle from many sided, so below recommend a few actions that train abdominal muscle inside gym for everybody, help great master practice gives abdominal muscle.

1. coils abdomen, this movement can exercise abdominal muscle directly, those who make its sufficient is contractive, above all lie low is on the ground, bend one's knees, next back do not want hump, should stick go up closely in the ground, both hands up unbend handholding dumbbell, use abdomen to send force to make next humeral ministry and on the back leaves the area gradually, the waist after whole process does not leave the area, receive in abdominal muscle most second of 1-2 of the halt when tightening, should feel abdomen is in receive extruding, next transfer to a lower level, return initiative position to repeat this act again, in behavioral course, both hands lasts be located in vertically face to keep the biggest the pressure to abdominal muscle can, this movement accomplishs 10-20 second, make 3-4 group. 7

2. rope coils abdomen, this movement loads through what increase, achieve the result of the ply that exercises your abdominal muscle, find mast of a dragon above all, in the rope transfer to a lower level of a side, use kneeling position, the grip that maintains a rope is before the top of head upper part, next both hands has lifted the top of head, hold grip, hold the lower jaw small close, hump of upper part of the body, it is abdomen maintains together then only carry an activity, contract through abdominal muscle, will pull below the rope, until tighten up abdominal muscle, again slowly reductive up, mobile big arm does not want in this start course, should place tight system from beginning to end two side, the power that carries abdominal muscle only drives the upper part of the body to bend, this movement undertakes 8-12 second, achieve 3-5 series can.

3. overhang lifts a leg, this movement has certain difficulty, surround to the line of abdominal muscle degree, it is a very significant action, need a horizontal bar above all, horizontal bar of both hands enclasp, grasp be apart from be the same as with the shoulder wide, arm and double leg unbend, next leg ministry up when bend, 90 degrees bend in the process that carries up, turn over the pelvis finally roll, the imagination aims ahead with the buttock, return initiative position again next, if want to increase difficulty, carry department of whole journey leg as far as possible unbend can, this movement also meets some to both hands the requirement on force, if do not have so durable arm power, can use those who reduce small arm force to protect can, the movement undertakes 5-10 second, make 3-5 group can.

Above is a few training movements that exercise abdominal muscle, can use gym dragon mast and dumbbell, can train 2-4 every week second, hold on, can drill give strong abdominal muscle.

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