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学龄前儿童健康服务是指对 0-6 岁儿童进行全面的健康管理和关怀。这一阶段孩子的身体、智力和情感等各个方面都处于发育的关键期,因此健康服务的内容十分丰富。









The complete guideline that health of the children before school age serves

The healthy problem of the children before school age gets parent attention fully all the time, so what is service of health of the children before school age?

Health of the children before school age servesIt is to point to pair of 0-6 year old children has comprehensive health management and care. The key that each respects such as the body of child of this one phase, intelligence and affection are in development period, because this is healthy the content of the service is very rich.

Above all, Groovy medicalIt is the main component that health of the children before school age serves. Wait for index through measuring height, weight, head to surround, the growth that evaluates the child development state of affairs, seasonable discovery is unusual. Besides, still have groovy audition and eyesight examination, in order to ensure the sensory growth of children is normal.

Next, VaccinateAlso be the focal point that health of the children before school age serves. The vaccinal and vaccinal calendar that provides according to the country, give the child on time vaccination, increase the strength of the body, prevent infection.

In addition, Common disease sieve is checkedAlso be indispensable content. Wait for each examination through having oral cavity, heart, blood, treat early discovery, early, ensure the health of children.

Besides the service of physiology respect, health of the children before school age serves to still includeNutrition is directive. The age according to the child and grow growth need, offer reasonable dietary collocation and nutrient complement proposal, make sure the child is healthy, balanced grow.

Finally, Parent health is taughtAlso be indispensable one part. Guide the parent's correct Yo idea and method, raise healthy consciousness of the parent, the health that is the child grows provide favorable domestic environment.

The place on put together is narrated, health of the children before school age served content to cover sieve of groovy medical, vaccinate, common disease to check, the respect such as nutrient guidance and parent health education, it is the important safeguard that safeguard child health grows.

Thank you to read the article, health of the children before believing to pass understanding school age serves content, what can pay close attention to the child better is healthy, offer more scientific, comprehensive health management and look after for them.

