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瑙鲁旅游真实感受? 瑙鲁货币?英文双语对照


瑙鲁旅游真实感受? 瑙鲁货币?英文双语对照


值得一去 原因是瑙鲁虽然是一个小国家,但是有着美丽的海滩和独特的文化。旅游点相对较少,但是每一个景点都非常精致,值得一去。此外,瑙鲁的民风淳朴,人民友好热情,让人感到非常舒适和自在。 如果你是喜欢探访自然风光同时想体验异国文化的旅行者,不妨去瑙鲁逛逛,你会有不一样的真实感受。














1. 渔业产品:瑙鲁是一个以渔业为主要产业的国家,其海域富饶的渔场提供了丰富的渔产品,包括各种鱼类、虾、贝类和其他海产品。

2. 磷酸岩石:瑙鲁曾以其丰富的磷酸岩石资源而闻名,磷酸岩石是一种重要的肥料原料,用于农业和植物生长。

3. 椰子产品:瑙鲁的椰子种植业发达,椰子及其衍生产品如椰子油、椰子水、椰子肉和椰子纤维等在当地和出口市场上有一定的产量和销售。

4. 旅游服务:瑙鲁的天然美景和珊瑚礁吸引了一定数量的旅游者,旅游服务业在国家经济中扮演着重要角色。



瑙鲁共和国(英语:The Republic of Nauru),简称瑙鲁,位于南太平洋中西部的密克罗尼西亚群岛中,有“天堂岛”之称。瑙鲁面积只有21.1平方公里,是世界上最小的岛国。瑙鲁与台湾建交,还没有与中华人民共和国建交。









1. 磷酸盐:瑙鲁岛约3/5的面积曾为磷酸盐所覆盖。磷酸盐是瑙鲁的主要矿产资源,具有高度的经济价值。它主要用于农业肥料、制造磷酸盐肥料、陶瓷和玻璃等工业领域。

2. 热带水果:瑙鲁地处热带,气候条件适宜热带水果的生长。瑙鲁盛产香蕉、椰子、菠萝等热带水果,这些水果新鲜可口,富含营养,是当地的一大特产。

3. 渔业资源:瑙鲁周边海域拥有丰富的渔业资源,盛产金枪鱼、鲣鱼、鲨鱼等海洋鱼类。瑙鲁政府通过发放捕鱼证的方式管理渔业资源,捕鱼证收入是该国的重要财政来源之一。

4. 瑙鲁文化:瑙鲁的文化特产主要包括民间舞蹈、手工艺品和邮票等。瑙鲁民间舞蹈具有独特的风格,反映了当地土著居民的生活习俗和宗教信仰。手工艺品如编织品、木雕和陶瓷等,也是瑙鲁文化的象征。此外,瑙鲁邮票因其独特的设计和题材而备受集邮爱好者青睐。







Does Nauru travel sense of reality suffer?

Be worth to go although be Home Xiaoguo,the reason is Nauru, but the beach that having beauty and distinctive culture. Travel point is opposite less, but each tourist attraction is very delicate, be worth to go. In addition, the folkway of Nauru is honest, people is friendly and enthusiastic, let a person feel very comfortable and comfortable. If you are to like scene of nature of seek by inquiry to want to experience the traveler of exotic culture at the same time, might as well go Nauru rambles, you can have different sense of reality to suffer.

Nauru money?

Nauru of Nauru republic abbreviation, be located in south in the Micronesia archipelago of ministry of Pacific Ocean Chinese and Western, have " heaven island " say. Nauru area has 24 ㎞ only 2, it is the smallest island country on the world. The Nauruan is a of the person to overcome Luoniya closely, for the mixture type of equestrian Lai person, Melanesia person and Polynesia person. As phosphatic reserves dried up the environment that brings with mining is exasperate, add those who manage fund of complete island money to reduce a cost, nauru government seeks help to gain income at method of a few blazing. Nauru uses Australian money bay yuan as main money. International money symbol is AUD. Bay yuan it is current at Australia, jilibasi, the money of country and the area such as Nauru and Tuvalu, by Australian federal reserve bank is issued, have 5 currently at present, 10, 20, 50, of 100 yuan of denomination soft, its carry is 1 bay yuan be equal to 100 (Cent) .

Nauru special local product?

It is the native land special local product with a few imaginable Nauru below:

Nauru phosphorite: Nauru is one of the smallest islands countries on the world, famous with its substantial phosphorite natural resources. Nauru phosphorite is the main economy pillar of this country and exit product.

Coco goods: The climate of Nauru is appropriate coco grows, because this coco reachs his,goods is on the island very common. The candy that the product of coco includes coco water, coconut oil, coconut meat and coco to be made and mug-up.

Seafood: Regard Pacific Ocean as insularity, the maritime space all round Nauru abounds diversity, supply all sorts of new sea products, wait like fish, shrimp, shellfish. Seafood has important place in the food of local.

Coco biscuit: Coco biscuit is a kind of traditional food of Nauru, make by flour, coco and other part. It is a kind of common breakfast or desert choice.

Nauru position coordinate?

Nauru is located in Pacific Ocean mid, northing equator makes an appointment with 41 kilometers, leave east Hawaiian 4160 kilometers, southwest lies between Solomon archipelago to be apart from Australian Sydney 4000 kilometers, jilibasi is apart from east 306 kilometers. For island of an elliptic coral, complete island grows 6 kilometers, wide 4 kilometers, coasting grows about 30 kilometers, gross area 24 ㎞ 2.

The Nauruan is a of the person to overcome Luoniya closely, for the mixture type of equestrian Lai person, Melanesia person and Polynesia person. As phosphatic reserves dried up the environment that brings with mining is exasperate, add those who manage fund of complete island money to reduce a cost, nauru government seeks help to gain income at method of a few blazing.

What does Nauru produce?

Nauru is insularity of a Pacific Ocean, be located in Oceanian Micronesia area. Main support fishery mixes the economy of Nauru a few service industry. It is the main production of a few Nauru and exit product below:

1.Piscatorial product: Nauru is a country that is main industry with fishery, the fishing ground with its fertile maritime space offerred rich fishing product, include all sorts of fish, shrimp, shellfish and other sea product.

2.Phosphoric acid rock: The resource of phosphoric acid rock that Nauru ever abounded with its and famed, phosphoric acid rock is a kind of important fertilizer raw material, use at agriculture and plant to grow.

3.Coco product: The coco of Nauru cultivates course of study to develop, coco and its develop produce if the water of coconut oil, coco, coconut meat and coco fiber crop with have certain on place and export market and sale.

4.Travel serves: The natural beautiful scenery of Nauru and cay attracted a certain quantity of tourist, travel serves course of study to acting important role in national economy.

Besides above product, nauru still is engaged in a few miniature agriculture production, if plant fruit, vegetable and tree,wait. In addition, because the natural resources of Nauru is limited, this country also counts an import one part articles for daily use and consumable.

Nauru area how many?

Nauru republic (English: The Republic Of Nauru) , abbreviation Nauru, be located in south in the Micronesia archipelago of ministry of Pacific Ocean Chinese and Western, have " heaven island " say. Nauru area has 21.1 square kilometer only, it is the smallest island country on the world. Nauru and Taiwan establish diplomatic relations, had not established diplomatic relations with People's Republic of China.

Nauru is located in Pacific Ocean mid, northing equator makes an appointment with 41 kilometers, leave east Hawaiian 4160 kilometers, southwest lies between Solomon archipelago to be apart from Australian Sydney 4000 kilometers, jilibasi is apart from east 306 kilometers. For island of an elliptic coral, complete island grows 6 kilometers, wide 4 kilometers, coasting grows about 30 kilometers. Nauru belongs to selva climate, the forest is occupied 40% , ℃ of air temperature 24-38, year average fall 1500 millimeter.

Does Nauru have an university?

Without. Nauru republic is located in in Pacific Ocean, equatorial with south place of about 60 kilometers, form by the cay island of one independence, complete island grows 6 kilometers, wide 4 kilometers, coasting grows about 30 kilometers, apogee altitude 61 meters. Complete island 3/5 ever was phosphatic place to enclothe. Belong to selva climate, year all air temperature 24 ℃ - 38 ℃ , year all fall 1500 millimeter, have " heaven island " say. Nauru land the earth's surface accumulates 21.1 square kilometer, area of marine exclusive economic zone kilometer of 320 thousand square, it is the smallest island country on the world.

What advantage does Nauru have?

The advantage of Nauru has substantial phosphatic ore natural resources and individual situation.

Nauru because its individual situation and environment, attracted many and avian perch here, obtained unusually substantial phosphatic ore natural resources thereby. These phosphoric acid salt mine pass the accumulation of thousand all ages, together with is in Pacific Ocean is salty the action of wet sea wind gradually petrifaction, formed ply finally to amount to 10 meters phosphoric acid salt bed. These phosphatic yield are top amount to 2 million tons, offer outlet entirely, basically sell toward Australia, New Zealand and Japan, make Nauru becomes the good-paying state of the rare support single product economy on the world.

What special local product does Nauru have?

 Nauru is located in in Pacific Ocean, it is an independent cay island nation. Although land area is lesser, but Nauru has rich rich and distinctive culture. In respect of special local product, nauru basically has the following sides:

1.Phosphate: Nauru island makes an appointment with the area of 3/5 to ever was phosphatic place to enclothe. Phosphate is the resource of main mineral products of Nauru, have economic value of height. It basically is used at the industrial domain such as agricultural fertilizer, production phosphate fertilizer, pottery and porcelain and glass.

2.Intertropical fruit: Nauru is located in tropics, climate condition is appropriate intertropical fruity grows. Nauru teems with the intertropical fruit such as banana, coco, pineapple, these fruits are fresh and goluptious, contain a lot ofnutrition, it is one old special local product of place.

3.Piscatorial resource: Nauru periphery maritime space has rich piscatorial resource, teem with the marine fish such as fish of tuna, bonito, shark. Nauru government fishs through extending the means of card manages piscatorial resource, fish card income is one of important finance origin of this country.

4.Nauru culture: The culture special local product of Nauru basically includes folk dance, handicraft to taste wait with the stamp. Nauru folk dance has distinctive color, the life that reflected local aboriginal is consuetudinary with religious belief. If make up cloth, woodcarving and pottery and porcelain to wait,handicraft is tasted, also be Nauru culture is indicative. In addition, nauru stamp because of its unique design and subject matter equipment accepts favour of stamp collecting lover.

The place on put together is narrated, the special local product of Nauru basically includes resource of phosphate, intertropical fruit, fishery and distinctive culture and handicraft to taste.

The outline appearance of Nauru?

The map outline of Nauru island is very interesting, show basically elliptic, north and south grows slightly, thing slightly narrow, set upright the egg that rise like.

Nauru republic, abbreviation Nauru.

The Pacific Ocean in be located in, equatorial with south place of about 60 kilometers, form by the cay island of one independence, complete island grows 6 kilometers, wide 4 kilometers, coasting grows about 30 kilometers, apogee altitude 61 meters. Complete island 3/5 ever was phosphatic place to enclothe. Belong to selva climate, year all air temperature 24 ℃ - 38 ℃ , year all fall 1500 millimeter, have " heaven island " say. Nauru land the earth's surface accumulates 21.1 square kilometer, area of marine exclusive economic zone kilometer of 320 thousand square, it is the smallest island country on the world. Population twelve thousand seven hundred person.

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