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  • 学会游泳:对于孩子来说,学会游泳是非常重要的,可以有效地减少溺水事故的发生。
  • 不单独游泳:避免孩子单独去游泳,最好有成年人陪同。
  • 穿戴救生衣:对于不太熟练的孩子来说,穿戴救生衣可以增加安全系数。



  • 防止中暑:户外活动要注意防暑降温,带上防晒用具、遮阳帽等。
  • 避免受伤:进行体育活动时,要穿着合适的运动鞋,避免受伤。
  • 带好急救药品:出门前要随身携带一些基本的急救药品。







Understand the safe hidden danger in summer vacation

Summer vacation is the children in a year most expectant time, however a lot of parents and children are not clear, can exist in summer vacation what safe hidden trouble. For instance, note of natant safety consciousness, outdoors activity, bask prevent bask in etc, these are to need to pose attention problem.

Natant safety

Above all, we want understanding to swim is the very common activity in summer vacation. A lot of children and parent can choose to swim, so natant safety became the issue that need pays close attention to mainly. About swimming safe, do we need what to respect note?

  • The society swims: To the child, it is very important that the society swims, decrease effectively drown the happening of the accident.
  • Swim alone not simply: Avoid the child to swim alone, had better adult is accompanied.
  • Apparel airjacket: To not quite skilled child, apparel airjacket can add safety factor.

Outdoors activity

Besides swim, summer vacation also is the inning that has outdoors activity. However, outdoors activity also is accompanying a few safe hidden trouble. In outdoors activity, do we need what to safe problem note?

  • Prevent to suffer heatstroke: Outdoors activity should notice sunstroke prevention drops in temperature, prevent on the belt bask in cap of appliance, sunshade to wait.
  • Avoid to get hurt: When having sports activity, want to wearing appropriate sneaker, avoid to get hurt.
  • Take drug of good emergency treatment: A few basic emergency treatment drug should be carried before going out.

Bask prevent bask in

Of course, summer vacation still needs to notice to bask prevent bask in a problem. A lot of people like to go in summer vacation beach goes vacationing, enjoy sunshine bath, because this basks,prevent bask in a problem to also appear particularly important.

Here what we need to emphasize particularly is, Prevent bask in frost must daub is even, recoat of period of time wipes every other, bask in in order to avoid.

As a whole, the safe common sense in summer vacation life is very important, we need to had understood ahead of schedule, remind oneself and family ceaselessly in the action, ability spends a health, happy summer vacation better.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help everybody pay attention to life safety more in summer vacation through this article, spend a healthy and happy vacation.
