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如何免费领养宠物狗 | 宠物领养流程及注意事项英文双语对照


如何免费领养宠物狗 | 宠物领养流程及注意事项英文双语对照



  • 动物收容所:许多收容所会免费提供领养动物的服务,领养的费用通常包括注射疫苗和绝育手术等。
  • 宠物救助组织:一些宠物救助组织也会有免费领养的活动,他们会对流浪动物进行救助和领养。
  • 个人转让:有些宠物饲主因为各种原因需要转让自己的宠物狗,他们可能会选择免费领养的方式。



  • 选择领养地点:选择动物收容所、宠物救助组织或个人转让中合适的领养地点。
  • 审核资格:需要填写领养申请表格,并接受宠物领养资格的审核。
  • 签署协议:领养者需要签署一份领养协议,承诺对宠物负责,遵守领养机构的相关规定。
  • 领养过程:领养者需要接受一定的培训,了解宠物的喂养、训练和日常护理等知识。



  • 责任:养宠物狗需要付出时间和精力,领养者要有足够的责任心。
  • 条件:要有足够的居住空间和经济条件来满足宠物的生活需求。
  • 健康:确认领养的宠物狗没有严重的疾病或行为问题。
  • 培训:接受对宠物进行基本的训练,保证宠物和周围人的安全。



The way of dog of free adopt pet

The crowd that wants dog of free adopt pet can come true through the following way normally:

  • Animal asylum: A lot of asylum can provide the service of adopt animal freely, the charge of adopt includes inject vaccine and sterilization operation to wait normally.
  • Pet deliverance organizes: Organization of deliverance of a few pet also can have the activity of free adopt, animal of billow of their meeting convection undertakes deliverance and adopt.
  • The individual makes over: Some pet raise advocate the pet dog that needs to make over oneself because of all sorts of reasons, they may choose the way of free adopt.

The flow of dog of free adopt pet

The flow that has dog of free adopt pet is as follows commonly:

  • Select adopt site: The appropriate adopt ground in choosing organization of deliverance of animal asylum, pet or individual to make over is nodded.
  • Qualification of examine and verify: Need fills in adopt files form, accept the examine and verify of pet adopt qualification.
  • Sign an agreement: Adopt person need signs an adopt agreement, acceptance is responsible to pet, abide by the relevant provision of adopt orgnaization.
  • Adopt process: Adopt person it is certain to need to accept groom, the feed that understands pet, training and nurse daily wait for knowledge.


When dog of free adopt pet, adopt person need notices the following item:

  • Responsibility: Raise pet dog to need to give time and energy, adopt person should have enough responsibility heart.
  • Condition: Want to enough living space and economic condition will satisfy the life requirement of pet.
  • Healthy: The pet dog that affirms adopt does not have serious illness or behavior problem.
  • Groom: Accept pair of pet to undertake basic training, make sure pet is mixed all round the person's safety.

The hope carries this article, you can understand better how dog of free adopt pet, and be in adopt process help somewhat. Thank you read!

