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  • 当描述笔友时,你可以包括以下内容:   1. 介绍你的笔友,包括他/她的名字、年龄、国籍和一些个人特征; 2. 与你的笔友如何相识,通过什么方式成为笔友的; 3. 你们交流的方式,比如写信、电子邮件、社交媒体等; 4. 你们之间的共同兴趣和经历; 5. 对你们友谊的看法以及你从中学到的东西。   七年级英语作文 篇一:My Pen Pal My pen pal, Lily, comes from Canada. She is 13 years old and loves playing the piano. We became pen pals through a school program that connects students from different countries. At first, we communicated through letters, but now we also use email and social media to keep in touch.   Despite living in different countries, Lily and I share many common interests. We both enjoy reading and discussing our favorite books. We also exchange stories about our daily lives and cultural traditions. Through our friendship, I have learned so much about Canada and made a friend for life.   七年级英语作文 篇二:Meeting My Pen Pal I met my pen pal, Jack, from England through an international pen pal program organized by our schools. Jack and I are both 13 years old and share a love for soccer. Our communication started with writing letters, and later we started emailing each other.   Jack and I often discuss our favorite soccer teams and players. We also talk about our school lives and hobbies. Having a pen pal from a different country has broadened my horizons and helped me understand different cultures. I am grateful for this unique friendship.   七年级英语作文 篇三:Making Friends Through Letters My pen pal, Maria, lives in Spain. We were matched as pen pals through a language exchange program. Maria is 12 years old and she loves painting. Despite the distance, we have built a strong friendship through exchanging letters and sending each other small gifts.   Writing to Maria has improved my Spanish language skills, and she has been practicing her English with me. We often share our artwork and discuss famous painters from our respective countries. Our friendship has taught me the value of cultural exchange and the joy of making friends across borders.   七年级英语作文 篇四:Connecting Across Continents I got to know my pen pal, Wei, from China, through an online pen pal platform. Wei is also 13 years old and enjoys photography. Our initial communication was through emails, and later we started messaging each other on social media.   Wei and I often exchange photos of our surroundings and talk about our favorite photography spots. Learning about each other's customs and traditions has been eye-opening, and I have gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. Our friendship has shown me the beauty of connecting with someone from a different part of the world.   七年级英语作文 篇五:The Joy of Having a Pen Pal Through a school exchange program, I was matched with my pen pal, Sofia, from Brazil. Sofia is 14 years old and is passionate about dancing. We started communicating through letters, and now we also chat via video calls.   Sofia and I often share dance videos and talk about our favorite dance styles. Our friendship has given me insight into Brazilian music and dance, and I have shared with her the traditions of my own country. Having a pen pal like Sofia has truly enriched my life and opened my eyes to the beauty of cultural diversity.

     七年级英语作文  My Pen Pal   My pen pal is a girl named Lucy. She is 13 years old and lives in the United States. Lucy has blonde hair and blue eyes, and she is quite tall for her age. She is a very outgoing person and loves to share her experiences with me. We became pen pals through an online platform where students from different countries can connect and learn about each other's cultures. Lucy's favorite subject is science, and she dreams of becoming a marine biologist one day. In her letters, she often talks about her school, her family, and her hobbies, such as swimming and playing the piano. We exchange letters every month, and I always look forward to hearing from her. It's amazing to have a friend from such a different part of the world!   七年级英语作文  My Pen Pal Experience   I started having a pen pal last year, and it has been an enriching experience. My pen pal's name is Alex, and he lives in Australia. We first connected through a school project aimed at fostering international friendships. Alex is a year older than me and is very interested in learning about different cultures. We exchange emails regularly, discussing our daily lives, school, and our favorite pastimes. Alex enjoys playing soccer and is part of his school's team. He also loves animals and has a pet dog named Max. I enjoy sharing my experiences of living in a city with him, as he lives in a more rural area. This exchange has broadened my horizons and taught me about the importance of communication across cultures.   七年级英语作文  My Pen Pal from Japan   I have a pen pal from Japan, and her name is Yuki. She is 14 years old and lives in Tokyo. We met through a pen pal program designed to promote cultural exchange among students. Yuki is a very polite and thoughtful person. She often sends me postcards with beautiful pictures of her city and talks about her school life. She is particularly interested in learning English, and I am happy to help her with that. We also share our favorite books and movies, which has been a great way to learn about each other's tastes. Yuki's family has a traditional tea ceremony at home, and she has shared pictures and stories about it with me. I find it fascinating to learn about her customs and traditions, and I hope to visit Japan someday to experience them firsthand.   七年级英语作文  A Friendship Across the Ocean   My pen pal, Tom, lives in England. We started corresponding through a program that connects students from different countries. Tom is 12 years old and loves soccer. He plays for his school team and dreams of becoming a professional player someday. We exchange letters every two months, and I enjoy hearing about his adventures on the soccer field. Tom is also interested in history, especially the medieval period, and he often shares interesting facts with me. I've learned so much about English history from him, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge of Chinese history with him in return. Our friendship has been a wonderful way to learn about another culture and to practice our writing skills.   七年级英语作文  My Pen Pal and Me   I am fortunate to have a pen pal from France, and her name is Marie. She is 13 years old and lives in Paris. We became pen pals through a school exchange program. Marie is a very artistic person and loves to draw. She often sends me her artwork, which is always so detailed and beautiful. She is also learning English, and I am learning French, so we help each other with our language skills. Marie's favorite subject is geography, and she loves to travel. She has been to many places in France and Europe, and she shares her travel stories with me. I am excited to learn more about her life and the beautiful city of Paris through our correspondence. This pen pal experience has been a great way to make a new friend and learn about a different culture.
    上一篇:每日翻译: 在一个现代化的城市里,要避免交通阻塞绝非易事。也许一个良好的地铁系统,是减轻交通阻塞的唯一有效方法,可是建设