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意大利美食以其精致和浪漫闻名于世。 意大利面披萨 是最为人所熟知的意大利特色美食。意大利面口感鲜美,配上浓郁的番茄酱和新鲜的香料,让人回味无穷。而披萨更是承载了意大利人对食物的热爱和匠心,薄脆的地面,丰富的配料,每一口都散发出浓浓的幸福感。


日本料理精致细腻,注重食材的新鲜和烹饪的精湛。 寿司刺身 是日本餐桌上的珍宝。寿司讲究米饭的软硬适中,配上新鲜的生鱼片,沾上恰到好处的酱油和芥末,一口鲜美的寿司即刻点燃味蕾。而刺身则是将生鱼片切成薄薄的片状,保持了食材的原汁原味,带给食客极致的口感享受。


中国的美食源远流长,各个地区都有独具特色的美食。 北京烤鸭广东点心四川火锅江浙菜 等都是享誉中外的代表性美食。北京烤鸭外酥里嫩,肉质鲜美;广东点心色香味俱全,精致可口;四川火锅麻辣鲜香,美味诱人;江浙菜清鲜爽口,营养丰富。这些鲜明的地方特色,彰显了中国饮食文化的多样性和博大精深。


尼日利亚美食多样丰富,代表性的有 加纳腰果饭尼日利亚坦桑尼亚菠菜 。加纳腰果饭是一道将米饭、腰果、番茄等食材混合烹饪而成的美食,口感丰富,滋味独特;坦桑尼亚菠菜则是将新鲜的菠菜叶炒制,口感爽滑,营养丰富。这些美食代表了非洲大陆丰富多彩的饮食文化,充分展现了当地的饮食习惯和特色食材。





Every place has its distinctive cate culture, shirt-sleeve local local customs and historical inheritance. Cate is a kind of taste is enjoyed not only, it is the experience of culture more. In this article, we will take you to seek the characteristic cate of world each district together, let you sample delicate while, also can appreciate the distinctive glamour of different district.

Italy: Romantic meaning type cate

Italian cate with its delicate with romance famed at the world. Italian face AndWrap around Sa Be most the Italian characteristic cate with person hep place. Italian face mouthfeel is delicious, deserve to go up full-bodied ketchup and new perfume, aftertaste letting a person is boundless. And wrap around Sa was to bear the weight of more the Italian is had deep love for to alimental and ingenuity, the ground of crisp fritter, rich burden, every send out readily a strong happy sense.

Japan: Delicate zephyr arrange

Japanese arrange is delicate and exquisite, pay attention to those who feed capable person is fresh with cooking masterly. Birthday department AndThorn body It is the jewellery on Japanese table. Birthday department pays attention to the soft hard moderate of rice, deserve to go up to give birth to slices of fish meat freshly, touch proper soy and mustard, a delicious birthday manages immediateness ignites taste bud. And thorn is to will give birth to slices of fish meat to be cut personally thin a poor condition, held the former juice raw ingredient that feeds capable person, the mouthfeel that brings deadbeat acme is enjoyed.

China: 1000 appearance the China cate of 100 condition

Chinese cate is of long standing and well established, each areas have the cate that has distinguishing feature alone. Beijing roast duck , Guangdong mug-up , Sichuan chaffy dish , Dish of river short for Zhejiang Province Etc is the representative cate that is famous in China and foreign countries. Outside Beijing roast duck crisp in tender, the flesh is qualitative delicious; Completely of Guangdong mug-up lubricious fragrance, delicate and goluptious; Hot delicacy of hemp of Sichuan chaffy dish is sweet, delicate and inviting; Mouth of clear Xian Shuang of dish of river short for Zhejiang Province, nutrition is rich. These bright place characteristic, the diversity that revealed Chinese food culture and broad and profound.

Nigeria: The African cate of rich and colorful

Nigeria cate diversity is rich, have representativelyGhana cashew meal AndNigeria Tanzania spinach . Ghana cashew meal is the cate that waits for rice, cashew, tomato to feed material to mix cooking and be become together, mouthfeel is rich, flavor is unique; Tanzania spinach is will new spinach part of a historical period is fried make, mouthfeel bright slips, nutrition is rich. These cate represented the dietary culture of African mainland rich and colorful, the dietary habit that developed place adequately and characteristic feed capable person.


Carry this article, hope you can understand the cate culture of different country deep more, organic meeting samples personally these pure cate. Cate does not have national boundaries, it is bearing the weight of people opposite is had deep love for alive and go after, also be the carrier that communicates between different culture. Thank you to read this article, the help that hopes you carry this article had more comprehensive knowledge to the characteristic cate of world each district.

