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中央财经大学,坐落于中国首都北京,是一所以经济、管理学科为主,兼有法学、文学、理学、工学、艺术学科的多科性大学。学校前身为1949 年创建的中央财政大学和1980 年创建的中央财经大学合并而成。如今,中央财经大学已经发展成为以经济学、管理学、法学为主体学科,理、工科和文学科为骨干的多学科特色鲜明的全国重点大学。












University of central finance and economics

University of central finance and economics, be located at Chinese capital Beijing, be one so course of economy, management is given priority to, hold law, literature, a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, labour concurrently to learn, the university of much division sex of artistic course. School predecessor is what founded 1949 to college of the finance central and the university of the finance and economics central that established 1980 incorporate and be become. Nowadays, university of central finance and economics has developed become with economics, canal a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, law gives priority to body course, the countrywide key university with the much discipline bright characteristic that manage, engineering course and article course are a backbone.

University of central finance and economics is in enjoy taller reputation domestic and internationally, special in economics, canal respect of a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, law has power of relatively outstanding persons qualified to teach,

University of Shanghai finance and economics

University of Shanghai finance and economics, be located in Shanghai, it is the countrywide key university of directly under of Chinese Ministry of Education, also be the finance and economics that China establishs the earliest one of advanced institution of higher learning. The school has countrywide finance and financial project to study high education talent develops base, it is national characteristic major construction site and national emphasis course breed base, also be belt of economy of delta of Chinese the Yangtse River research of education of important talent of finance and economics, learning and social service base.

Regard the talent of Shanghai and Chinese banking industry as the cradle, university of Shanghai finance and economics has powerful course advantage in the domain such as economy, finance, management, there also is prominent academic place in international academia at the same time.

The comparison of university of central finance and economics and university of Shanghai finance and economics

University of central finance and economics and university of Shanghai finance and economics are school of home's top-ranking finance and economics, in different domain each have distinguishing feature. University of central finance and economics has power of relatively outstanding persons qualified to teach in the course domain such as a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of economics, canal, law, and university of Shanghai finance and economics is having powerful course advantage in the domain such as economy, finance, management.

Two schools pay attention to internationalization development, have rich international communication and cooperative experience, offerred broad international view and the opportunity that extend international communication for the student.


No matter be to choose university of central finance and economics or college of Shanghai finance and economics, students will be mixed in different academic atmosphere valuable study experience and professional development opportunity are gained in campus culture.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you understand university of central finance and economics and university of Shanghai finance and economics better through this article, for you prospective study and professional program provide reference and help.
