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每日翻译: 在一个现代化的城市里,要避免交通阻塞绝非易事。也许一个良好的地铁系统,是减轻交通阻塞的唯一有效方法,可是建设


每日翻译: 在一个现代化的城市里,要避免交通阻塞绝非易事。也许一个良好的地铁系统,是减轻交通阻塞的唯一有效方法,可是建设

  • 每日翻译:


    • In a modern city, avoiding traffic congestion is anything but easy. Perhaps a well-functioning subway system is the only effective way to alleviate traffic jams, but the construction costs are extremely high.
    • Escaping traffic jams in a contemporary urban setting is no small feat. It might be that a robust metro system is the sole viable solution to mitigate traffic congestion, albeit with a hefty price tag for its development.
    • It's far from simple to prevent traffic snarls in a city that's fully embraced modernization. A comprehensive subway network might be the lone effective measure to ease traffic congestion, yet the expense of its construction is substantial.
    • In a city that's at the forefront of modernization, it's not easy to steer clear of traffic gridlock. A high-quality underground rail system could be the only effective means to reduce traffic congestion, but the cost of building it is quite high.
    • Navigating a traffic-free path in a city that's at the cutting edge of modernity is a challenge. A well-established metro system might be the only effective strategy to combat traffic jams, but the costs associated with its construction are significant.


    In a modern city, it is not at all easy to avoid traffic jams. Probably, a nice subway system is the only effective means to lessen them, but its cost of construction is extremely high.

    • modern city - 现代城市
    • avoid - 避免
    • traffic jams - 交通堵塞
    • effective means - 有效手段
    • subway system - 地铁系统
    • lessen - 减轻
    • construction - 建设
    • cost - 成本
    • extremely high - 极高
    • 否定表达: "it is not at all easy" - 这个表达用来强调某事非常困难或不可能。"at all" 用于加强否定语气。
    • 条件状语从句: "if" 通常用于引导条件状语从句,表示在某种情况下会发生的结果。在这个句子中,虽然没有直接使用 "if",但整个句子表达了一个条件假设。
    • 比较级: "the only effective means" - 使用 "only" 强调了地铁系统是唯一有效的解决方法。
    • 动名词短语作主语: "to lessen them" - "to lessen" 是一个动名词,用作主语,表示减轻交通堵塞的动作。
    • 所有格: "its cost of construction" - 使用 "its" 表示地铁系统的建设成本,这是一个所有格形式。
    • 副词: "extremely high" - "extremely" 是一个副词,用来加强形容词 "high" 的程度,表示成本非常高。