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每日翻译: 为了改善环境,中国最大的、人口最密的城市--上海,正在计划建造一座占地 300 多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。


每日翻译: 为了改善环境,中国最大的、人口最密的城市--上海,正在计划建造一座占地 300 多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。

  • 每日翻译:

    为了改善环境,中国最大的、人口最密的城市--上海,正在计划建造一座占地 300 多公顷的森林公园,称为“超级绿肺”。

    Shanghai, the largest and most populous city in China, is planning to build a "Super Green Lung," a forest park covering over 300 hectares.

    Shanghai, China's largest and most densely populated city, is in the process of planning a "Super Green Lung" forest park spanning more than 300 hectares.

    Shanghai, the biggest and most densely populated city in China, is currently undertaking plans to construct a "Super Green Lung" forest park that will occupy an area of over 300 hectares.


    In order to better its environment, Shanhai, China's largest and most populous city, is planning to build a forest park spreading out over 300 hectares of land, to be known as the "Super Green Lung".

    重点词汇: 1. better: 改善,提高 2. environment: 环境 3. largest: 最大的 4. populous: 人口众多的 5. planning: 计划 6. build: 建造 7. forest park: 森林公园 8. spreading out over: 蔓延在...上 9. hectares: 公顷 10. known as: 被称为 11. "Super Green Lung": “超级绿肺”   语法及知识点: 1. "In order to" 是表达目的的短语,表示为了做某事。 2. "is planning to" 是表示将来计划或打算做某事的动词结构。 3. "spreading out over" 表示在某个区域范围内延伸、蔓延。 4. "to be known as" 是被动形式的不定式结构,表示将来会被称为。 5. "China's largest and most populous city" 是对上海的描述,使用了最高级形容词来形容其规模和人口数量。