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It's a romantic dinner at home. You light some candles to ... you know ... set the mood. You've placed them strategically around the room for optimal sensory bliss—the mantel, the shelf, the window sill, the table. 你要在家里吃一顿浪漫晚餐,要点上一些蜡烛烘托气氛……你懂的,你特意把蜡烛放在房间里视觉效果最好的地方:壁炉架、置物架、窗台和桌子上。 Now it's time to light them up. But which one goes first? 现在该点蜡烛了,但先点哪一支呢? Sesame seed bun, ketchup, onions, beef, pickles, or cheese? 芝麻面包味、番茄酱味、洋葱味、牛肉味、泡菜味还是芝士味的? These are the scents in a six-pack of candles available as part of a new Quarter Pounder Fan Club, each scented for a corresponding ingredient in the canonical McDonald's burger. Of course, if you need to imagine what these candles smell like when lit all together, all you need to do is wander within two miles of any McD's. 这些就是足尊牛堡粉丝俱乐部推出的新品中的六根装蜡烛的味道,每个味道代表了这款麦当劳经典汉堡的相应原料。当然如果你需要知道这些蜡烛一起点燃是什么味道的话,你只要到麦当劳周围两英里范围内转转就知道了。

Announced by the fast feeder and created with agency Wieden+Kennedy New York, the new fan club merch, available at Golden Arches Unlimited, includes the candles, matching Quarter Pounder mittens for couples, a calendar, a Quarter Pounder with Love locket, a fan club T-shirt and pin, and an "I'd rather be eating a Quarter Pounder" bumper sticker. Honk if you also like McDonald's a little too much! 粉丝俱乐部的新品由麦当劳进行宣传,由Wieden+Kennedy纽约公司设计,在“金拱门无限”(网店)有售,产品有蜡烛、适合情侣戴的足尊牛堡手套、日历、足尊牛堡爱心形项链、粉丝俱乐部T恤和别针,还有带有“我更愿意吃足尊牛堡”字样的保险杠贴纸。如果你也太喜欢麦当劳了,就按喇叭提醒一下吧! The answer to the question of why McD's would do this is not complicated. The company has been selling out of all the products that it's been selling since it first launched its full-blown e-commerce store in December. 麦当劳这样做的原因很简单,自从12月份麦当劳成熟的网店开业以来,上架的东西均已售罄。 Not only that, but McD's says it will gift a giant, bronze Quarter Pounder monument to the city that professes its QP love the most enthusiastically by Wednesday, February 26. Truly an honor for generations of residents and tourists to behold. Let's just hope that it's more Juicy Lucy than Scary Lucy. 不仅如此,麦当劳还声称截止2月26日周三这一天,对足尊牛堡最狂热的城市将会收到麦当劳赠送的大的足尊牛堡铜制纪念碑,对一代又一代的居民和游客来说这真的是一份荣耀。希望这次是Juicy Lucy,不会是Scary Lucy才好。
