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1、指压板跳绳 规定在指压板上跳绳多少下,比如伴郎接力跳够50下,如果限时的话难度更大,可以根据需要决定是否限时。 这个 游戏的滋味绝对酸爽,伴郎们的表情管理要失控了。

2、传递面粉 借用扑克牌或者是大一些的勺子完成,比如伴郎们用嘴叼住扑克牌,伴娘在第一个人的扑克牌上倒入面粉,开始接力 传递面粉。人多一点玩更有趣,游戏过程中可以增加干扰,让伴郎笑场,能大大活跃气氛。 

3、不用手穿裤子 让新郎伴郎们不用手穿花短裤,规定在3分钟内全员穿上即为通关,可以挑战两次。还可以准备一些配饰,比如发 箍,或者小岳岳的面具,让伴郎们戴上,是非常搞笑的。 

4、筷子夹钞票 新娘用喷钞枪喷假钞,新郎伴郎用筷子在空中夹,规定可玩三轮,每轮要夹中2张钞票,游戏结束每人接住6张即可过 关,没有夹够的人就接受惩罚吧。注意要让他们站远点,不然很容易干扰。 

5、摸摸盒 给新郎和伴郎戴上眼罩,轮流摸箱子,猜中摸到的东西即为过关,猜错拿红包。箱子里可以放水果、化妆品等。

6、电臀达人 规定1-3分钟里让伴郎们把球从盒子里全部抖出来,没有完成则接受惩罚或者是给红包。需要在网上买电臀达人道 具。

7、你演我猜 限时3分钟,一人比划一人猜,10个里面猜中8个算作通关,失败要接受惩罚,或者罚红包。词语可以是小拳拳锤你胸 口/c位出道/小鲜肉等。这个游戏很是能活跃气氛,而且难度也比较大。

8、蒙眼睛涂口红 这个游戏特别简单也特别经典,经久不衰。新郎蒙上眼睛,给伴郎涂口红,娱乐一下大家。 

9、冲破保鲜膜 新郎和伴郎闯进门之后要冲破保鲜膜才能进一步的接近新娘。保鲜膜可以买有边框的,保鲜膜不要包太厚,保证能够 冲破才行,太难会觉得故意刁难。 玩法:伴郎必须用脸挤破保鲜膜,享受伴郎脸部变形的快感。

10、规定时间内念绕口令 伴娘准备一些绕口令给新郎和伴郎念,规定时间内能够不卡壳念完就算通关。 

11、纸巾不落 伴娘将一张纸巾扔向空中,新郎和伴郎要想办法让纸巾1分钟不掉落,掉落就接受惩罚。

12、麋鹿头套套圈 一位伴郎头戴麋鹿头套,由新郎进行套圈(伴娘可指定套圈距离,6个圈套中5个则为成功)。头套可以在网上买。

13、喝柠檬水猜酸度 准备4杯不同酸度(一点点酸、正常酸、很酸、超级酸)的柠檬水让伴郎喝,通过伴郎的反应让新郎猜测酸度,全部 猜中即为过关。猜不中就接受惩罚,或者发红包。注意一个伴郎只能尝一杯,不能都喝哦。 

14、挤眉弄眼 准备一些饼干,把饼干放在新郎和伴郎额头上,新郎和伴郎通过做面部表情吃到饼干就算成功,掉落则失败。 

15、情牵一线 人们都说有缘的人是因为月老在他们的脚上绑上了红线,那么在婚礼当天伴娘们可以给新郎准备一根红线和9根针, 让新郎在规定的时间里将红线穿过所有的针,如果不能就要接受惩罚了,这也代表着情牵一线的美好未来。 

16、你的名字 要新郎讲出平时对新娘的十个昵称,并说出昵称的由来。如果新郎交不出那么多货,可以让他现场编昵称,只要新娘 点头即可。

17、咬面包 新郎和伴郎在规定时间内,将面包片咬出(love ♥)的字母形状,咬的好看才能通关。 

18、新郎力量展示 新郎做俯卧撑,用胸压响尖叫鸡,每做一次大喊一声“老婆我爱你”。 

19、猜唇印 婚礼当天伴娘可以提供多个唇印,让新郎猜新娘的唇印究竟是其中的哪一个。猜错一个就要发一个红包,一直到新郎 猜对了为止。 

20、超大扑克牌 算24点,伴郎和伴娘依次抽出扑克牌比大小,数字累计大的一方获胜,伴郎团输了发红包。 


1, show regulation of pressing plate skip is pointing to the skip on pressing plate how many times, for instance partner man relay jumps enough 50, if in a limited time word difficulty is greater, can decide according to need whether in a limited time. The flavor of this game is absolutely acerbity bright, partner man people expressional management wants out of control.

2, deliver flour to use the ladle with a few bigger perhaps playing card to finish, accompany man for instance people hold playing card with the mouth, a matron of honour enters flour on the playing card of the first person, begin relay to deliver flour. The person plays at many o'clock more interesting, interference can increase in game process, let accompany man laugh field, greatly can dynamic atmosphere.

3, need not the hand wears trousers to let bridegroom accompany man people need not the hand wears beautiful shorts, the provision is total inside 3 minutes member put on close to connect namely, can challenge twice. Still can prepare a few deserve to act the role of, send band for instance, the mask of small perhaps Yue Yue, man letting partner people wear, dispute often is done laugh.

4, bride of chopstick clip money uses counterfeit money of gush of gun of gush bank note, bridegroom accompanies man to use a chopstick to be placed in sky, the regulation can play 3 rounds, every rounds 2 pieces of money in wanting clip, game ends his catching 6 pieces can pass a barrier, enough without clip person accepts penalty. The attention should make their station bit further, disturb very easily otherwise.

5, feel a box to wear blindfold to bridegroom and partner man, feel a case by turns, guess the thing that feels is pass a barrier namely, a bad shot takes red package. Fruit, cosmetic can be put to wait in the case.

6, electric buttock amounts to a person to stipulate 1-3 lets accompany man in minute people shake the ball entirely from the box come out, did not finish accept penalty to perhaps give red package. Need buys electric buttock to amount to person prop on the net.

7, you perform me to guess in a limited time 3 minutes, one person is guessed than equalize person, 10 inside guess 8 count close, failure should accept penalty, perhaps punish red bag. The term can be little sincere weight your wind / C go out / little fresh pork. This game is can dynamic atmosphere very, and difficulty is greater also.

8, lipstick of unconscious eye besmear this game is particularly simple particularly classical also, last long. Bridegroom covers an eye, give the besmear that accompany man lipstick, recreation everybody.

9, break through last communications center is broken after velar bridegroom and partner man rush into the door last velar ability is close to a bride further. Last film can buy those who have frame, last film does not want Bao Taihou, assure to be able to break through ability travel, too difficult conference feels ornery. Play a way: Partner man must be squeezed with the face broken last film, enjoy pleasure of metabolic of ministry of the face that accompany man.

10, tongue twister a matron of honour reads aloud to prepare a few tongue twister to give bridegroom and companion Lang Nian inside formulary time, formulary time internal energy is enough not get stuck reads aloud to calculate close.

11, paper towel does not fall general of a matron of honour in sky of fling at of towel of a piece of paper, bridegroom and partner man want method lets paper towel 1 minute do not drop, drop to accept penalty.

12, elk headgear ferrule accompanies man head to wear elk headgear, undertake ferrule by bridegroom (a matron of honour can appoint ferrule distance, in 6 decoy 5 are a success) . Headgear can be bought on the net.

13, drink lemonade to guess acidity to prepare 4 cups of different acidity (very little acid, normal acid, acerbity, super acid) lemonade lets accompany man to drink, guess acidity through accompanying the reaction of man to let bridegroom, guess entirely it is pass a barrier namely. Guess bos to accept penalty, perhaps wrap aglow. Notice man of a partner can taste a cup only, cannot be drunk.

14, make eyes prepares a few biscuit, put cookie on bridegroom and partner man forehead, bridegroom and partner man take biscuit to calculate a success through doing countenance, drop to fail.

15, affection pulls a gleam of because the month is old,the person that people says to have a reason is bind on their foot went up red line, so in wedding that day a matron of honour people can plan a red line and 9 injections to bridegroom, let bridegroom cross red line all needles in formulary time, if cannot be about to accept,punished, this also is representing affection to pull the good future of a gleam of.

16, your name wants bridegroom to tell go out to be opposite at ordinary times 10 nicknames of the bride, speak hypocoristic origin. If bridegroom is not handed in,give so much money, can let his spot write a pet name, want a bride to nod only can.

17, bite biscuit bridegroom and partner man to be inside formulary time, bite sop piece (Love? ) alphabetical appearance, gnawing nice gift is connected close.

18, bridegroom force reveals bridegroom to do push-up, press noisy shriek chicken with the bosom, every are done cry greatly " I love wife you " .

19, guess a lip to imprint a matron of honour can offer wedding that day many lips imprint, letting bridegroom guess bridal lip to imprint is a which among them after all. A bad shot is about to send a red package, guess to bridegroom all the time was opposite till.

20, exceed big playing card to calculate at 24 o'clock, partner man and a matron of honour are ordinal take out playing card to compare size, the one party with digital great accumulative total wins victory, the group that accompany man lost aglow bag.
