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  • 商务英语写作是商业领域中非常重要的一项技能,良好的开头和结尾能够给读者留下深刻的印象。本文将介绍一些商务英语写作中常用的经典句型,帮助您在写作中更加得心应手。


    1. 引用名人名言: "Albert Einstein once said, 'In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.'"(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦曾说过,'在困难之中蕴藏着机会。')

    2. 提出问题: "Have you ever wondered how to effectively manage a remote team?"(您是否曾想过如何有效地管理远程团队?)

    3. 引入统计数据: "According to a recent survey, 80% of consumers prefer online shopping over traditional retail."(根据最近的一项调查,80%的消费者更喜欢在线购物而不是传统零售。)


    1. 总结观点: "In conclusion, it is clear that effective communication is the key to successful teamwork."(总之,明确的是,有效的沟通是成功团队合作的关键。)

    2. 提出建议或呼吁行动: "We should take immediate action to address this issue and implement new strategies for sustainable development."(我们应立即采取行动解决这个问题,并实施可持续发展的新策略。)

    3. 预测未来趋势: "Looking ahead, it is anticipated that the global economy will continue to grow steadily in the coming years."(展望未来,预计全球经济在未来几年将继续稳定增长。)


    1. Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are writing to inquire about the possibility of establishing a business relationship with your company. We have been impressed by your products and services and believe that they could be of great benefit to our customers.

    Please find attached our company profile for your review. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more information on your products and pricing.

    Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


    [Your Name]

    2. To Whom It May Concern,

    We are interested in purchasing your company's electronic products and would like to request a quotation. Please provide us with details on the following items: product specifications, pricing, delivery time, and payment terms.

    As per your request, we have enclosed our company's purchase order form for your reference. We hope to receive your quotation as soon as possible so that we can proceed with the transaction.

    Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to doing business with you.


    [Your Name]


    1. 明确目的:在开始写作前,明确信件或报告的目的,这将帮助你组织内容和选择合适的语言风格。

    2. 结构清晰:使用清晰的段落结构,每个段落只包含一个主要观点,并使用标题或子标题来引导读者。

    3. 语言简洁:避免使用复杂的句子结构和专业术语,除非它们是必要的。尽量使用简单、直接的词汇。

    4. 礼貌和尊重:始终保持礼貌和尊重的语气,即使在表达不同意见或解决争议时。

    5. 使用正确的格式:遵循商务信函的标准格式,包括称呼、正文、结束语和签名。

    6. 检查语法和拼写:仔细校对文本,确保没有语法错误和拼写错误,这些错误可能会损害你的专业形象。

    7. 保持一致性:在整篇文档中保持一致的时态、语气和格式。

    8. 使用积极的词汇:尽量使用积极、建设性的词汇,避免消极或模糊的表达。

    9. 提供具体信息:确保提供所有必要的信息,如日期、时间、地点、联系人等。

    10. 审慎使用电子邮件:在电子邮件中,保持正式和专业,避免使用过于随意的语言。

    11. 考虑文化差异:在国际商务交流中,注意文化差异,避免可能引起误解的表达。

    12. 及时回复:对于收到的商务邮件,尽快回复,以显示你的专业性和对对方的尊重。

    13. 保护隐私:在商务通信中,确保不泄露敏感信息,遵守数据保护法规。

    14. 使用附件:如果需要提供额外文件,确保在邮件正文中提及,并正确命名附件。

    15. 结尾礼貌:在信件或邮件的结尾,使用适当的结束语,如“Best regards”、“Sincerely”等。

