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The origin of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

Of traceable ChinaMedicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicineThe history is long, include doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese traditional medicine two much. The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is a foundation with doctrine of the five elements of yin and yang, emphasize an organic conception of the human body and differentiate card talking treat;

The theory of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

Medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicineTheory includes card of differentiate of theory of body fluid of blood of doctrine of main and collateral channels, gas, the vital organs of the human body, acupuncture to wait theoretically, among them differentiate card uses the core theory that treating is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine,

Medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine applies mediumly in daily life

In daily life, medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine has a lot of economic little common sense. For instance common cold has a fever, can wait for method of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate through drinking the Jiang Shang, Ai Xie that stick apply symptom; In dietary respect, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes dietotherapy recuperation, choose to differ in different season for instance feed material to come nourishing body. In addition, in respect of daily health care, medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine also has a lot of small key, if acupuncture point is massaged, unplug the coal tub therapeutics effect that can have auxiliary health care.

The development of medicine of modern doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

As the development of social progress and science and technology, medicine of modern doctor of traditional Chinese medicine obtained great progress in domain of clinical application, scientific research. Have all sorts of Chinese traditional medicine not only preparation, still have all sorts of cure mediums such as rehabilitation of acupuncture, massage, traditional Chinese medical science. In the meantime, modern medicine also is absorbing theory of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine ceaselessly, formed the new pattern that combine traditional Chinese and Western medicine, the health that is people offers more alternative.


Medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine regards the Chinese nation as precious culture bequest, accumulating rich medical wisdom. Understand the little common sense of medicine of a few traditional Chinese medical sciences, conduce to us using knowledge of medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine better in daily life, improvement is healthy.

Acknowledgment reads article rule, the hope can bring you the more knowledge about medicine of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine through this article, for daily health health care brings a help.

