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School survey

Trade of the travel that do not have stannum is advanced professional technology school is the advanced vocational school that is located in Jiangsu to visit the town that do not have stannum, devote oneself to to provide the professional education related to travel trade trade for the student. The school holds water at {to establish time} year, cover an area of square metre of} of {campus area, have advanced education establishment and high grade education group.

Managerial characteristic

The school pays attention to theory and practice photograph union, the profession that is aimed at a student expands demand, offerred the special training course such as travel management, hotel management, business affairs management. The school takes the managerial concept of education application talent, pay attention to practical capacity education of the student, the obtain employment that is a student and do poineering work provide strong support.

Force of persons qualified to teach

The school has a Gao Shuiping, specialization, young the pedagogic team that change, include to have the industry expert of rich practice experience and learning teacher among them. They devote oneself to to provide newest trade news and obtain employment guidance for the student, those who make the student becomes an industry to be badly in need of is compound model talent.

Campus lives

The school pays attention to full-scale development of the student, offer the campus culture life of rich and colorful and activity of of all kinds mass organizations for the student, the campus of rich student lives. In addition, the school still has perfect campus establishment and comfortable dormitory requirement, for the student's study the life provides good safeguard.

Graduation whereaboutldirection

Domain of graduate main obtain employment includes travel scene area, hotel, meeting to exhibit business of center, trade to wait, obtain employment rate and obtain employment quality all are located in the front row of provincial and congener school. In the meantime, the school still encourages a student to do poineering work independently, offer poineering policy to seek advice to support with poineering adviser for them.

Do not have stannic travel trade through understanding school of advanced profession technology, can know the current situation that trade of the travel that do not have stannum teachs and development climate deep more, for broad student and parent choice appropriate educational outlet provides reference.

Thank you to read the article, the hope understands trade of the travel that do not have stannum to you school of advanced profession technology is helped somewhat.

