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每日翻译: ”园中之园“的圆明园,其建设与修复曾延续150年,经历清朝的五代皇帝。1860年,在第二次鸦片战争期间,曾被英法军队烧


每日翻译: ”园中之园“的圆明园,其建设与修复曾延续150年,经历清朝的五代皇帝。1860年,在第二次鸦片战争期间,曾被英法军队烧

  • 每日翻译:


    • The Old Summer Palace, also known as the "Garden of Gardens," underwent construction and restoration for 150 years under the rule of five emperors during the Qing Dynasty. In 1860, during the Second Opium War, it was razed to the ground by the British and French armies. By 1900, it was further destroyed by the Eight-Nation Alliance.
    • The Yuanmingyuan, also known as the "Garden of Gardens," took 150 years to construct and restore, under the reign of five emperors of the Qing Dynasty. In 1860, during the Second Opium War, it was completely burnt down by the British and French armies. By 1900, it was further devastated by the Eight-Nation Alliance.
    • The Yuanmingyuan, famously known as the "Garden of Gardens," underwent a construction and restoration period that lasted for 150 years, under the reign of five emperors during the Qing Dynasty. In 1860, during the Second Opium War, it was reduced to ashes by the British and French forces. By 1900, it was further ravaged by the Eight-Nation Alliance.
    • The Old Summer Palace, also referred to as the "Garden of Gardens," was constructed and repaired over a span of 150 years, under the rule of five emperors during the Qing Dynasty. In 1860, during the Second Opium War, it was burnt to the ground by the British and French troops. By 1900, it faced further destruction at the hands of the Eight-Nation Alliance.
    • Shanghai, the largest and most populous city in China, is planning to build a "Super Green Lung," a forest park covering over 300 hectares.


    ”Garden of Gardens“, Yuan Ming Yuan, which underwent  150 years of construction and renovation under five emperors of the Qing dynasty, was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the second Opium War and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900.

    • Garden of Gardens(万园之园):圆明园的别称,是清朝皇家园林之一。
    • Yuan Ming Yuan(圆明园):位于中国北京市,是清朝时期的皇家园林,被誉为“万园之园”。
    • Qing dynasty(清朝):中国历史上最后一个封建王朝,共历经12位皇帝,统治时间为1644年至1912年。
    • British and French troops(英法联军):第二次鸦片战争期间,英国和法国联合组成的军队。
    • second Opium War(第二次鸦片战争):1856年至1860年间,英国、法国等国家与清朝之间的一场战争。
    • allied army of eight powers(八国联军):1900年,包括英国、法国、德国、美国、日本、俄罗斯、意大利和奥地利在内的八个国家组成的联军。
    • 本句是一个复合句,包含两个并列的定语从句和一个时间状语从句。
    • 第一个定语从句“which underwent 150 years of construction and renovation under five emperors of the Qing dynasty”修饰“Yuan Ming Yuan”,说明圆明园在清朝五位皇帝的统治下经历了150年的建设和修缮。
    • 第二个定语从句“burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the second Opium War”修饰“Garden of Gardens”,说明圆明园在1860年的第二次鸦片战争中被英法联军焚毁。
    • 第三个定语从句“then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900”修饰“Garden of Gardens”,说明圆明园在1900年八国联军侵华战争中进一步遭到破坏。
    • 时间状语从句“when the British and French troops burned down...”表示第二个定语从句发生的时间。

