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中国荷花园: 中国荷花园是常州市的标志性景点之一,园内有大片荷花池塘,每年盛夏时节,荷花盛开,美不胜收。游客可以欣赏各色荷花,感受中国园林的雅致和荷花的飘逸。

天宁寺: 天宁寺是常州市内历史最悠久的寺庙之一,建于南朝时期,寺内保存了许多珍贵的古建筑和佛教文物,是爱好历史文化的游客不容错过的景点。

红梅公园: 红梅公园是常州市的城市公园,景色优美,尤以冬日的红梅花闻名。每年一月至二月,红梅盛开,香气扑鼻,成为游客赏花的好去处。





Changzhou travel setting

Be located in Chinese Jiangsu to visit mid Changzhou town, it is a modern city that has long history and rich culture. Changzhou insides information with its distinctive gardens scene, deep culture famed with delicate characteristic cate, because this attracted a lot of tourists to come round to go sightseeing,travel, experience the distinctive glamour of this city.

Go surely tourist attraction

Chinese lotus garden: One of mark sex tourist attractions that Chinese lotus garden is Changzhou city, there is big lotus pond inside garden, annual midsummer season, lotus blooms, too many beautiful things. The tourist can admire lotus of of all kinds, those who experience Chinese gardens is refined with lotus elegant.

Tian Ning temple: Day peaceful temple is one of cloister with the longest history inside Changzhou city, build at period of the Southern Dynasties, a lot of precious ancient buildings and Buddhist cultural relic were saved inside the temple, it is the tourist attraction that the tourist that likes historical culture nots allow to miss.

Red plum park: Red plum park is the urban park of Changzhou city, the scenery is beautiful, the red wintersweet of You Yidong day is famed. Came every year in January in Feburary, gong Meicheng leaves, aroma is tangy, become the good place that the tourist admires the beauty of flowers.

Characteristic cate

Changzhou cate with this locality fastfood give priority to with cake, provide most among them representative is"Without stannic sauce chop ". This dish colour and lustre is inviting, mouthfeel is tender slip, love by the tourist. In addition, changzhou still has a lot of place distinguishing feature fastfood, be likeMaster shrine cake is round, Tiger grave smoked fishEtc, be worth to try.

Welcome you to come to Changzhou, experience the local customs of this city and cate culture, believe you can keep good and unforgettable memory certainly! Thank you to read chrestomathy piece strategy!

