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1. 跳锁(Toprock):跳锁是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

2. 锁步(Footwork):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

3. 锁步(Freeze):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

4. 锁步(Power Moves):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

5. 锁步(Tricks):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

6. 锁步(Floorwork):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

7. 锁步(Spins):锁步是一种基础的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。



1. 锁步(Waacking):Waacking是一种更加复杂的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节奏,并且可以作为表演的开场白。

2. 锁步(Popping):Popping是一种更加复杂的节奏性舞步,它可以帮助舞者调整自己的节







用一只手倒立,尽可能的旋转直到脚着地为止.(又称倒立手转)  AIRPLANES:风车加上双手向两旁尽量伸展高到你可以抓住它们。  AIPES:开始时,双手双脚都放在地上,脸朝上。一只手支撑住身体的重 量脚往上踢然后旋转,在脚著地前另一只手先著地。如果做的正确 的话应该整个身体都能旋转到。  APPLEJACKS一个最基本的动作向其他b-boy挑战拚舞。双脚蹲下,背向后仰 双手支撑,然后一只脚向空中踢,踢的越高越好。然后双脚向后跳 跃,重复。  BACKSPIN利用背部作旋转的表演。所有的重量平衡在背的上半部,脚缩 起来尽量靠近身体。旋转的要诀就是双脚在空中做圆形的划动。 (俗称背旋)











基本操作:鼠标左右键+W、A、S、D 进行前、后、左、右、和射击、E:安装/解除炸弹等


主要快捷键:B用来切换背包,SHIFT+CTRL 、空格分别对应走、蹲、跳,1 、2 、3、 4 、5分别对应主武器、手枪、匕首、投掷类武器和C4炸弹; R用来重新装弹,G用来扔掉装备,Q是切换到前一个武器,E用来解除炸弹,TAB键显示当前战况。




亮度,Page Up/Down 分别对应提高和降低鼠标灵敏度,PrintScreeb截图。


How to drill in gym bounce?

Fitness of Yangzhou roars of a tiger can be thought to exercise first-rate to human body, bounce is not smooth exercise a few place are simple become repeatedly, train your muscle, push the training of machine of bosom, SMITH through barbell, help the exercise of back machine, bounce also is to need to erupt of force, so you must practice crouching greatly, pull the exercise of leg machine, ran when the adjustment of gradient is spent a bit taller, undertake the training of skip, it is optimal

Project of the what in gym can rise spring?

Bounce basically watchs crus muscle, can drill more skip.

Complete set of Lock foundation movement?

Complete set of Lock foundation movement includes:

1.Jump lock (Toprock) : Jump the rhythm sex steps that the lock is a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

2.Lock pace (Footwork) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

3.Lock pace (Freeze) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

4.Lock pace (Power Moves) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

5.Lock pace (Tricks) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

6.Lock pace (Floorwork) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

7.Lock pace (Spins) : Locking up a pace is the rhythm sex steps of a kind of foundation, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.


Besides afore-mentioned fundamental movements, lock still has a few more complex actions, be like:

1.Lock pace (Waacking) : Waacking is a kind of more complex rhythm sex steps, the person that it can help dance adjusts his rhythm, and can serve as the opening remarks of the performance.

2.Lock pace (Popping) : Popping is a kind of more complex rhythm sex steps, the person that it can help dance adjusts his section

Name of slide foundation movement?

Normal motion, slippery reverse motion, turn over a foot, nollie

Movement, mongo namely the Mongolia foot in fokelore

Name of dancing foundation movement?

Of dancing basic skill on the movement has: Brush the ground, crouch, delimit circle, small kick a leg, cross assist to crouch (thin leg crouchs) , waist, control, press a leg (day day toes step on) , next fork, big kick a leg to wait. Next movements have: Kick a leg greatly, brush the ground, crouch or control, turn, waist or turn over, jump (small, medium, big) , hand or figure, pace or meditate pace. The route of dancing can go without shortcut, try hard only and sweat just. Without dependable basic skill, cannot the beauty that dance gives soul-stirring.

Movement of street dance foundation has a behavioral single hand to maintaining body leap, had changed another hand to continue next the movement of bounce relatively what name?

With a handstand, as far as possible rotate till crural touchdown till. (Say handstand hand turns again)     AIRPLANES: ? Red guides by fine  obstruct Gu foot jumps × but dirty of scald in order to remove hairs or feathers knocks at Jiao Chong tip to slaughter プ ∷  just!  IPES: ? Double foot of both hands of  border? ground, on facial face. Upgrade kicks the weight foot that a hand props up the body to rotate next, before the foot writes the ground another hand writes the ground first. If do right word should be whole the body can rotate. APPLEJACKS a the mainest action challenges Pan dance to other B-boy. Double foot crouchs, the back admires both hands to prop up backward, next a foot is kicked to the middle of sky, those who kick is taller better. Next double foot hops backward, repeat. BACKSPIN uses back to make gyral show. All weight are in on half of the back evenly, the foot shrinks rise to stand by the body as far as possible. Gyral gist is double foot the row that makes a circle in sky. (Common says the back comes back)

Dance of pace of bounce of 13 paces freedom is slow-motion decompose

Without this kind of dancing, so nonexistent this kind of slow-motion education is decomposed

Gym ABC?

Above all, go to first time the novice of gym, the most important is the body state that wants him understanding and healthy circumstance, and individual fitness target.

Then, suggest from fundamental force training begins, crouch greatly for instance, lie push, pull-up. Inchoate moment, do not have an insatiable desire for much Wu to get, want to notice correct pose and breathing pattern, avoid to get hurt. In addition, maintaining healthy diet and proper rest also is very important, can help you obtain muscle quickly growth and healthy. Remind finally, the process that add muscle needs to perserve, also need certain patience and will.

Build education of slide foundation movement?

Station law has two kinds: One kind is left foot advanced, tiptoe right, also cry to station law; Another kind is right leg advanced, tiptoe towards the left, also call retrorse station the law. Most person plays slide is law of before using one kind of station. The skill that narrates from the back is with this kind station law is fiducial. If you think such stations are uncomfortable, also can change a way, use method of the 2nd kind of station.

Movement of cf9 large base?

Operation method


Operate basically: The mouse controls key + before W, A, S, D undertakes, hind, left, right, with fire, E: Installation / remove bomb


Main shortcut key: B uses switch blanket roll, SHIFT+CTRL, blank space parts correspondence goes, crouch, jump, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 part corresponding advocate weapon, handgun, dagger, cast kind weapon and C4 bomb; R uses new shot, g uses refuse equipment, q is switch to a weapon, e is used remove bomb, TAB key indicates current war situation.


Other shortcut key: F1, F2, F3 parts corresponding help, general chat with group group, home/End parts to correspondence is increased and be reduced change a face


Brightness, page Up/Down parts to correspondence rises and reduce mouse sensitivity, printScreeb cut pursues.

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