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1. 鉴定申请单位名称:请务必填写准确的单位名称,需注意大小写格式及特殊符号的使用。

2. 申请人:填写申请鉴定的负责人姓名,确保姓名的准确性。

3. 联系方式:填写申请人的联系方式,包括电话号码、邮箱等,以便鉴定机构联系。

4. 鉴定要求:详细描述申请的鉴定要求,包括鉴定对象、鉴定标准、鉴定内容等。

5. 鉴定目的:清晰阐述申请鉴定的目的和意义,对于鉴定机构更好地理解申请方的需求。


1. 确保填写准确:在填写申请表时务必保持准确无误,避免因填写错误导致鉴定延误。

2. 提供详细信息:在填写鉴定要求和鉴定目的时,提供尽可能详细的信息,有助于鉴定机构更准确地进行鉴定。

3. 关注格式要求:注意申请表对格式的要求,如字数限制、附件要求等,确保按要求填写。






Application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology fills in strategy

Application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology is the important document that files appraisal of achievement of science and technology, fill in correctly can improve appraisal efficiency. Will unscramble in detail for you below how to fill in application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology.

Fill in preparation

Filling in before application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology, want to affirm the specific requirement of application form above all. General need fills in the basic message such as purpose of requirement of means of name of appraisal application unit, applicant, connection, appraisal, appraisal. Before the proposal is filling in first read through application form, ensure understanding asks each.

Fill in measure

1.Appraisal files unit name: Be sure to fill in please exact unit name, need those who note format of big the ordinary form of a Chinese numeral and special sign to use.

2.Applicant: Fill in the chief full name that files appraisal, ensure the accuracy of the full name.

3.Contact means: Fill in connection means of the applicant, include telephone number, mailbox to wait, so that appraisal orgnaization is contacted.

4.Appraisal requirement: Describe the appraisal demand of application in detail, include content of standard of appraisal object, appraisal, appraisal to wait.

5.Appraisal purpose: Clarity elaborates the intent that files appraisal and meaning, understand application better to appraisal orgnaization square demand.

Fill in note

1.Ensure fill in accurate: Filling in application form current affairs keeps accurate surely without by accident, avoid to cause appraisal incur loss through delay by accident because of filling clerical error.

2.Provide detailed information: Filling in when appraisal requirement and appraisal purpose, offer as far as possible detailed information, conduce to appraisal orgnaization having identification well and truly.

3.Pay close attention to format requirement: Note the application form demand to the format, if the word counts limitation, accessory to ask to wait, ensure fill in by the requirement.

Submit application

Fill in after ending, submit application form according to the requirement of appraisal orgnaization. Usually, can pass email or mail means is referred. After refer, notice seasonable follow-up, in order to ensure application is accepted smoothly.

Adopt above strategy, believe you had mastered how to fill in the essentials of application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology. Fill in correctly application form will conduce to improve appraisal efficiency, the assessment that is achievement of science and technology provides strong support.

Thank you to read the article, the hope fills in to you help somewhat when application form of appraisal of achievement of science and technology.

