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时尚的英文缩写? 时尚英文缩写?英文双语对照


时尚的英文缩写? 时尚英文缩写?英文双语对照


in 是英文in fashion的简称,就是流行,处于时尚潮流尖端的意思。“in语”就是流行话语的意思。反义词out,就是过时的,落伍的。


英 [ɪn] 美 [ɪn]





复数: ins


英 [ˈfæʃn] 美 [ˈfæʃən]



第三人称单数: fashions 复数: fashions 现在分词: fashioning 过去式: fashioned 过去分词: fashioned


有很多,比如OOTD(Outfit Of The Day),DIY(Do It Yourself),FW(Fashion Week)等等。这些缩写在时尚行业的使用非常广泛,可以方便、简洁地表达出复杂的时尚概念和思想。另外,随着社交媒体的普及,也成为了年轻人交流的一种方式,比如在Instagram上,人们经常用FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out)来形容自己对时尚跟不上的焦虑情绪。



发音:英 [ˈfæʃn] 美 [ˈfæʃn]

n. 时尚;时装;样式;方式


时尚与优雅,英文是Vogue and grace 所以缩写是V&G。解释:vogue 英[vəʊg] 美[voʊg] n. 时尚,流行; 时髦的事物; adj. 流行的,时髦的; [例句]Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are anyhealthier尽管现在流行所谓的健康茶饮,但没有证据证明这些茶更有益健康。and 英[ənd] 美[ənd, ən,ænd] conj. 而且; 和,与; 于是,然后; 因此; [例句]When he returned, she and Simon had already gone他回来时,她和西蒙已经走了。grace 英[greɪs] 美[ɡres] n. 优雅; 恩泽; 慈悲; 魅力; v. 使优美; 惠赐; [例句]He moved with the grace of a trained boxer.他的动作带着一种训练有素的拳击手的风采。


杂志标志字体由Alexey Brodovitch于1934在HTF Didot的基础上修改而来。 《时尚芭莎》杂志是时尚杂志社的一本出品杂志。在大部分固定报亭和邮局都有的卖。《时尚芭莎》是一本服务于中国精英女性阶层的时尚杂志,传播来自时装、美和女性的力量。 她不仅提供最新的时尚资讯;精辟的流行趋势报道;最受关注的人物专访和女性话题;还时刻与读者分享着当代女性生活的乐趣和智慧——做个现代、优雅代言人。




关于时尚的潮流英文单词有:vivid、fabulous、graceful 、 elegant 、smartest 。


读音:英 ['vɪvɪd]  美 ['vɪvɪd]    

释义:adj. 生动的;鲜艳的;栩栩如生的

例句:The actresses were wearing vivid historical costumes.



读音:英 ['fæbjələs] 美 ['fæbjələs]    

释义:adj. 极好的;巨大的;传说中的

例句:You look fabulous, you'll knock them dead tonight.



读音:英 ['ɡreɪsfl]   美 ['ɡreɪsfl]    

释义:adj. 优雅的;得体的

例句:Her every movement is very graceful.


4、 elegant

读音:英 ['elɪɡənt]  美 ['elɪɡənt]    

释义:adj. 优雅的;雅致的

例句:The lady wears an elegant dark suit.



读音:英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑːrt]    

释义:adj. 时髦的;漂亮的;聪明的;敏捷的;整洁的;厉害的

vi. 刺痛;难过;烦恼

n. 刺痛;苦恼

adv. (=smartly)

例句:A few months ago they opened a new shop catering exclusively to the smart set.






【读音】英 ['fæʃ(ə)n] 美 ['fæʃən]


1、n. 时尚;时装;样式;时髦人物

2、vt. 使用;改变;做成…的形状


But our viewers like fashion.



时尚英文单词:fashion、vogue、fad、trend、mode单词解析:1、fashion  读音:英 ['fæʃn] 美 ['fæʃn]    n. 时尚;风格;样子 vt. 形成;塑造例句:She was the queen of fashion during the 60s.她是60年代的时尚女王。2、vogue读音:英 [vəʊg] 美 [voʊg] n.时尚,流行;时髦的事物 adj.流行的,时髦的3、fad读音:英 [fæd] 美 [fæd] n.一时的流行;一时的风尚;一时的怪念头abbr.[生化](=flavin adenine dinucleotide)黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸例句:I'm hoping this dieting of susan's is just a fad. 4、trend读音:英 [trend] 美 [trɛnd] n.趋向;走向;时尚,时髦 vi.趋势;倾向5、mode读音:英 [məʊd] 美 [moʊd] n.方式;状况;时尚,风尚;调式例句:She likes to follow the mode.


Fashionable English abbreviate?

In is the abbreviation of English In Fashion, it is popular, be in the meaning with fashionable most advanced tide. "In language " the meaning that is popular speech. Antonym Out, it is antiquated, moss-grown.

1, In

Flower [? N] beautiful [? N]

Prep. Use (some kind of means) ; dress, taking; (represent the position) in... inside, (represent a field, limits) in... less than; (express character, ability to wait) in... in

Adv. ; is in the home is entered, arrive at; popular; to be elected

Adj. Inside, of the; v/arc be on the throne inside face, ministerial;[spoken language] popular, modern; (the car) to the station

N. Be in office party, beautiful mouth of hierarch; insider;< > the entrance, knack;< body > (cricket or baseball) the one party that attacks a ball

Plural: Ins

2, Fashion

Flower [? F? ? N] beautiful [? F? ? ? N]

N. Fashionable, domain of fashionable dress of fashionable dress; , means of fashionable bound; , method

Vt. Make, model; accommodate

Singular number of the 3rd person: Fashions complex number: Fashions present participle: Fashioning past type: Fashioned past participle: Fashioned

Fashionable English abbreviate?

Have a lot of, for instance OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) , DIY (Do It Yourself) , FW (Fashion Week) etc. These abbreviate are in the use of fashionable industry is very extensive, compactly expression gives complex fashionable idea and idea. Additional, as gregarious media gain ground, also made a kind of way of youth communication, go up in Instagram for instance, people often uses FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) the angst mood that will describe oneself not to follow to go up to vogue.

Fashionable English pronunciation?


Pronunciation: Flower [? F? ? N] beautiful [? F? ? N]

N. Fashionable; Fashionable dress; Style; Means

Vogue and elegant English abbreviate how? Vogue and elegant English?

Vogue and grace, english is Vogue And Grace so abbreviate is V&G. Explanation: Vogue flower [V? ? Is G] beautiful [Vo? G] N. Fashionable, the thing; Adj with popular modern; . Popular, modern; [illustrative sentence] Despite The Vogue For So-called Health Teas, although There Is No Evidence That They Are Anyhealthier is popular now drink of so called healthy tea, but prove without evidence these tea are more healthful. And flower [? Nd] beautiful [? Nd, ? N, ? Nd] Conj. And; and, with; then, next; because illustrative sentence of this; [] When He Returned, she And Simon Had Already Gone when he comes back, she and Simon had gone. Grace flower [Gre? S] is beautiful [ɡ Res] N. ; V of glamour of compassionate; of; of elegant; v/arc bounties bestowed by a monarch or an official. Make beautiful; benefit gives; [illustrative sentence] He Moved With The Grace Of A Trained Boxer. His movement is taking the elegant demeanour of a kind of well-trained boxer.

Is magazine of fashionable Ba Sha commonly used what is English font?

Magazine mark font is revised on the 1934 foundations in HTF Didot by Alexey Brodovitch and come. " fashionable Ba Sha " manufacture the magazine is fashionable magazine company magazine. Newspaper booth and post office are secured in much some selling. " fashionable Ba Sha " it is a service the fashionable magazine at estate of Chinese elite female, transmission comes from the force of fashionable dress, beauty and female. She provides newest fashionable information not only; Incisive popular trend reports; Most the character special report that gets attention and female topic; The pleasure that always still sharing female now sexual life with the reader and wisdom -- become a contemporary, elegant spokesman.

What is fashionable English?

Fashionable Vogue;fashion;fadfashionable;invogue;infashion popularity is fashionable. Currentfashions fashionable trend. Fashiontrendinthenineties. Dietary vogue Dietingfashion

Fashionable English word?

Have about fashionable tide English word:   of Vivid, Fabulous, Graceful, Elegant, Smartest.

1, Vivid

Pronunciation: Flower ['v? V? Is D] beautiful ['v? V? D]

Paraphrase: Adj. Vivid; Bright-coloured; Lifelike

Illustrative sentence: The Actresses Were Wearing Vivid Historical Costumes.

Actress people the ancient costume with bright-coloured dress.

2, Fabulous

Pronunciation: Flower ['f? Bj? L? Is S] beautiful ['f? Bj? L? S]

Paraphrase: Adj. Wonderful; Tremendous; In fokelore

Illustrative sentence: You Look Fabulous, you'll Knock Them Dead Tonight.

You look extremely beautiful, confuse them for certain tonight.

3, Graceful

Pronunciation: Flower [' ɡ Re? Is Sfl] beautiful [' ɡ Re? Sfl]

Paraphrase: Adj. Elegant; Decent

Illustrative sentence: Her Every Movement Is Very Graceful.

Her every act is very beautiful.

4, Elegant

Pronunciation: Flower ['el? ɡ ? Is Nt] beautiful ['el? ɡ ? Nt]

Paraphrase: Adj. Elegant; Refined

Illustrative sentence: The Lady Wears An Elegant Dark Suit.

That lady is wearing refined brunet suit.

5, Smartest

Pronunciation: Flower [Sm ɑ ? Is T] beautiful [Sm ɑ ? Rt]

Paraphrase: Adj. Modern; Beautiful; Clever; Nimble; Neat; Fierce

Vi. Smartly; Sad; Vexed

N. Smartly; Pained

Adv. (=smartly)

Illustrative sentence: A Few Months Ago They Opened A New Shop Catering Exclusively To The Smart Set.

Before a few months they are new opened a store, sell goods technically to the modernest personage.

Fashionable, how is English read?

Pronunciation of Fashion phonetic symbol should be Faishen, accent and advanced.

Fashionable English word?


[pronunciation] flower ['f? ? (? ) is N] beautiful ['f? ? ? N]


1, N. Fashionable; Fashionable dress; Style; Modern character

2, Vt. Use; Change; Make it... appearance

[illustrative sentence]

But Our Viewers Like Fashion.

But our audience likes style

Fashionable, how is English translated?

Fashionable English word: Word of Fashion, Vogue, Fad, Trend, Mode is analytic: 1, Fashion pronunciation: Flower ['f? ? Is N] beautiful ['f? ? N of   of N] . Fashionable; Style; Appearance Vt. Form; Model illustrative sentence: She Was The Queen Of Fashion During The 60s. She is the fashionable queen of 60 time. 2, Vogue pronunciation: Flower [V? ? Is G] beautiful [Vo? G] N. Fashionable, popular; Modern thing Adj. Popular, modern 3, Fad pronunciation: Flower [F? Is D] beautiful [F? D] N. Temporarily popular; Temporarily fashion; Temporarily whim Abbr. [Biochemistry] (purine of gland of Huang Su of =flavin Adenine Dinucleotide) 2 nucleotide acerbity illustrative sentence: I'm Hoping This Dieting Of Susan's Is Just A Fad. 4, Trend pronunciation: Flower [is Trend] beautiful [Tr? Nd] N. Incline to; Trend; Fashionable, modern Vi. Trend; The tendency 5, Mode pronunciation: Flower [M? ? Is D] beautiful [Mo? D] N. Means; State; Fashionable, fashion; Mode illustrative sentence: She Likes To Follow The Mode.

下一篇:瑙鲁旅游真实感受? 瑙鲁货币?英文双语对照