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1. “早睡早起身体好”,这句古训告诉我们保持良好的生物钟对健康大有裨益。

2. “饭后百步走,活到九十九”,适当的运动能够促进消化,保持身体健康。


1. “近朱者赤,近墨者黑”,和优秀的人在一起能够提升自己的修养,而与不良的人交往则会受其影响。

2. “宁可孤独,不可嫁错郎”,婚姻关系的选择关乎一生幸福,需慎重对待。


1. “一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴”,强调时间的宝贵,要珍惜并合理规划时间。

2. “时不我待”,告诫我们不要拖延,要及时行动。


1. “知足常乐”,人生在世,要懂得知足常乐,珍惜眼前拥有的一切。

2. “机不可失,时不再来”,强调抓住机遇的重要性。




The classical and proverbial encyclopedia that life common sense knows surely

In the life, adage is the wisdom crystallization that people sums up for a long time, shirt-sleeve rich life common sense and experience. They are concise and rich philosophic theory, often can inspire people to think, guide people to make well-advised choice. Below, in letting us see the life together cannot insensible is classical and proverbial encyclopedia, illume for you the lamp of life wisdom.

About healthy adage

1."Sleep early rise early the body is good ", the biological clock that this old saying tells us to keep good has profit greatly to health.

2."The 100 paces after the meal go, live to be ninety-nine ", proper motion can be promoted digest, keep healthy.

About the adage of human relation

1."One takes on the color of one's company, close Chinese ink person black ", with the culture that outstanding person can promote him together, and can suffer its to affect with undesirable person association.

2."Would rather alone, cannot marry poor man ", the choice that marriage concerns concerns lifetime happiness, need to be treated cautiously.

About the adage of time government

1."A inch of time a inch of gold, money can't buy time ", those who underline time is precious, want to cherish time of sound program.

2."Time will not wait for me ", admonish we are not protracted, want timely action.

About fortune and successful adage

1."Chang Le of content with one's lot ", life is alive, want to know Chang Le of content with one's lot, cherish everything what have at the moment.

2."Can't afford to lose the opportunity, come no longer when ", emphasize holding the value of good luck.

The life of these classical adage are perforative people, accumulate containing rich life wisdom. The hope passes these proverbial enlightenment, can help you know the life better, handle human relation, run time, go after fortune and success.

Thank you to read the article, the life that hopes these classical adage can be you is brought a few inspire with the help.

