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每日翻译: 汽车也正在进入中国人的家庭,虽然一个普通的买车人可能买不起德国的奔驰车,但是他完全有能力买一部日本的本田车,


每日翻译: 汽车也正在进入中国人的家庭,虽然一个普通的买车人可能买不起德国的奔驰车,但是他完全有能力买一部日本的本田车,

  • 每日翻译:


    • 1. Cars are also making their way into Chinese households. Although an average car buyer might not be able to afford a German Mercedes-Benz, they certainly have the means to purchase a Japanese Honda or a Santana produced in Shanghai.
    • 2. Automobiles are increasingly becoming part of Chinese families. While a typical car purchaser may not have the funds to buy a Mercedes-Benz from Germany, they are well within their budget to acquire a Honda from Japan or a Santana manufactured in Shanghai.
    • 3. The integration of cars into Chinese homes is on the rise. Even though a regular car buyer might not be able to afford a Mercedes-Benz from Germany, they are fully capable of buying a Honda from Japan or a Santana car made in Shanghai.
    • 4. As cars become a staple in Chinese homes, it's worth noting that while a common car buyer may not have the luxury to purchase a German Mercedes-Benz, they are certainly able to afford a Japanese Honda or a Santana produced in Shanghai.
    • 5. The entry of automobiles into Chinese households is a growing trend. Although a typical car buyer might not be able to afford a German-made Mercedes-Benz, they have the financial capacity to buy a Honda from Japan or a Santana car produced locally in Shanghai.


    Cars, also, are entering Chinese families. while probably an average car-buyer cannot afford a German Benz, he is well in a position to purchase a Japanese Honda or a shanghai-made Sontana.

    • Cars - 汽车
    • entering - 进入
    • Chinese families - 中国家庭
    • average car-buyer - 平均购车者
    • afford - 负担得起
    • German Benz - 德国奔驰车
    • position - 位置,这里指能力或条件
    • purchase - 购买
    • Japanese Honda - 日本本田车
    • Shanghai-made Sontana - 上海产的桑塔纳
    • 现在进行时:"are entering" - 这个时态用来描述正在发生的动作或正在进行的状态。
    • 并列连词:"also" - 这个词用来添加与前文相关联的信息。
    • 现在简单时(与情态动词"can"连用):"cannot afford" - 这个时态用来描述一般真理或习惯性动作,情态动词"can"表示能力。
    • 条件句:"while probably an average car-buyer cannot afford a German Benz" - "while"用来引入与前文对比的两种情况。
    • 比较结构:"he is well in a position to purchase a Japanese Honda or a Shanghai-made Sontana" - 这里的"well in a position to"用来表示某人有充分条件或能力去做某事。