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A painting found stashed inside a wall at an Italian museum has been confirmed as the stolen "Portrait of a Lady" by Austria's Gustav Klimt, prosecutors said on Friday, two decades after the artwork went missing. 周五有检察官说,一幅画被发现藏在意大利一博物馆墙里,经证实是被盗的奥地利的古斯塔夫·克林姆特所画的《一个女人的肖像》,这幅艺术品失踪20年了。 The century-old painting was discovered concealed in an external wall by gardeners at the Ricci Oddi Gallery of Modern Art in Piacenza, northeast Italy, last month. 上个月这幅百年老画被园丁发现藏在意大利东北部皮亚琴察的里奇·奥迪现代艺术馆外墙里。 The museum estimates that the 55-by-65-centimetre (21-by-26-inch) expressionist work could be worth between 60 and 100 million euros (US$67-111 million), but notes the difficulty in estimating the work as it has never been sold on the market. 该博物馆说这幅55*65厘米(21*26英寸)的表现主义作品的估价可能在6000万至1亿欧元(6700万至1.11亿美元)之间,但很难确定,因为这幅画从未在市场上出售过。 "It is with no small emotion that I can tell you the work is authentic," prosecutor Ornella Chicca told reporters. 检察官Ornella Chicca告诉记者:“我可以毫不夸张地告诉你,这幅作品是真迹。”

Museum officials had initially said they could not immediately determine whether the painting was indeed the stolen Klimt until scientific tests were undertaken. 博物馆的工作人员最开始说他们不能立刻确定这幅画是否就是被偷的克林姆特的画,需要先进行科学检测。 Painted in 1916-1917, the expressionist work depicts the face and torso of a young woman with brown hair, over an emerald green background. 这幅表现主义作品的创作时间是1916年至1917年,刻画的是一个棕发年轻女孩的脸和身体,背景是翠绿色的。 The painting went missing in February 1997 while the museum was closed for work. 1997年2月份博物馆因工作原因关闭,这幅画就失踪了。 In December, gardeners removing ivy from a wall found a small ventilation space and discovered the painting inside, without a frame and wrapped in a black garbage bag. 12月份园丁在修剪墙上的常春藤时发现了一个小的通风口,在里面找到了这幅画,没有框,包在黑色垃圾袋里。 The ivy covering the space had not been cut back for almost a decade. 常春藤盖住了通风口,差不多有十年没修剪了。 Chicca said further tests would determine whether the painting had been lingering inside the wall space since it was stolen, or whether it had been hidden there at a later date. Chicca说通过进一步检测能确定这幅画被偷以后,是不是一直放在通风口里,还是后来被藏进去的。
