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1. 材质:道家供奉香炉一般选用金属、陶瓷或石材制作。金属香炉通常耐用且具有典雅的外观,陶瓷香炉则常带有艺术性的装饰,而石材香炉则更加庄重沉稳。

2. 大小:根据供奉香炉的摆放位置和场地大小选择合适的尺寸。若摆放在较小的空间内,选择小巧精致的香炉;若是较大的场地,则可选择体积较大的香炉。

3. 设计:可根据个人喜好和道家文化特色选择设计风格。有些香炉设计上可能融入了道家符号或图案,体现了道家的特色。

4. 功能:一些香炉可能具备除燃香外的其他功能,如可放置香灰或收纳香具等,可根据实际需求选择。



When choosing censer of Taoist school consecrate, can consider the following aspects:

1.Material is qualitative: Censer of Taoist school consecrate chooses metal, pottery and porcelain commonly or stone material is made. Metallic censer normally durable and the outward appearance that has elegance, censer of pottery and porcelain often contains the adornment of artistic quality, and stone material censer is more grave composed.

2.Size: According to consecrate censer lay the position and field the measure with size right choice. If put,be inside lesser space, choose cabinet and delicate censer; If bigger field, can choose the censer with larger volume.

3.Design: Can choose to design a style according to individual be fond of and characteristic of Taoist school culture. The likelihood on some censer design blended in Taoist school symbol or design, reflected the distinguishing feature of Taoist school.

4.Function: A few censer may be had except light sweet the other function outside, like can place sweet ash or receive sweet etc, can choose according to effective demand.

Consider above factor integratedly, the choice accords with individual be fond of and the censer of Taoist school consecrate with reliable quality.
