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  • 托福口语考试中,过渡句的使用对于流畅地表达思想、清晰地组织语言至关重要。过渡句能够帮助考生在回答问题时更好地连接不同的观点,使整个回答听起来更加连贯和专业。以下是一些托福口语考试中常用的过渡句,以及如何在回答中使用它们的例子。

    1. 引入话题

    • To begin with, ...(首先,...)
    • First of all, ...(首先,...)
    • Let's start by talking about ...(让我们从谈论...开始)

    To begin with, I'd like to discuss the importance of education in today's society.

    2. 引出新观点

    • Furthermore, ...(此外,...)
    • Moreover, ...(而且,...)
    • In addition, ...(另外,...)
    • Another point worth mentioning is ...(另一个值得一提的观点是...)

    Furthermore, I believe that technology plays a crucial role in enhancing learning experiences.

    3. 引出对比或对比

    • On the other hand, ...(另一方面,...)
    • However, ...(然而,...)
    • In contrast, ...(相比之下,...)
    • While ...(虽然...)

    On the other hand, some argue that technology can be a distraction in the classroom.

    4. 引出原因或理由

    • The reason for this is ...(这是因为...)
    • This is because ...(这是因为...)
    • One of the main reasons is ...(主要的原因之一是...)

    The reason for this is that technology provides access to a wealth of information and resources.

    5. 引出结果或影响

    • As a result, ...(因此,...)
    • This leads to ...(这导致了...)
    • Consequently, ...(因此,...)
    • The impact of this is ...(这的影响是...)

    As a result, students are able to learn at their own pace and in their own style.

    6. 引出例证或例子

    • For example, ...(例如,...)
    • To illustrate, ...(为了说明,...)
    • A case in point is ...(一个例子是...)

    For example, many schools have implemented one-to-one laptop programs to enhance student engagement.

    7. 引出总结或结论

    • In conclusion, ...(总之,...)
    • To sum up, ...(总结起来,...)
    • In summary, ...(概括地说,...)
    • Therefore, ...(因此,...)

    In conclusion, technology has a significant impact on education, and its benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

    8. 引出个人观点或建议

    • In my opinion, ...(在我看来,...)
    • I believe that ...(我相信...)
    • My suggestion is ...(我的建议是...)
    • It is recommended that ...(建议...)

    In my opinion, it is essential to integrate technology into the curriculum to prepare students for the future.

    9. 引出问题或疑问

    • What's more interesting is ...(更有趣的是...)
    • The question is ...(问题是...)
    • It is worth asking ...(值得问的是...)

    What's more interesting is how technology can be used to personalize learning experiences for each student.

    10. 引出解决方案或应对措施

    • One solution is ...(一个解决方案是...)
    • To address this issue, ...(为了解决这个问题,...)
    • A possible approach is ...(一种可能的方法是...)

    To address this issue, schools can provide professional development for teachers to effectively integrate technology into their teaching.


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