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  1. 梧州鱼生:梧州鱼生以独特的制作工艺和口感而闻名。选用当地的鲤鱼,加上鲜美的佐料,再配以特制酱汁,清香爽口,回味无穷。
  2. 梧州螺蛳粉:螺蛳粉是梧州的特色传统美食,汤色鲜明,香气扑鼻,入口鲜美。配以辣椒、葱花和特制的酱料,别具一格。
  3. 梧州荔浦芋头糕:荔浦芋头糕是梧州的地方小吃,选用当地上等芋头,制作精细,香甜可口。尝一口,仿佛能感受到梧州的热情和美好。
  4. 梧州八音炖品:梧州八音炖品是梧州传统名吃,选用当地的山珍野味,搭配独特的炖制技巧,口感鲜美,营养丰富。
  5. 梧州螺丝粉:梧州螺丝粉是一道独具特色的梧州美食,细腻爽滑的粉条配上鲜美可口的螺丝肉,美味无比。




South Wu city beautiful forefinger: Not allow to miss before 5 eat cate surely greatly

Wu city, it is a beautiful city of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, there are a lot of cates to make a person here lick one's chaps. No matter be this locality characteristic fastfood prandial still cate, can allow your forgetting to return. It is Wu city below not allow to miss before 5 eat cate surely greatly:

  1. Wu city fish is raw: Wu city fish is raw famed with the distinctive technology that make and mouthfeel. Choose local carp, add delicious spice, match again with tailor-made sauce, faint scent tastily, the aftertaste is boundless.
  2. Pink of Wu city spiral shell: Spiral shell pink is the characteristic tradition cate of Wu city, shangse is bright, aroma is tangy, the entrance is delicious. Deserve to expect with chili, chopped green onion and tailor-made sauce, having a unique style.
  3. Cake of taro of riverside of Wu city Li: The place that cake of Li riverside taro is Wu city is fastfood, choose local classy taro, make careful, sweet and goluptious. Taste, as if the passion that can experience Wu city and happiness.
  4. 8 sound stew Wu city article: 8 sound stew Wu city tasting is Wu state convention the name eats, choose hill precious game of place, collocation is stewed distinctly make skill, mouthfeel is delicious, nutrition is rich.
  5. Pink of Wu city screw: Pink of Wu city screw is the Wu city cate that has distinguishing feature alone together, the noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch that exquisite bright slips deserves to go up delicious and goluptious screw flesh, delicate and clinking.

Above is Wu city not allow to miss before 5 eat cate surely greatly, the enthusiastic He Zhihui that each cate Douyun is containing Wu city person, every are bringing the distinctive feeling to this city readily. Come to Wu city, did not forget to sample these cate, they can keep unforgettable taste bud memory to you certainly.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the hope can be in for you the brigade of the cate of Wu city provides a help, let you enjoy the pure cate of this locality.
