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  小猴子好奇地问:“小老虎,你种了桃树吗?” 小老虎说:“我没有种桃树,不过,我的新房子旁边本来就长了一棵桃树。”



  “小老虎,我的脚好痛啊,我不能爬树了,”小猴子哭丧着脸说,“请你背我回家吧!” 小老虎没办法,只好把小猴子送回了家。


  呵,这只贪吃的小猴子,它是想把桃子都留给自己吃。 小猴子提着篮子一路小跑,它来到桃树下,悄悄地爬上了树。可是,树上连一个桃子也没有了。



  “呵呵,小猴子,你怎么提着篮子啊?”小老虎故意问。 “我,我,我是想帮你摘桃子……”小猴子一边撒谎,一边脸都红了。








  “哈哈!”狐狸高兴得大笑起来,“大伙儿都说你是英雄,照我看,你不过是个傻瓜!” 小黄狗没有回答,这会儿,它连说话的力气都没有了。




  可是有一天,小河里突然传来了咚的一声响,小鲤鱼们吓得四处逃窜,等声音消失了水面恢复了平静,小鲤鱼们才凑重新揍到一起,它们在讨论是什么掉在了河里,以至发出如此惊人的声音? 红色小鲤鱼说了一句,“我知道是什么掉下来了。”


  “啊?什么?” “晕!瓶子?” ……


  只有红色小鲤鱼与众不同,它红拿出一件宝物,拾到的小花伞,在众鱼商量否躲进河底避一段时间,还是继续如此生活,小红鲤鱼与众不同的出现了,它的手里打着一把伞,然后在水里游来游去,得意的说:“你们瞧,向外这样就不怕砸了。” 可正说着,一个大个的酒瓶子飞来,正好砸在了红鲤鱼的小花伞上,小红鲤鱼被砸的浑身一颤,抬头看见伞好端端的没被砸坏,它才放心的笑了, 后来小鱼把这个方法教给了许多小鱼,从此小河里小鱼们都打着伞在水里游来游去。


Conte of children mental health piece one: Love the small white hare of snack

There is a beautiful little room in the forest, staying in a of small white hare. Every kind of small white hare is good, diligent labor of study, love, happy help a person... the bad habit that can have a love snack namely.

The father mother of small white hare held many hearts really! They bought partner of vitamin C, gold, Jinshierkang for small white hare... the hope can make she has appetite, want to have a meal, ke Xiaobai hare feels this does not have flavour namely, that is insipid, the result was wasted completely.

One day, small white hare plays in the courtyard, fainted suddenly. Father saw hold a small white hare in the arms at once, sent a hospital her. Goat doctor was checked carefully to small white hare, the head that touching small white hare asks: "What do you eat at ordinary times? " small white hare is low head says: "Candied, potato piece, chocolate... do not eat rice and vegetable. " goat doctor rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers mustache, laughing to say: "That was opposite, you never eat rice and vegetable, the body cannot get enough nutrient for a long time, cause serious hidebound, so you just can faint suddenly. " small white hare listened this word, knew the harm of snack, the decision wants give up this bad habit.

Evermore, small white hare eats rice and vegetable every day, the body bears fruit slowly rise. In the match of 800 meters of long-distance running that is in the school, still got the first good result.

Conte of children mental health piece 2: Little clever boy picks a peach-shaped thing

One day towards evening, small tiger goes looking for small monkey, it wants to ask small monkey to help pick peach.

Small monkey asks curiously: "Small tiger, were you planted peach? " small tiger says: "I do not have kind of peach, nevertheless, a peach grew originally on the side of my new building. A peach grew originally on the side of my new building..

Small monkey follows small tiger to fall, wow, the peach of brilliant red, look very delicious oh!

Small monkey wants to climb a tree rapidly, it wants to taste these big peach well really. But, it thinks of a crooked idea suddenly, pretend again so " ouch ouch " the ground cries.

"Small tiger, my foot is very painful, I cannot swarm, " small monkey put on a long face says, "Ask you to carry me on the back to come home! " small tiger does not have method, was forced to remand small monkey.

The moon rises, small monkey but complacent, it thinks: "Hey, dark, small tiger rested into house certainly, I should pick peach secretly come home. Anyway, also small tiger does not plant this peach tree! Also small tiger does not plant this peach tree!!

Ah, this only gluttonous small monkey, it is to want to leave its to eat peach. Small monkey is carrying basket to trot all the way, it will to peach fall, mounted a tree stealthily. But, also did not have even a peach on the tree.

"How is this to return a responsibility? " small monkey thinks anxiously, one not careful go up from the tree " " dropped.

At this moment, run from the house small tiger, doggie, leveret and small red-crowned crane still follow beside it. See small monkey is carrying basket, everybody can understand completely.

"Ah, small monkey, how are you carrying basket? " small tiger asks intentionally. "I, i, I am to want to help you pick peach... " small monkey lies at the same time, at the same time the face is red.

"Ah, small monkey, " ground of narrow one's eyes of narrow one's eyes of small old Hu Xiao draws out a big peach, "Small red-crowned crane has picked peach, come, be tasted together? Be tasted together??

Doggie and leveret also are taking peach to say aside: "Small monkey, this also gives you, you can be the puppy that loves to eat peach most! You can be the puppy that loves to eat peach most!!

Hey, this falls, of small monkey blush badlier!

Conte of children mental health piece 3: Vulpine mischief

Animal people praise Xiaohuang dog moral character is exalted, the fox listened ill-affected, think embarrass it.

One day, the fox sees little yellow dog drinks water to the side of the river, follow at the back stealthily, throw baby of a cloth in water.

Little yellow dog feels true to a child fell into water, plunge instantly in water, expended whacker interest, just scoop up cloth baby to disembark come. Itself is tired also dog-tired, bend over to pant continuously in the bank.

"Ha! " the fox laughs with joy rise, "Everybody says you are a hero, look according to me, you are nevertheless goofy! " little yellow dog did not reply, at the moment, it did not have even talking effort.

A crow on the tree saw whole process of the thing, it says angrily to the fox: "You this kind of behavior too not should, kill so that dog not quite up to the mark sent Xiaohuang the order! Little yellow dog although temporarily not differentiate true and false was duped you, but in my heart, it is not goofy, however real hero.

Conte of children mental health piece 4: The small carp that open an umbrella

In small suburban have a next winding rivers, living in this brook a flock of small carps, they are in everyday and amuse oneself plays in water, sometimes a few collect still can hold swimming contest together, those who get the small fish of champion can get groups big praise and bless.

But one day, the one sound of Dong was transmitted suddenly in the brook, small carp people frighten everywhere flee in disorder, waited for sound to disappear surface restored calm, small carp people talent pool is beaten afresh, they are discussing is what is dropped was in in the river, does down to give out so breathtaking sound? Gules small carp said, "I know is what fell down. "I know is what fell down..

Small fish people of Qi Qi that the look brushs look to her, it points to to say on move head: "I think that thing is the bottle that the mankind drinks, be thrown into the river casually by the mankind.

"Ah? What? " " dizzy! Bottle? " ...

Numerous fish the source that gabble discusses this bottle, listen to blare of Dong again, jar of a glass was dropped, small fish people frighten so that leave broadcast come, after level waiting for a river is static, small fish people get together again was in one case. This small fish people raised vigilance, noticing river side constantly, the thing that flies in case, become disaster.

Have extraordinary of gules small carp only, it is red take out a treasure, the floret umbrella that picks up, in numerous fishmonger the quantity is denied hide into river bottom to avoid for some time, still continue to live so, of extraordinary of small red carp appeared, there is an umbrella in its hand, swim to swim in water next, say complacently: "Your look, do not be afraid of so outwards was bungled. " can saying, a big liquor bottle flies, as it happens is bungled on the floret umbrella of red carp, small red carp is broken quiver all over, look up see umbrella when everything is all right was not broken bad, the laugh that it just is at ease, small later fish gave a lot of small fish this methodological teaching, from now on in the brook small fish people hitting an umbrella to swim to swim in water.

上一篇:妈咪宝贝好用吗? 妈咪宝贝商店在哪?英文双语对照
下一篇:连云港旅游攻略? 连云港冬天旅游攻略?英文双语对照