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民间谚语大全? 民间谚语?英文双语对照


民间谚语大全? 民间谚语?英文双语对照





























1. 见者易,学者难;莫将容易得,便作等闲看。

2. 用心计较般般错,退步思量事事难。

3. 道路各别,养家一般。

4. 从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。

5. 知音说与知音听,不是知音莫与弹。

6. 点石化为金,人心犹未足。

7. 饱了肚,卖了屋



















地震谚语20首: 1.响声一报告, 地震就来到。 2.大震声发沉,小 震声发尖。 3. 响得长,在远程; 响得短,离不远。 4. 先听响,后 地动,听到响声快行动。 5. 上下 颠一颠,来回晃半天。 6. 离得 近,上下蹦;离得远,左右摆。 7. 上下颠,在眼前;晃来晃去在天 边。 8.房子东西摆,地震东西 来;要是南北摆,它就南北来。 9.喷沙冒水沿条道,地下正是故河 道。 10.冒水喷沙哪最多?涝洼 碱地不用说。 11. 豆腐一挤,出 水出渣;地震一闹,喷水喷沙。 12. 洼地重,平地轻;沙地重,土地 轻。 13. 砖包土坯墙,抗震最不 强。 14. 酥在颠劲上,倒在晃劲 上。 15. 女儿墙,房檐围,地震 一来最倒霉。 16. 地基牢一点, 离河远一点;墙壁好一点,连结紧一 点;房子矮一点,房顶轻一点;布局 合理点,样子简单点。要想再好点, 互相多学点。 17. 地震闹,雨常 到,不是霪来就是暴。 18. 阴历 十五搭初一,家里做活多注意。 19. 井水是个宝,前兆来得早。 20. 地下水,有前兆:不是涨,就是 落;甜变苦,苦变甜;又发浑,又翻 沙。见到了,要报告。为什么?闹预 报。









































One, civilian proverbial encyclopedia?

1, content with one's lot is gotten quiet, avaricious easy action disaster.

2, annals bleachs ocean to cross the sea, can not move a step without annals.

3, suck not dehisce, breathe out not to close a mouth.

4, the person is paid no attention to in the home, the nobody outside going out manages.

5, feed a fish to want fertilizer, feed the flesh to want thin.

6, outside lift do not avoid enemy, lift inside do not avoid close.

7, straight wood first cut down, gan Jingxian exhaust.

8, burn glow in the morning, noon soak hemp.

9, grain should be thought of it is difficult to do not have grain, not arrive to be thought of without grain have grain.

10, should call present strike, do not strike backside gong.

11, hill high running water is long, flourishing of annals great mind.

12, nice sound a dozen noisy, good lamp unplugs bright.

13, the knife wound is treated easily, the mouth hurts bad medicine.

14, peaceful be a good fit is cold, not satisfying cold; Would rather the person is poor, cannot annals is poor.

15, person old heart is not old, body poor annals is not poor.

16, do not be afraid of glower King Kong, be afraid of Bodhisattva of eye of narrow one's eyes only.

17, be afraid of only not diligent, do not be afraid of not essence of life; Be afraid of only without constant, do not be afraid of do not have.

18, has taken steamed bun steamed bread is not sweet, has chewed sugar cane is not sweet.

19, have the day that attends not to go, not was impassable close.

20, fierce tiger does not manage inferior position, lanneret not Li Chuizhi.

21, be born at hardship, die at peace and happiness.

22, become rich in Yu Qin fatigue, knowledge depends on accumulating.

23, meeting a blind person does not talk about light, meeting a person affected with favus on the head does not talk about sore.

24, the fox always should show a tail, serpent always should say a tongue.

25, book hill has Lu Qin to be diameter, learn the sea to suffer from a boat without limit.

26, ethereal grey cloth is dangerous, pluvial silk is decided continuous.

2, civilian adage?

1.The person that see is easy, scholastic difficult; not will be gotten easily, make aimlessly look.

2.Like intention dispute kind wrong, degenerative consider at every turn is bad.

3.Road out of the ordinary, raise the home general.

4.Enter excessive from frugal easy, it is difficult to enter frugal from excessive.

5.Bosom friend says to listen with bosom friend, not be bosom friend not with play.

6.Select gold of stone melt into, popular feeling still not sufficient.

7.full abdomen, sold house

3, civilian proverbial elite?

1, have have surely uphill declivous, have have an outlet surely into the road.

2, save sometimes, when be short of, become pipeful.

3, many friends many road, many enemy are much block a wall up.

4, intentional burn joss sticks, no matter morning and evening.

5, one is promote surely one is defeated, one benefit has one disadvantage surely.

6, annals is absent year tall, rational is absent can say.

7, nature having musk deer is sweet, need not fresh gale raise.

8, the fish makes a fire, the meat is raw phlegmy, green vegetables bean curd is protected restful.

9, person horizontal stroke is reasonable, ma Heng has bridle.

10, the person is much give valid reason, gu Duo gives good rice.

11, do not see a person do not kiss in person, should look straighten not suitable.

12, the sky does not rain without the cloud, worldly and unjustifiable thing won'ts do.

4, is folk thundery and proverbial?

1. thunders 28 months enrol a thief everywhere.

2. the Beginning of Spring is thundery, 10 place sty 9 department are empty.

Before 3. thundery the Waking of Insects, 45 days do not see a day.

5, civilian earthquake adage?

Seismic adage 20: 1. Noise reports, the earthquake comes. 2. Hair of big shock sound is heavy, small shake sound sends a tip. 3. Ring longly, be in long-range; Ring shortly, from not far. 4. Listen noisy first, hind quake, hear noise quick action. 5. Fluctuation bump one bump, shake a long time back and forth. 6. Leave nearly, skip up and down; Leave far, the left and right sides is placed. 7. Fluctuation bump, it is before; Shake will shake go horizon be in. 8. Building from east to west is placed, seismic stuff comes; If north and south is placed, it comes with respect to north and south. 9. Sandblast risks water edge path, underground is cause river course. 10. The sandblast that risk water which are most? Waterlogged depression alkaline land need not say. 11. Bean curd is squeezed, give water taphole; The earthquake is troubled by, gush water sandblast. 12. Flat is heavy, flat is small; Sanded ground is heavy, land is small. 13. The brick wraps adobe wall, aseismatic strong least of all. 14. Crisp go up in fall interest, fall on Huang Jin. 15. Parapet, eaves is surrounded, the earthquake comes the most hapless. 16. Ground is a bit firmer, a bit further from the river; Wall is a bit better, concatenate a bit closer; The building is a bit lower, roof is a bit lighter; Distribution is bit more equitable, look is bit simpler. It is again bit better to want, learn a dot more each other. 17. The earthquake is troubled by, pluvial haunt, either it is cruel that Yin comes. 18. Lunar 15 build first one, vivid much attention is done in the home. 19. Well water is a treasure, augural come early. 20. Groundwater, have augural: Not be to go up, fall namely; Sweet become bitter, pain becomes sweet; Send muddy again, sand-cast. Saw, want a report. Why? Make forecast.

6, contemporary folk adage?

1, one branch spends crops, rely on fat husband completely.

 2, can plant at that time, do not plant 2 plow.

3, the lamp does not shine without oil, paddy does not grow without fertilizer.

4, two clip snow, fall not to rest.

 5, boiler bottom cooks a meal hard without bavin, tian Li does not have mucky difficult increase production.

 6, wintry snow by, chun Xue a knife.

7, go-cart need not teach, rely on the buttock to shake completely.

8, have close without close depend on water, close to close to be in less more at fertilizer.

Millet is yellow, seed selection Tibet.

Fertilizer does not fall, rice is not big

7, saw of folk of what slight cold is there? Saw of folk of what slight cold is there?

1, slight cold mizzle, rainwater returns aspic fry.

2, slight cold to be warm, big cold Leng Mo says.

3, Tian Han's person is not cold, change old habit of wintry spare time.

4, slight cold section, 15 days, 78 days are in the third nine-day period after the winter solstice-coldest days of winter.

5, slight cold gets the better of Great Cold, common not rare.

6, the twelfth month of the lunar year 3 white, the coming year harvests wheat.

7, the twelfth month of the lunar year 3 white, domestic home has wheat.

8, the twelfth month of the lunar year 3 white, appropriate wheat dish.

9, the twelfth month of the lunar year 3 mist, river bottom treads a path.

10, dried meat 7 dried meat 8, go out aspic evil spirit.

8, marry rain civilian adage?

Have a common saying " communication of tear of the husband and wife in rain, the husband and wife in snow is less than a head " the tear of the husband and wife after means issues marriage of wet marriage implied meaning is much, the day is crossed harder; And snow day marriage, because heavy snow is white, the death with the ancients believe in is sacred about, state 2 people of husband and wife have one person to want to die early, cannot stay together long.

It is not lucky sign apparently, so the ancients is demand a good cheer head, always like to chose marriage in the day with a beautiful sunshine that day.

9, doesn't the Summer Solstice have pluvial folk adage?

The Summer Solstice does not have rain is adage of a folk. The Summer Solstice is the time with the longest sunshine in a year, air temperature lifts gradually, but there is a saw in folk " the Summer Solstice does not have rain, second half of the year does not have a favour " , means if the Summer Solstice did not have rainwater that day, there can be a lot of unpleasantnesses and sad thing to happen in second half of the year. A lot of adage are the summary of civilian experience and wisdom, although they are not certain science, but place was represented on certain level the view of people and mentation. Although cannot forecast weather,the Summer Solstice does not have rain, but still by believe in of place of a few people.

10, civilian adage 1000?

1 spring no hurry decrease the garment, autumn no hurry impose a cap.

2, when thirsty one is like manna, drunk hind adds to be inferior to notting have.

3, life is rare more than 70, how many scene does not live together.

4, the person sits in the home disaster comes up from the day.

5, make the mouth is inferior to going oneself, ask for help is inferior to begging oneself.

6, the bowl that carry a person gets person pipe, meal having a person sees person face.

7, all one's life not makes frown issue. Angrily person should be not had on the world.

8, encounter the beard when drinking to drink, when tall song and Gao Ge.

9, when thirsty one is like manna, drunk hind add cup is inferior to notting have.

10, wool is done not have on the mouth, handle affairs not firm.

11, common not burn joss sticks, come urgently clasp Budda's feet-profess devotion only when in trouble. Etc
