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2014, hundred grand ceremony became Luo Zhixiang birthday the recreational focus at that time. Those who regard Chinese as Le Tan when Gong Xiaosheng, luo Zhixiang drew the look of countless vermicelli made from bean starch with its distinctive glamour, and his birthday clique was to collect public figure of group of numerous and famous entertainment more to. Review this one great event, let us be reviewed together in those days bright hour.

Luo Zhixiang and hundred recreation grand ceremony

Begin from 2007, luo Zhixiang begins to hold birthday hundred clique is right, become the one big great event that recreation encircles. And the birthday 2014 hundred grand ceremony especially conspicuous, besides good friend of group of numerous and famous entertainment, the glow that has countless vermicelli made from bean starch and medium more is participated in. On this one grand ceremony, have wonderful performance program not only, have a lot of interactive link that provide distinguishing feature alone more, made each attendant honored guests sufficient feel Luo Zhixiang's glamour and affinity.

Grand ceremony is wonderful the instant

On the grand ceremony 2014, luo Zhixiang and numerous star good friend appear together, they share pleasure jointly, for this extraordinary time added countless joy. The wonderful performance on grand ceremony, do laugh interactive and the atmosphere that touching hour allows the site reached a climax, also invite an audience at the same time people had more intimate knowledge to this God singer. Of course, this also was become in those days most accept one of recreational event that fix eyes upon.

Birthday the meaning of hundred grand ceremony

Birthday hundred grand ceremony is a recreation not just the clique is right, it is Luo Zhixiang and vermicelli made from bean starch, media and good friends of numerous entertainment group more the platform that interactive communicating. In this special day, everybody celebrates Luo Zhixiang's birthday jointly, also sharing him to send out at the same time the charm that give and energy. This kind is close to the atmosphere with harmony, in becoming a lot of popular feeling hard the good memory of dismiss from one's mind.

Carry this article, the hope lets a reader can review 2014 Luo Zhixiang birthday the wonderful instant of hundred grand ceremony, have more intimate knowledge to this God singer.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can bring you to read experience and recreational memory happily.

