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The natural landscape of Zi rich

Zi rich is located in Shandong the province is mid, have rich natural landscape resource. Above all, you can be headed forFace Zi areaPark of forest of country of ancient Yue Longshan, here group of hill encircle, the woods is thick, it is the good place of outdoors motion and mountain-climbing. Next, be located inRich is a mountainous areaArea of scene of silver-colored sparrow hill, chan of Chan of water of rows of mountains of chain of mountains, brook, elegant and delightful, attracting a lot of tourists to come round to experience the glamour of nature.

The history of Zi rich is humanitarian landscape

Besides natural landscape, zi rich still has deep history humanitarian details. InWeek village area, you can look aroundCity of Chinese pottery and porcelain, here is the countryside of the Chinese pottery and porcelain of famed far and near, can understand the marrow of culture of Chinese traditional pottery and porcelain. Additional, be located in Zi plain areaAncient city parkIt is the epitome of culture of Zi rich history, the structure style of old city wall, ancient time, let a person as if pass through in historical endless flow.

The characteristic of Zi rich is fastfood

Sampling after rich landscape, might as well come the regale of a taste bud. Come to Zi rich, the distinguishing feature that you cannot miss place certainly is fastfood, for instance with Lu Cai famedBake in a pan of Zhang Huakui green Chinese onion, and characteristic cooked wheaten food of placeTea-oil tree cakeEtc. These cate will be the one large window in your journey.

Zi rich is a town that fills glamour, have the travel resource of rich and colorful, it is natural scene or humanitarian landscape no matter, can let a person stay to forget to return repeatedly. Hope you are in the journey of Zi rich is happy!

Thank you to read the article, the travel that hopes these recommend the Zi rich that can be you increases a few wonderful memory.

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