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A New Zealand man posted horrifying video footage that showed hundreds of thousands of dead mussels that had washed onto shore after seemingly being cooked to death. 一个新西兰男人发布了一段可怕的视频,视频中成千上万贻贝热死后被冲上岸。 The man behind the video, Brandon Ferguson, had gone to Maunganui Bluff Beach on the country's North Island with plans to collect some mussels for a relaxing meal with his family. Brandon Ferguson录的这段视频,他去新西兰北岛的芒格努伊布拉夫海滩本来是要和家人捡点贻贝,大吃一顿的。 "I'm local to the area so I'm always out on 'the coast' gathering food for the family," he explained. "That day I was out with friends and family while they were fishing. We waited for the tide to turn so we could gather mussels." 他解释说:“我是当地人,经常去‘沿岸’给家人找点吃的,那天有朋友和家人出海,我跟他们一起去的,我们等着退潮,就有贻贝了。” However, Ferguson and his group quickly realized that there was something very wrong when they came across hundreds of thousands of mussels that were tight-lipped and tinged with green. 但Ferguson一行人很快发现有点不对,他们发现了上万个紧闭的略带绿色的贻贝。

"It smelled like dead rotting seafood," Ferguson described. "Some of the mussels were empty, some of them were dead... Some were just floating around in the tide." Ferguson说:“闻起来就像腐烂的海鲜,其中有些空了,有些死了,还有一些就随着潮水漂着。” Ferguson said that the number of mussels that had been cooked was absolutely enormous. Ferguson说被煮熟的贻贝数量庞大。 "There were well over 500,000 mussels and shells littering the coastline," he said, posting a video on Facebook to spread the word of the terrifying phenomenon. 他在Facebook上发了一段视频,想让大家都知道这一可怕的现象,他说:“有超过500,000只贻贝和贝壳散落在海岸线上。” Though Ferguson said that he had never seen mussels in such condition before, he confessed that this not the first time that sea creatures had washed up onto the shore after showing signs of being cooked. He had previously seen dead shellfish, and the New Zealander claimed that the rising temperatures in the ocean were to blame for the phenomenon. 虽然Ferguson说他之前从未看到过贻贝有这种情况,但他承认这并不是第一次有海洋生物热死后被冲上岸。之前他看到过死的贝类,新西兰人说海洋温度升高是产生这种现象的原因。
