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  • 在高中英语写作中,开头和结尾的句式是非常重要的。一个精彩的开头能够吸引读者的注意力,而一个恰当的结尾则能够让文章更加完整和有力。下面将为大家介绍一些万能的高中英语作文开头和结尾句,帮助大家提升写作水平。   开头句: 1. With the rapid development of society, ...(随着社会的迅速发展,……) 2. Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that ...(如今,人们普遍认为……) 3. There is a growing concern over ...(对于……的关注日益增加) 4. It is an undeniable fact that ...(无可否认的事实是……) 5. In recent years, there has been a heated debate about ...(近年来,关于……的争论非常激烈)   结尾句: 1. In conclusion, ...(总之,……) 2. To sum up, ...(总结起来,……) 3. All in all, ...(总的来说,……) 4. Therefore, it is essential that ...(因此,至关重要的是……) 5. Only in this way can we ...(只有这样,我们才能……)   除了以上列举的开头和结尾句式,还可以根据具体的主题和写作要求进行灵活运用。以下是一些例句供参考:   开头句: 1. With the rapid development of society, environmental protection has become an urgent issue.(随着社会的迅速发展,环境保护已经成为一个紧迫的问题。) 2. Nowadays, it is widely acknowledged that technology plays a crucial role in our daily lives.(如今,人们普遍认为科技在我们的日常生活中起着至关重要的作用。) 3. There is a growing concern over the impact of plastic waste on the environment.(对于塑料废弃物对环境的影响,人们的关注日益增加。) 4. It is an undeniable fact that education is the key to success in life.(无可否认的事实是教育是人生成功的关键。) 5. In recent years, there has been a heated debate about whether social media has more positive or negative effects on young people.(近年来,关于社交媒体对年轻人的影响是积极还是消极的争论非常激烈。)   结尾句: 1. In conclusion, it is important for us to take immediate action to protect our environment.(总之,对于我们来说,立即采取行动保护环境是非常重要的。) 2. To sum up, technology has both advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to us to use it wisely.(总结起来,科技既有优点也有缺点,关键在于我们明智地使用它。) 3. All in all, education should not only focus on academic achievements but also on character development.(总的来说,教育不应该仅仅关注学术成就,还应该注重个性发展。) 4. Therefore, it is essential that we raise awareness of environmental protection among the public.(因此,至关重要的是我们要提高公众对环境保护的意识。) 5. Only in this way can we create a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.(只有这样,我们才能为自己和后代创造一个可持续的未来。)
