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1. 牙膏除了刷牙,还有这些妙用


2. 香蕉皮的别样用途


3. 卫生间的清洁小秘诀


4. 咖啡渣的妙用


5. 冰块的神奇用途


6. 醋的多重功效


7. 护发的小技巧


8. 柠檬的清洁功效


9. 鸡蛋壳的应用之道


10. 蜂蜜的美容妙用





Life little common sense: The 10 Jing ways of the world that your place does not know is real

There are a lot of little common senses in the life, we are not a person to know probably. A few striking facts that your place does not know introduce for everybody below, let us understand together.

1.Toothpaste besides brush one's teeth, still have these magical effect

Besides use at brushing one's teeth clean oral cavity, toothpaste still can use screen of clean mobile phone and shoe, OK still purify head blain. The composition in toothpaste can help purify bilge, have pretty good clean effect.

2.Another utility of banana skin

Put banana skin in the place that is bitten by the mosquito, can reduce urticant painful. In addition, banana skin still can be used wipe silver, clean leather shoes and reduce Swiss cheese to become moldy.

3.The clean little secret of toilet

The washing powder that often uses can use clean commode. Pour washing powder into closestool, the scrub after quiet place is a short while, can make closestool looks brand-new.

4.The magical function of coffee grounds

Coffee grounds can use purify freezer peculiar smell, put coffee grounds into container, put freezer, OK and effective adsorptive peculiar smell. In addition, coffee grounds also can regard a plant as fertilizer, contain a lot ofnitrogen, phosphor and Potassium, be helpful for a plant growing.

5.The magical utility of ice cube

Brush the skin to be able to reduce pore with ice cube bulky, OK still purify blain. In addition, put ice cube on hot towel, can alleviate have a headache and toothache.

6.Multiple effect of vinegar

Vinegar can use the besmirch on clean microwave oven and eliminate dress. Heat in microwave oven a bowl of small vinegar, can vapour bate besmirch, next reoccupy wet cloth is wiped, can relaxed cleanness is clean.

7.Protect the little skill of hair

Nurse with olive oil do one's hair can make a hair more healthy, massage hair and scalp with tepid olive oil, towel is heated up 20 minutes on the bag next, OK and moist hair improves scalp health.

8.Citric clean effect

Lemon can use clean microwave oven and dinner service, OK still peculiar smell of purify hand ministry. Will citric section is put into microwave oven to heat several minutes, can purify peculiar smell is antiseptic disinfection.

9.The path of the application of egg carapace

The chorion that use chicken wipes silver to be able to make silver restores luster. Egg carapace still can use fertilizer, contain a lot ofcalcium to pledge, grow to the plant beneficial.

10.The hairdressing magical function of honey

Honey can use skin of moist lip ministry, still can replace the grandma that wash a face, make skin more water embellish is smooth. In addition, honey still can be put in foot of the bubble in Wenshui, conduce to bate cutin.

The life that hopes these life little common sense can give you brings a few advantage, also hope you can discover more little secrets in the life.

Thank you to read the article, hope these life little common sense can bring the help on a few lives for you.

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