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1. 全聚德烤鸭:作为北京烤鸭的代表,全聚德的烤鸭肉质鲜美、皮脆肉嫩,是许多游客到北京必品的美味。

2. 李鸭脖:地道的北京味小吃,香辣可口,入口回味无穷。

3. 前门大酒楼:这里有着经典的老北京炖汤、炒菜等传统美食,让人仿佛穿越回老北京的味蕾记忆。

4. 老北京炸酱面:浓浓的酱香配上面条的Q弹,构成了老北京炸酱面独特的美味。





Culture of front door cate

Front door area is one of historical culture calling card of Beijing, also be the assemble ground of cate. The palace drive board that the tradition gathered together here, old Beijing's fastfood, pure Beijing taste cate, let people sampling cate while, also experienced grumous historical culture atmosphere.

Front door shopping mall

Front door shopping mall is one of Beijing's famous commerce shopping malls, also be the ground that cate collects. Here assemble all sorts of pure Beijing are fastfood, if fry clyster of Chinese chestnut, a fermented drink made from ground beans, blast to wait, make a tourist OK shop to sample at the same time at the same time authentic Beijing cate.

Cate is recommended

1.Quan Jude roast duck: Regard Beijing as the delegate of roast duck, roast duck flesh of Quan Jude is qualitative fragile flesh of delicious, skin is tender, it is a lot of tourists what taste surely to Beijing is delicate.

2.Plum duck neck: Pure Beijing taste is fastfood, sweet hot goluptious, entrance aftertaste is boundless.

3.Front door big wine shop: Here is having the traditional cate such as classical old Beijing stew, fried dish, let a person as if pass through the taste bud memory that answers old Beijing.

4.Face of old Beijing fried bean sauce: Thick sauce is sweet deserve to go up the Q of noodle is played, made range of old Beijing fried bean sauce distinctive delicate.

Cate experience

The cate of front door area is the one part of Beijing culture undoubtedly, the tourist savours cate in ramble of front door shopping mall, can satisfy taste bud not only, can experience the amorous feelings of old Beijing and lasting appeal more.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can be helped through this article you understand better and sample the characteristic cate near front door.

