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宾得645D 120数码相机:重磅发布,让你的摄影更上一层楼英文双语对照


宾得645D 120数码相机:重磅发布,让你的摄影更上一层楼英文双语对照

宾得645D 120数码相机介绍

近日,宾得(PENTAX)公司推出了全球首款中画幅数字单反相机645D 120,这款相机以其卓越的画质和强大的性能引起了广泛关注。作为宾得旗下的中画幅数码相机,宾得645D 120旨在为专业摄影师和摄影爱好者提供出色的拍摄体验。

宾得645D 120数码相机特点

宾得645D 120数码相机搭载了超大型44x33毫米 CCD中画幅传感器,有效像素量高达4075万像素,配合宾得自主开发的PRIME III影像处理引擎,不仅保证了宾得645D 120在色彩还原和画质细腻度上的出色表现,还让其拥有了惊人的ISO感光度范围,使得这款相机在光线较暗的情况下依然能够拍摄出清晰、细腻的照片。

此外,宾得645D 120还配备了3英寸92万像素旋转式液晶屏,支持190万像素的光学取景器,以及全新的自动对焦系统。这一系列的配置不仅提升了相机的使用便利性,也为用户提供了更大的拍摄自由度。

宾得645D 120数码相机性能

在拍摄性能方面,宾得645D 120数码相机拥有14位RAW照片处理,以及支持1920x1080p的高清视频录制功能。其对焦速度快、连拍性能强劲,使得宾得645D 120能够轻松应对各种复杂的拍摄场景,为用户带来更便捷、高效的创作体验。

宾得645D 120数码相机外观与设计

宾得645D 120的相机机身采用了镁合金材质,具备防尘防滴等特性,保证了相机的稳固性和耐用性。相机布局合理,按键设计合理,给用户带来了更加舒适的操作体验。

宾得645D 120数码相机总结

总的来说,宾得645D 120数码相机作为中画幅数码单反相机,不仅在画质表现上有着出色的表现,还在性能和操作体验上有着优秀的表现,是一款值得期待的专业摄影设备。

感谢您的时间阅读本篇文章,相信通过这篇文章的了解,你会对宾得645D 120数码相机有更加深入的认识,为你的摄影之路带来更多的帮助。


Guest gets introduction of camera of 645D 120 number

Recently, guest is gotten (PENTAX) the company rolled out sheet of number of the picture in global head money to turn over camera645D 120, this camera pledges with its outstanding picture and powerful function caused wide attention. What get a banner to fall as guest is medium picture number camera, guest gets 645D 120 to aim to be professional cameraman and photography lover to offer film outstandingly experience.

Guest gets characteristic of camera of 645D 120 number

Guest got camera of 645D 120 number to embark to exceed large44x33 millimeter CCDIn picture sensor, be as high as effectively like element quantity40.75 million resemble element, the PRIME III that cooperates guest to get own development is video handle engine, made sure guest gets 645D 120 to pledge in color rendition and picture not only exquisite degree of excellent performance that attend, still let its have breathtaking ISO speed limits, make this camera is in the light still can film below darker circumstance a clarity, exquisite photograph.

In addition, guest was deployed so that 645D 120 returns3 inches 920 thousand resemble elementRotate screen of type liquid crystal, support the 1.9 million optical viewfinder that resembles element, and brand-new be opposite automatically anxious system. This a series of the use advantage sex that configuration promoted watch for an opportunity not only, also offerred for the user bigger film freedom is spent.

Guest gets performance of camera of 645D 120 number

Filming performance side, guest gets camera of 645D 120 number to have14 RAW photograph is handled, and the function of high-definition video transcribe that supports 1920x1080p. ItsFast to anxious speed, take property repeatedly driving, make guest gets 645D 120 to be able to be answered easily all sorts of film complexly setting, bring more convenient, efficient creation experience for the user.

Guest gets exterior of camera of 645D 120 number and design

Guest got the camera airframe of 645D 120 to useMagnesium alloy material is qualitative, haveDustproof protected against dropping waterWait for character, assured the firm sex of camera and durable sex. Camera distribution is equitable, key-press design is reasonable, brought more comfortable operation experience to the user.

Guest gets summary of camera of 645D 120 number

As a whole, guest gets camera of 645D 120 number to regard as in picture number sheet turns over camera, pledge there is outstanding show on expression in the picture not only, there still is outstanding show on function and operation experience, it is a professional photography equipment that is worth to expect.

The time that appreciates you reads chrestomathy piece article, believe to pass the understanding of this article, you can get camera of 645D 120 number to have more thorough knowledge to guest, the road of the photography that is you brings more helps.

