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历史上的今天 ‧ 2012年-蛟龙号载人潜水器7000米级海试成功


历史上的今天 ‧ 2012年-蛟龙号载人潜水器7000米级海试成功

  • 2012年,中国载人潜水器“蛟龙”号成功完成了7000米级的深海试验,这标志着中国深海载人技术的国际领先水平。以下是相关资料及重点词汇:

    The Chinese manned submersible "Jiaolong" successfully completed its 7000-meter deep-sea trial in 2012, marking a significant milestone in China's deep-sea exploration capabilities.



    - The "Jiaolong" submersible reached its maximum depth of 7062 meters during the trial, setting a new national record for manned deep diving.

    - The submersible is capable of operating in 99.8% of the world's oceans, providing a strong technical support for China's deep-sea research and exploration.

    - The successful trial not only demonstrated the stability of the submersible's performance but also the continuous improvement of the trial team's proficiency.

    - The "Jiaolong" carries China's deep blue dream of ocean exploration, and its record-breaking dives have undoubtedly expanded China's deep-sea research space.

    - The achievement indicates that China's technological pursuit in the field of deep-sea exploration has reached an advanced level internationally, taking a significant step from a maritime power to a maritime powerhouse in terms of technology.

    - 在试验中,“蛟龙”号潜水器达到了7062米的最大下潜深度,刷新了国家载人深潜的新纪录。

    - 该潜水器能够在99.8%的世界海洋中作业,为中国的深海研究和勘探提供了强有力的技术支持。

    - 成功的试验不仅展示了潜水器性能的稳定性,也体现了试验团队熟练程度的不断提高。

    - “蛟龙”承载着中国探索海洋的深蓝梦想,其破纪录的深潜无疑拓宽了中国的深海科研空间。

    - 这一成就表明,中国在深海探索领域的技术追求已达到国际先进水平,在技术上从海洋大国向海洋强国迈出了重要一步。


    1. Manned Submersible (载人潜水器): A type of underwater vehicle designed to carry one or more people.

       - 一种设计用于携带一个或多个人的水下交通工具。

    2. Deep-Sea Trial (深海试验): A test conducted to determine the capabilities and performance of a submersible at great depths.

       - 为了确定潜水器在极深水域的能力和性能而进行的测试。

    3. Jiaolong (蛟龙): The name of China's manned deep-sea submersible.

       - 中国载人深海潜水器的名称。

    4. Maximum Depth (最大深度): The greatest depth that a submersible can reach.

       - 潜水器能够到达的最大深度。

    5. National Record (国家纪录): A record set within a country for a particular achievement.

       - 在特定成就上一个国家所设定的记录。

    6. Deep-Sea Exploration (深海探索): The investigation and examination of the ocean at great depths.

       - 对极深海域的海洋进行的调查和检查。

    7. Technical Support (技术支持): Assistance provided in terms of technology to facilitate a particular task or operation.

       - 为促进特定任务或操作而提供的技术帮助。

    8. Proficiency (熟练程度): The level of skill or expertise in a particular area.

       - 在特定领域的技能或专业水平。

    9. Ocean Exploration (海洋探索): The process of discovering and learning about the Earth's oceans.

       - 发现和了解地球海洋的过程。

    10. Maritime Power (海洋大国): A country with significant naval or sea-related influence or capabilities.

        - 具有显著海军或与海洋相关的影响力的国家。

    11. Maritime Superpower (海洋强国): A country that has a dominant position in maritime affairs, often due to its advanced technology and naval capabilities.

        - 在海洋事务中占据主导地位的国家,通常由于其先进的技术和海军能力。

    12. Record-Breaking (破纪录的): Achieving a level or performance that surpasses previous records.

        - 达到或超越之前记录的水平或表现。
