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1. 控制用眼时间: 确保每天进行适当的户外活动,同时避免长时间盯着电子产品。

2. 保持正确用眼姿势: 避免低头看书或使用手机,保持良好的用眼习惯和姿势。

3. 科学膳食: 多摄入富含维生素A、C和E的食物,如胡萝卜、橙子、绿叶蔬菜等,有助于眼睛健康。

4. 定期眼保健操: 进行适量的眼保健操有助于缓解眼部疲劳,保持眼部灵活性。

5. 定期眼部检查: 孩子每年至少进行一次全面的眼部检查,及早发现和处理眼部问题。





Why does problem of children eye health get attention fully?

Children is national future, and eye of the demote below children myopia, eyesight is healthy in recent years the problem is increasingly serious, caused the attention of social all circles. Discuss the eye health that how protects the child, became the heat topic of instantly.

Current situation of problem of children eye health

Come on as myopia the age shifts to an earlier date ceaselessly, the occurence rate of low age myopia also rises in year after year. Gain ground in digital product, below the setting that study pressure increases, in the worry that more and more children are immersed in a healthy problem. In fact, not only myopic, if issue of department of other key point appears often in children also amblyopia, strabismus.

The method that children eye health protects

1.Control uses eye time: Ensure have proper outdoors activity everyday, avoid to staring at electronic product for long at the same time.

2.Keep correct the pose that use an eye: Avoid to lower his head to read a book or use a mobile phone, maintain the good convention that use an eye and pose.

3.Science is prandial: Absorb the food that contains a lot ofvitamin A, C and E more, wait like vegetable of carrot, orange, greenery, conduce to eye health.

4.Regular eye health care holds: Undertake right amount eye health care is held conduce to alleviate eye ministry is fatigue, preserve eye ministry flexibility.

5.Ministry of regular key point checks: The child undertakes comprehensive eye ministry is checked every year at least, as soon as possible discovers and handle eye department issue.

Problem of children eye health needs the parent, school and society to pay close attention to jointly

Eye health of the child needs to pay close attention to and be participated in of whole society, the parent wants from inside daily life attentive the eye that caresses the child; The school should strengthen conduct propaganda of eye health care, develop the student's good habit that use an eye; The society should encourage scientific research orgnaization to increase the research of domain of children eye health, promote relevant policy come on stage.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can let more parent and educational orgnaization pay close attention to problem of children eye health through the article, the joint efforts protects eye health of the child.
