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1. 番禺大石头海鲜舫:位于大石村的海鲜餐厅,环境优雅,用餐时还能俯瞰美丽的珠江风光,菜品新鲜,口味地道。

2. 番禺市桥砂锅粥:这里的砂锅粥有着独特的制作工艺,每一碗粥都是细心熬制而成,浓香可口。

3. 番禺亚运城市:这里聚集了各种美食,不管是中式烹饪还是国际美食,都能在这里找到。





Time the cate culture of Yu area

Regard Guangzhou as a of the urban district main component, time Yu area is not only long history culture, still famed with its rich and diversiform cate culture. Time Yu cate adopy the marrow of dish of another name for Guangdong Province, shirt-sleeve harbor type, peaceful type multivariate element, present a distinct fragrance and mouthfeel.

Time the cate that Yu area has surely

Be in a Yu area, one of cate that you cannot miss absolutely areTime Yu fork is burned. Handpick and high grade pork, make through traditional souse and cooking technology, mouthfeel is fresh and tender and juicily, aroma is tangy. In addition, Time Yu Niu ZaThe characteristic that also is place is fastfood, cooking is masterly, flavor is unique, match on one bowl of reeky ground rice again, it is to make person aftertaste boundless more.

In addition, time Yu area still has a lot of famed far and nearSeafood restaurant, fresh seafood is offerred continuously, taste tunnel, can satisfy captious taste bud certainly.

Dining-room is recommended

1.Time boat of seafood of Yu big stone: Be located in the seafood restaurant of big Shi Cun, environmental grace, still can look down at when have dinner beautiful Pearl River scene, dish is tasted fresh, taste tunnel.

2.Time congee of arenaceous boiler of Yu city bridge: The arenaceous boiler congee here is having the distinctive technology that make, each bowls of congee is attentive boil make and become, aroma is goluptious.

3.Time Yu inferior carry city: Here collected all sorts of cate, no matter be Chinese style cooking or international cate, can find here.

Cate block

If you think one-time the diversiform cate that appreciates a Yu division, before mighting as well, go toStreet of city bridge cate. Here gathered to come from the characteristic cate of each district, no matter be fastfood,still be prandial, be here to be able to find the cate that admire in the heart.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be in for you the brigade of the cate of a Yu area provides a few reference and help.

