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早餐相关常见的英文表达 早餐用英语怎么说


早餐相关常见的英文表达 早餐用英语怎么说

  • 早餐作为一天中最重要的一餐,不仅对我们的健康有着重要影响,也是我们开始一天的活力源泉。今天,让我们一起来学习一些关于早餐的常见英文表达,让你在和外国朋友交流或者阅读英文资料时能游刃有余地谈论早餐话题。

    Breakfast - 早餐 早餐的基本表达就是 "breakfast",这是最常见的词汇,用来指代早上吃的第一餐。

    Morning meal - 早餐 "Morning meal" 也可以用来表示早餐,这个词组更加形象地强调了早上进食的意义。

    Have breakfast - 吃早餐 "Have breakfast" 是表示在早上进食的常用短语,例如:"I usually have breakfast at 7 o'clock."

    Skip breakfast - 不吃早餐 "Skip breakfast" 意味着不吃早餐,这在健康饮食方面并不被推荐。

    Cereal - 谷类食品 "Cereal" 是谷类食品的总称,比如玉米片(corn flakes)、燕麦片(oatmeal)、麦片(wheat flakes)等。

    Bread and butter - 面包和黄油 "Bread and butter" 是形容一种简单而常见的早餐,也是英国人和美国人常见的早餐之一。

    Scrambled eggs - 炒鸡蛋 "Scrambled eggs" 指的是将鸡蛋打散后炒熟的一种常见的早餐食物。

    Pancakes - 薄煎饼 "Pancakes" 是一种由面粉制成的薄饼,通常在早餐时食用,可以搭配果酱、蜂蜜或枫糖浆。








    豆浆:soy milk


    Have breakfast:吃早餐

    Make breakfast:做早餐

    Drink coffee:喝咖啡

    Fry eggs:煎鸡蛋


    ❶ 我早上吃的比较清淡。I usually eat light diet in the morning.

    同类表达 I don't like to eat breakfast in the morning. 我早上不喜欢吃早饭。

    对话 A: I usually eat light diet in the morning. 我早上吃的比较清淡。

    B: Good habit. 好习惯。

    ❷ 我喜欢边吃早餐边看报纸。I like reading the newspaper while I have breakfast.

    对话 A: I like reading the newspaper while I have breakfast. 我喜欢边吃早餐边看报纸。

    B: Me, too. 我也是。

    ❸ 我早上通常不吃早餐。I usually skip breakfast in the morning.

    对话 A: I usually skip breakfast in the morning. 我早上通常不吃早餐。

    B: It's bad for your health. 这对你的健康不好。

    ❹ 我会在上班路上随便吃点。I'll grab a bite to eat on the way to work.

    同类表达 Just eat breakfast in the morning. 早上随便吃点早饭。

    ❺ 我们没有咖啡了,换牛奶怎么样?We are out of coffee. How about some milk instead?

    同类表达 Could you get some milk instead of coffee? 你能不喝咖啡,改喝牛奶吗?

    ❻ 不吃早餐我会没精神的。Not having breakfast will make me weak.

    同类表达 Not having breakfast will make me lack of energy.

    对话 A: There's no time for breakfast. 没时间吃早饭了。

    B: Not having breakfast will make me weak. 不吃早餐我会没精神的。

    ❼ 我没时间慢慢吃早餐。I can't take my time when I am having breakfast.

    同类表达 I don't have time for breakfast. 我没时间吃早餐。

    ❽ 我早上没胃口。I don't feel like eating anything in the morning.

    同类表达 I don't have appetite. /I lost my appetite. 我没胃口。

    ❾ 在面包上放一些奶酪和火腿吧。Put some cheese and ham on the bread, please.

    这样回答 OK. 好的。

    Certainly. /Sure. 当然。

    ❿ 记得吃早点。Remember to have breakfast.

    对话 A: Remember to have breakfast. 记得吃早点。

    B: I will. 好的。​

    上一篇:“久坐”用英语怎么说?“久坐”的危害 比你想象的还严重